Cow Slaughter Ban Bill : Pejawar Swamiji Seeks Support of Minorities

Cow Slaughter Ban Bill : Pejawar Swamiji Seeks Support of Minorities

Daijiworld Media Network – Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Mar 23: “The state government, by adopting the Anti Cow Slaughter Bill, has given a valuable message to the whole country,” said Sri Vishweshateertha Swamiji of Pejawar Mutt, Udupi, giving his opinion about the new law. He was speaking after inaugurating the thanksgiving programme organized by some organizations in favour of the cow slaughter ban, in the city on Monday March 22.

“With the passage of the bill in the state, a new era has started. More than the government, the society at large should shoulder the responsibility of saving the cows by engaging themselves in the task. Protecting mosques, churches etc., which belong to the minorities, is the responsibility of the majority.  Likewise, the minorities should take the onus of protecting cows, revered by the majorities as mother,” he demanded.

Rajya Sabha member, Justice Rama Jois, criticized the political leaders and a few ministers for opposing the Anti Cow Slaughter Bill, saying that they do not have proper knowledge of the law. “They claim that cow slaughter ban is an RSS agenda, whereas this has been clearly specified in Article 48 of the Indian Constitution. Statesmen like Ambedkar and Nehru had contributed to the creation of our constitution, and the decision to ban cow slaughter was supported by the Muslim members present in the meeting. Does implementing constitutional provisions an anti-Muslim activity?” he questioned.

He also demanded for the dropping of the ministers who, after taking oath to work as per the constitution, later behave in a way that is contrary to constitutional provisions.

On this occasion, minister for medical education, Ramachandra Gowda, was honoured as a representative the government, for adopting the said bill.

Mate Mahadevi, Keshava Hegde of Vishwa Hindu Parishat, RSS leader Y K Raghavendra, Dayananda Swamiji etc., were present.


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  • Vinay Krishna, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Hello friends ....I have a point which anyone having common sense cannot deny....If we look at the human digestive system...that is from the design of our teeth,concentration of chemicals secreted during digestion and the intestinal inner lining.....every thing is perfectly designed for a vegetarian diet.Some may disagree but this is the truth.The moral of the story is NATURE WANTS HUMANS TO BE VEGETARIANS.Compare the shape of our teeth with any other herbivorous and then with a Lion...the difference is obvious.

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  • karan, dharwad

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    abdul, you are 100% correct. the word hindu comes from river sindhu. indians who live on the other side of the river were refferd to as hindu irrespective of their irreligion. no where in the vedas is mentioned the word hindu. vedas belongs to sanatana dharma meaning eternal religion. eternal means that which has no begining and no end.

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  • Krishna rao, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Dear friends i feel this guy is more involved political job rather than looking after his own job...

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  • Abdul, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Mr Shenoy,  For your information, Citizens of India are called Indians , citizens of Russia are called Russians, Ancient name of India was Hind ,which was named by arab businessmens who came for business purposes need to identify people who originated /live across the river Hind,So they named them people of Hind. Even today in gulf countries the citizen of India is called as Hindi,irrespect which religion he belongs to.

    A person Practising Vedas are called Vedantas or Vedantic religion, No where in vedas mentioned hindu as the follower of vedantic religion.

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  • peter gonsalves, mangalore/australia

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    I like beef. i will eat beef. people have the right to eat what they want. if you are denying people from eating beef you are curbing their constitutional right. ours is a democratic country. we cannot be norrow minded like these Bjp people..

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Mr. Sudhir & Mr. Keshava Puttur and dear Sawamiji, We have considerable laws to curb any kind of illegal activities probably any other nations of this world have such laws. Cow slaughter bill is not a developmental program of Karnataka, India rather an embarrassment bill to the masses. I have repeatedly mentioned in my comments that an animal will be an animal and a human will be a human un-comparable to human mother to an animal cow mother.

    If you people compare cow mother to human mother I challenge you (all those who equate human mother to cow mother) kindly produce a human mother from the cow, in other words produce a human genealogy from cow, possible, only can enact the law otherwise burry the law.

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  • Shridhar, Oman

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Dear All, Why most of comments here on communal lines... Have we lost our senses to religious ideas..

