Rekindling Nostalgia : United They Stood and United they Succeeded

Rekindling Nostalgia :  United They Stood and United they Succeeded
Pics by Dayananda Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore [FR]

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    Mangalore, Oct 18: Those who think number 13 is unlucky may need to change their views.  It was a group of 13 youngsters, barely in their 20’s who gave wings to their dreams by starting a cultural group called United Youngsters exactly 50 years ago. Their success will certainly prove to be an inspiration for the present generation devoid of the challenges of yesteryears. United Youngsters has created history and their name will be etched in the history for ever and the lucky 13 are sure to remain in the realm of Konkani history. 

    It is generally said that all good things have to come to an end and as testimony to this oft repeated adage the curtains were finally drawn on the year long celebrations that marked the historic golden jubilee celebrations of United Youngsters.  The valedictory function of the golden jubilee celebrations and the 248th Wilfy Nite was held at Milagres Jubilee Hall, Mangalore today with pomp and splendour befitting this history making event.  Needless to say painstaking efforts were made to recreate the magic of yesteryear that brought back nostalgic moments for many who were on the stage and in the audience.  


    Memorable in Many ways 

    The event was memorable one in more than one ways.  It was the presence of the 6 of the founder members of United Youngsters on stage as special guest added the much needed emotional tinge to the entire event.  The pack was led by the inimitable Konkan Kogul, the force behind United Youngsters Wilfy Rebimbus with six other members – Donald D Souza, Clifford D Souza, Harry D Silva, Vincent Lorena & , Percy D Sa.  Other founder member Adolphus D Souza could not make it to the function due to failing health, another founder member Dr. Ronald Mendonca from USA who couldn't make it for the show due to his other commitments.  The presence of producer of the first coloured movie in Konkani “Mog ani Maipas” Capt. Mervin Pinto, produced under United Youngsters banner, on stage as the chief guest, was another highlight of the event.  The founder members were felicitated by the Bishop with flowers, shawl and memento.  

    That the event was nostalgic and had an emotional touch was evident from the fact that Wilfy was choked with emotion while presenting the customary vote of thanks.  One can imagine how the memories of the incipient stages of United Youngsters and their struggling days must have flooded his memory making him speechless momentarily.  He soon regained his composure and gave credit to everyone for helping United Youngsters complete successful 50 years.  

    Speaking on this historic occasion Bishop of Shimoga diocese Rt Rev Gerald Issac Lobo, who presided over the function, credited Wilfy Rebimbus for having raised the pennants of Konkani to greater heights the world over.  “Credit goes to United Youngsters for changing the prevailing trend of having Konkani songs to Hindi tunes.  They started a new trend by composing Konkani songs and the trend helped spread the flavour of Konkani through out the world.  In the process they have helped many Konkani artistes to exhibit their talent and bloom under its banner.  Because of the patronage extended by United Youngsters many stars are shining like stars in Konkani world”, Bishop Gerald stated.  Bishop Gerald complimented Wilfy for being the torchbearer in building this cultural group and for carry it forward successfully for 50 years.  “Wilfy is a Konkani cultural ambassador who has become an institution in itself”, he pointed out. 

    Bishop Rev Gerald Lobo thanked and saluted Wilfy on behalf of the entire Konkani Community for his tireless service for the promotion of Konkani.  “The Konkani community will for ever be indebted to Wilfy for his contribution to popularize Konakni through songs. 


    United they Succeeded 

    Capt Mervin Pinto in his speech recalled his association with United Youngsters 50 years back when he began his association with the group 50 years back as a violinist.  “Producing the movie “Mog ani  Maipas” was a dream comes true.  Though the movie was not a commercial success its songs became popular all over the world.  United we started, united we built, united we played and united we proved successful”, he remarked. He also stated “culture and tradition is not something that can be bought.  In is something inborn and it is the duty of the parents to bring up their children with our tradition and culture”. As an honour to the producer of Mog ani Maipas the CD of this first Konkani colour movie was released by the mother of Captain Mervin Pinto.  Capt Mervin also released the DVD of the Sentimental Nite held at TMA Pai Hall in August this year.

