Lucknow, May 12: Samajwadi Party (SP) general secretary Amar Singh has been accused of provoking actress-turned politician and party's Rampur Lok Sabha candidate Jayaprada to commit suicide, the police said Tuesday.
The complaint against the SP general secretary was made by the supporters of the party's senior leader Azam Khan, the officials added.
"We have accepted the complaint against Amar Singh, but a case against him would be registered after the completion of the inquiry that is underway," district police chief Jyoti Narayan said over phone.
He said that while addressing an election rally in Rampur Sunday, Amar Singh allegedly said that in case of defeat in elections, Jayaprada could commit suicide. "After completing the inquiry, probably by today (Tuesday) evening, we will register a case against Amar Singh," the police official added.
There is a major dispute between Amar Singh and Azam Khan over the candidature of Jayaprada from Rampur, with Amar Singh backing her while Khan and his followers opposed her and have been campaigning against her.