    Please understand all, any nation to survive & prosper freedom of speech and action are very important. If anyone trying to impose his/her ideas & beliefs on others then it is disastrous for the society. Please learn the meaning of Fundamentalism.. ( Use Google...)

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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Dear Lydia Lobo, I strongly disagree your point "Those who have more children are agricultural families". I see a lot of jobless people roaming around in roadside. Especially a particular community. Our law dosen't stop them from having lots of kids.

    If we agree that useless (aged) cows should be slaughtered, then it should apply to us also right?
    Don't think about burrying cow carcass, its not an issue at all. Think positively, you have solution for everything.

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  • George harrison, bangalore/ sydney

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Actually guys it is unfair to ban certain foodstuffs for others. if the hindus want to stick to vegetarianism let be it. Kindly do not interfere in others religious affairs.  I like beef and its very tasty. whats the whole point in curbing my pleasure?

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Raymond DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore,

    Cow knows she is stronger than you, and you are no match to her, thats why she pushed you down.

    May be she did not liked you, because you were not wearing shawl, just kidding....

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  • Raymond DSouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Yesterday I was busy buying vegetables in City market, Bangalore. I was suddenly pushed by some one from my back.Luckily I did not get injured or escaped from falling on the vegetables. To my surprise I saw that I was pushed by a huge Holstien Cow moving freely in the market area.If Cows which are treated as Gods are allowed to move freely in market area, who is responsible for any injury or damage created by it?

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  • DON, udupi

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, mangalore/ Spain, how is the taste of Beef in spain.. is it same like indian beef??

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  • Derek, Boston

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    These Swamis/poojaris, should stop preaching and using politics and rather concentrate on thier religious duties. The whole world is not a temple for him to preach. Let him preach to/in his own house first!!

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, mangalore/ Spain,
    I quote your words “@ Joy Castelino - yes u r true, spain is a Christian Dominated country and here they consume beef but i have not let my principles down and never will. Unquote. This shows your narrow mind You do not want to let your principles down and impose your ideology upon others. I have my principles which I will never let down. I want to eat beef.

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  • Vivek, Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Pejawar Swamiji Don't worry, We are with you, Jai ho Swamiji

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  • Munna/katipalla, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Dear bro/sis
    We are in modern world u ppl r still arguing and believing to things that are some what very obvious?? Wake up ppl we have already reached the Moon, invented nuclear Power and even cloning! Then you still believe that doings such practice will save you from certain death?? Or will give you life after death??? Come on, isn’t it very obvious, this is only to justify some religious power in our country, just to make us see that they are on the TOP, That their belief is somewhat superior, disregarding the rights of the minority, even disregarding the right of the people to live good lives by having access to low cost food. This is in fact somewhat a political vendetta or maybe linked to a religious conflict fact. People we live in one land and I think it’s just fare to think about our neighbors and never mind you personal ego! This is just propaganda not to make INDIA a better country but just to feed the personal hunger and lust for supremacy!

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  • Panchoo, Manipal

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Sentiments of the majority is for traditional cow slaughtering.They are not against eating beef by the minority.Beef trading is not regulated or matured like Northern America in India.Beef is the biggest export earner for U.S.A.Even India imports lot of their Angus Beef.They breed cows especially for beef.They have infrastructure to breed,slaughter,store and transport in a more hygienic way.They are availlable in different cuts and marbles.They have srtict HACCP Standards for beef.For them health of their citizen's is more important,so it is regulated well.Even in India minority's can ask for same sort of legistation to breed cows in farms in a scientific way for slaughtering for the local market and export.Now we have Venky's Chic, like wise we can have Venky's Angus Beef.Angus is calfs below eighteen months.Be a part of the solution not of the problem.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Thane, India

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Catholics, Muslims and backward class people eat beef as that is the only affordable meat. This government does not understand the repercussions of passing this bill.

    1. Mutton, Chicken and Pork prices will now touch a new high.
    2. Thousands of people who work in this industry will be rendered unemployed.
    3. What will the poor farmer do with his old and ailing cattle?.
    4. Has the government planned any govshalas?.
    5. NH17 highway is already flooded with cattle. Now unwanted cattle will be abandoned on highways thus endangering the lives of innocent motorists.
    6. Finally we have a lot of colorful swamiji’s floating around. Please stick to your business and do not meddle around with politics.