    Harry D Souza who spoke on behalf of the founder members honoured on the occasion said though the members were spread in different parts of the world they continued their association with United Youngsters.  He however gave the entire credit to Wilfy for having nurtured the organization single-handedly in their absence.  

    People who were behind the success of United Youngsters were honoured on the occasion.  Bazil Lobo, Joseph Sequeira, J F D Souza, Ronald Rodrigues, Rony Mathias and Jerry D Mello were honoured for contributing their mite in the success of United Youngsters.   

    The inimitable Lesli Rego 

    Lesli Rego, the young and energetic Master of Ceremony, is the force behind the entire celebration of the golden jubilee celebrations of United Youngsters.  Having associated with United Youngsters for the last 20 years he has worked diligently and with dedication, standing by Wilfy and his family during their hard times and shouldering the entire responsibility of conducting all the different programmes as part of the golden jubilee celebrations.  It is his inimitable style, the mastery over Konkani language, his penchant for jokes and the intense preparations he does when he comes on the stage that makes him the numero uno master of ceremony and compere in Mangalore.  His name and fame has spread beyond the boundaries of India having successfully conducted the “Gulf Voice of Mangalore” programme with élan.  United Youngsters recognized his unconditional service to the organization and specially felicitated this youngster for his contribution towards making United Youngsters a force to reckon with.  Singer Prem Kumar read out the citation eulogizing his achievements.  Bishop Gerald Lobo presented him with a flowers, shawl and gold medal while Capt Mevin Pinto presented him with memento and citation.  

    The audience was treated to a volley of famous songs of yesteryears with singers Wilfy, Meena, Prema, Ivan, Claud, Vishwas, Babith, Veena, Munita etc., singing songs that rekindled the memories of the past.  The 248th Wilfy nite began with Konkan Kogul Wilfy and Konkan Mina Meena Rebimbus crooning the 45 year old duet “Suryacha Kirnanani Daryacha Larani”.  The “Lungi” song sung by the trio, Claud, Prem and Ivan sent waves of laughter among the audience.  There was also a song that eulogized the virtues of United Youngsters sung by Rebimbus family and some of the old hits from Wilfy and group that satiated the thirst of assembled crowd for songs of yesteryears.  

    Lighter moments were provided by Dolla and Memory group with their comedy filled skits.  A scene enacted from the successful play “Kedi Bona” was highly elating.   Lesli Rego added charm to the event by compering the programme with his trademark panache.  Pappan - Joswin duo provided the music for the event.  Singer Claude D Souza welcomed the gathering.  

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    Comment on this article

    • Chester, Mangalore

      Wed, Oct 21 2009

      Congrats!!!! Percy & Donna Nice to see you all receiving the awards Regards to family

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    • Nithan Rodrigues, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Wed, Oct 21 2009

      Congratulations to Harry uncle (Harry D'Silva) and to United youngsters.

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    • Naveen Dsouza, Bondel / Mangalore

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      Super, great photography by Dayananda Kukkaje. I think no one can beat him, atleast in Mangalore. I like Daijiworld team because both your reporter and photographer do not show off. Never come to know whether they present or not, but next day only come to know their contribution with great quality report and spectcular photography. Keep it up. Congrats Leslie , we all are happy to see your felicitation. Baab Wilfy Rebimbus has done great job as compere, while felicitating you. I love simplycity of Wilfybaab.

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    • rahul, mangalore/dubai

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      i am indeed blessed to have got an opportunity to witness wilfyabs show...wonderful was it. lungi, aaya mesta were d 2 outstanding songs. i would also like to congragulate vishwas for the growth he has shown n babita for walking in the steps of sr.babita d'sa.. music was v good n sound was a bit muddy.

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    • Osey Pais, Bendoor, Parish

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      Thank you united Yougsters for pain in taking by honoring Dolphy at the Hospital. If i knew I would have definetly come there to see the happiness. Well done & very much appreciated.Thank you daijiworld for the quick response.Osey

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    • Osey Pais, Bendoor, Parish

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      I very much agree with Max rasquinha. His memories are very bright. I too remember my childhood days in the Alterboys at Jeppoo, Assumption Sodality,The rising Stars volley-ball we started at Jeppoo grounds.That was the second best team in mangalore after Friends circle Attavar.Association with Fatima Retreat house.And above all the love & affection of the jesuits.I wish the United Youngsters all the best & especially to Wilfy & his present Team. Hats off to Lesslie Rego (Our Bendoor Pride)for his excellent skills in running the show.

