Lucknow, Apr 4: In a shocking incident that came to light on Friday evening a middle aged man was arrested by Naka police for allegedly raping her 11-year-old step daughter. The incident came to light when the victim told her mother about the incident.
Identified as Mohammad Raees who is a a resident of Mawaiyya and also owns a electrical appliances repair store in the area was taken in custody after the complaint was lodged.
The victim Sazia (name changed) told her mother that Raees took her at a secluded place when her mother was not around and raped her. The crime alleged was committed on March 26. The victim's mother Mumtaz, however, after being initially forced by the man not to lodge a compliant with the police managed to do it on Friday.
A case in the connection was lodged under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the girl, when last reports came in, was sent for medical examination.