    I do hope people will come forward and protest against such quixotic legislation.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Mr.Munna,Katipalla is right. Hundreds of cows are being smuggled to Bangladesh everyday.Central Govt should take action not only against smugglers but also against those who help smugglers.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Mr. Keshava Puttur,The laws of the land are for human beings and not for animals. If animals think we can impose laws upon them. Mr. Langoolacharya was commenting that dogs are good sniffers than the human beings which don’t corroborate rationale capacity. Who is training and guiding the animals even though they go on the animal ways and not on human ways except on guided ways.

    I would like to provide you and politicians’ daily areca nut lunch rather than rice. The government should discourage areca nut growers who are increasing year by year and encourage paddy growers with incentives. The areca nut is an easy way of cultivation in which human will not gratify hunger rather only for habitual people who chew and spit out.

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  • Munna-Katipalla, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Many times some fascist forces demand ban on cow slaughter by Indian central(federal) government b c/z a cow is accepted as a mother by some faith, I don't know. That means if non-believers have ownerships of cows, they cannot use them at will rather, they first take permissions from those fascists & then only can use according to their choices.

    It is like slavery. If someone pets a calf, grows that to maturity, uses for milking but cannot slaughter when she stops giving milk or grows old. who says that that is going to be slaughtered deliberately in an open ground to be watched to hurt sentiments(mischief). I don't know what the taste of the beef of a cow is as I don't take even buffaloes beef even as I take meats of a goat or sheep only. But most of people like buffalo'e beef only b coz of low cost & perhaps the taste too.

    Surprisingly, many Indian recognised companies export cow's beef along with buffalo's , I don't know. Reports come in the news that at the Barmer & Jaisalmer borders such useless cows are driven to Pakistan from India & to the borders of Bangladesh, 36,000 cows are driven every month as reported recently by BBC. An Islamic religious seminary issued directives to Indian Muslims for not slaughtering cows on Eidul Adha to respect sentiments of majority community as neighbours are not to be hurt, Islamically. In Kerala, majority of Hindus take beef of cows. In Sikkim too all 22 tribes take. Same is true for all eastern Christian majority states like Manipur, Mizoram & Nagaland. So, don't ban demanding forces know this fact ? If so, why don't they demand ban there first before demanding ban in whole nation ? Many genuine questions will arise ? How to manage old & useless cows not giving milk ?

    Generally, such useless cows & oxen are left on the roads & jungles in India, many visible on roads of metro cities too causing many accidents. To save one cow on a railway bridge in Bihar, the driver suddenly put the break which failed & entire train fell in Ganga river killing all passengers in that in 1981.

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  • Srikanth Shenoy, mangalore/ Spain

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    hi everybody good morning or afternoon ... i just went through the post and found it interesting to find more ppl replying to my comments ..
    Anyways i would like to answer all of then one by one.

    @ Joy Castelino - yes u r true, spain is a Christian Dominated contry and here they consume beef but i have not let my principles down and never will.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Is our God is mortal or immortal? My opinion is everybody believes in immortal, omnipotent God and worship him not the GOD who is mortal.
    Is the living creature including cow is mortal. Then why such a big cry.

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  • M. Suhail, Bhatkal/Dubai

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Thanks Daiji..Our beloved Swamiji giving his opinion about new law issue supporting to BJP and other Groups/Parties, As per my opinion he is not true spiritual Swamiji, Coz he must known why people like minorities or say Hindu,Muslims or other Religious Slaughter the Cow, Buffalo,Sheep, etc.

    People not only use meat to eat day to day life.It also come under to obey 100% there religious. Islam say more than thousands years ago. Sacrifies the eatable animals like, Cow, Camel, Goats etc.. i want to ask our Swamiji Why not mention to slaughter like Tiger, Lion, Elephant etc..Before giving opinion he/She must be truth on his/own religion... Thanks once again DAIJIWORLD..

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Dear Keshava Puttur:

    As far as I know population is being controlled via various methods.

    To bury the human body there is already a shortage of space. and new methods are being tried.

    I feel sorry for your ignorance.

    I did not support cow slaughter I only wrote consequences. All would have appreciated you if you have wrote some solutions to avoid consequences. We are here not to fight but only to find a solution.