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    • basheer, jeppu

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      Hi Lesli Rego ....congratulation from your classmate

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    • Sharon Rego, Kulshekar/Dubai

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      Congratulations United Youngsters. Leslie, surely you must have rocked the show. The pictures are saying it all, very expressive..

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    • CGS, Mangalore

      Tue, Oct 20 2009

      Spectacular show,splendid performance.It was one of the best musical show organised by United Youngsters Congrats and best wishes to Wilfybab,Meenabai,Prem,Ivan,Claud, Veena,Vishwas,Charlene,Babita, Monita and others.Delighted to watch the wonderful dances choregraphed by charming and matchless Melissa.Enjoyed ribtickling splits of DolKul, MeMoRita and others.PapJos music was superb.Hats off to Les Rego the top compere of the town, who was honoured by UY,Mangalore.

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    • Vivek,, Mangalore-Qatar

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Congratulations united youngsters..

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    • William Sequeira, Suratkal/Dubai

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Congratulations United Youngesters & Wilfy. Nice to see Capt. Mervin Pinto also after long time especially coming all the way from Vancouver, Canada. Happy Birthday dear Capt. Pinto. you still look young. All the very best for the future. William Sequeira & fly. Dubai

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      Mon, Oct 19 2009


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    • United Youngsters, Mangalore

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Dear Oswald, Thanks for your best wishes. Mr. Adolphus (Dolphy)D'Souza has been honoured this morning in Vijaya Clinic Mangalore by Wilfy Rebimbus in the presence of all the founder members. Dolphy was very happy about this and specially to see all his friends together after so many years. He had tears in his eyes. He was honoured with flowers, shawl and a memento. This was a part of yesterday's program which was already decided and conveyed to the founder members to be present in the hospital at 10 am this morning. We wish Dolphy a speedy recovery.

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    • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Congratulations to United youngsters. Good show nice pictures Wish you all the best.

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    • Oswald Pais , Bendoor Parish

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Hi, It was a great event of the year.Only thing we missed is Adolphas D'souza who is in Hospital.He is recovering & everyone will be appreciated if efforts can be done to honour him in the Hospital.The old guys were looking great. Thanks to Wilfy & group & i wish everyone all the best & good health.Oswald

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    • Henry Misquith, MANGALORE/BAHRAIN

      Mon, Oct 19 2009


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    • Max E Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

      Sun, Oct 18 2009

      Thanks for sharing the display of festival of united talents commemorating the 50 years of United Youngsters. As I proudly recollect upon the past 50 years and beyond,including the glory of United Youngsters, we all owe our sincere attributes to the Jesuits that transformed Jeppoo into an ideal town of diversity.

      The famous Jeppoo church, the Workshop, the Seminary, the Band, the Sodality, the cricket team, the choir and much much more. The Italian Jesuit priests planted lot of unity added with hard work and integrity in our simple but dignified community upbringing. We therefore should remain grateful and indebted to all that the Jesuits have bestowed upon us thru a simple but peaceful Jeppoo environment. Qudha Afiez and God bless

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    • A Moras, Mangalore, India

      Mon, Oct 19 2009

      Of course Eddie Sequeir, you were one of the best MC those years for all Wilfy nights. I dont know how many of us still remember you but your voice and appearance in those years were great and UNIQUE. I don't think you should be forgotten...

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    • Eddie Sequeira, Mangalore / Qatar

      Sun, Oct 18 2009

      Congratulations United Youngsters. Congratulations Wilfy. I am choked with emotions just looking at the pictures and words fail me. I thank God Almighty, as I too was very very fortunate and priviledged to be a member of the 'United Youngsters' and also perform alongside Wilfy Rebimbus and I pray to God, grant long, healthy and happy life to Wilfy. Long Live United Youngsters.

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