    I would like to ask you one question is cow slaughter O.K. as sacrifice to please God.? Do you know who does it.?

    If it is not O.K. please ban that first. If it is O.K. then problem solved I believe!?

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Dear Manvit, Mangalore, the river Ganga is polluted with dispersing ashes of burnt bodies and may I ask you also to stop this? Soil will not pollute either by burning the body or by burying the body. By burning carbon dioxide will increase plus heat to environment. In both ways burning or burying will be a manure to the earth. Follow your religion who asks you not to follow and you have every right in your possession similar to others who follow their religion.

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    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain, you are staying in a Christian dominated country(Spain). Where cow is not a sacred animal to them. They are eating Beef there. It means you also eating Beef there???.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Mar 24 2010


    You have gained my confidence to such an extent that I am revealing to you a part of my will. I have opted for electrocution of my remains after donating all useful organs IF my body will not any more be required for any medical research (research organisations/medical institutions may be having enough stock of bodies from good intended people by then). I am not only preaching pollution control but practicing it too but you got patiently wait till I die.

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  • Manvit, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Lydia Lobo, Rightly said why not all human bodies burn after death so that even we can save soil polution by greater margin. About population please check which community is growing thier population not in village everywhere.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Keshava, Puttur,

    Human beings have a strategy called 'family planning'. You have a good point. Let us impose rule 'A cow to be allowed to give birth maximum twice' - what do you say ?

    Those who have more children are agricultural families, because it was a practice that an additional child in the family is an added member to contribute towards production of food. The practice and people's occupation is changed now. Maximum paddy fields are now either coconut or areca nut plantations.

    As for burrying the dead, there is a practice of slab-grave. One grave space for the entire family. This is a practice in the cities already not yet adopted in villages because villages have abundant space in graveyard and less population in the parish. How about burning the dead carcasses of cows ? We can control soil pollution by certain margin ?

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  • Denzil D'Souza, Sharjah / Udupi

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Don't wear or use leather products (shoes, chappals, wallet, jackets) as they may be made of cow's skin. Likewise, do not use sugar, soap, detergents, majority brethren.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Ashwin Pai,

    An Islamic state, Dubai, openly sells pork in their supermarkets. Now, don't talk about Saudi Arabia - I don't think Yeddy will be able to impose rules as Saudi Arabia does because then Yeddy may have to indeed cut hands of certain goons as he recently said.

    India is a secular country. Co-existing of all religions is the constitutional promise to all Indians. Attempting to impose one religion will be a failure.

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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Mr Ronald D. Machado, What about human beings? They multiply like anything, some have kids in dozens. Don't you think that need to be controlled? How you burry a human dead body? Why can't you follow the same method to burry cow's carass? Don't give your baseless speech.

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  • Thurai Devadas, Madras/Australia

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Leave a person alone to choose to eat whatever they like and can afford. We've seen some hippocrates when they come overseas they want to eat only beef burgers and when one looks at them with surprise they say it's only on a quiet we eat back home but here no fuss about it as no one is watching and say they relish it!!!!!

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  • Mohammed Ravoof, Mangalore / Qatar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Dear Reader...

    You people are not knowing the motto behind this movement. government itself wants to sell beef to overseas market in high price. common man no need to eat , see after one year the goashram will turn to exporting company of karnataka govt. specially to gulf region and USA market. you people dont know the hidden agenda of this culprit govt. next election sure BJP out of Karnataka.

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  • Antony DS, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Sri Swamiji's message, "Protecting mosques, churches etc., which belong to the minorities, is the responsibility of the majority. Likewise, the minorities should take the onus of protecting cows, revered by the majorities as mother". I have not seen anywhere Swamiji saying "not to eat beef". So where is the solution for beef eating people without killing the cow, if not in karnataka, then in Kerala cow can be slaughtered/eaten and there it is allowed. Why there is no bill for banning cow salughter? Everyone knows including Sri Swamiji.

    That means, do not kill cow then mosques and churches are saved in Karnataka. It is time for us civilized people to think about animals. Cow is just an animal and ofcourse it is a mother to its calf and not for humans. Vedas written 4000 years back and may be its tenets were applicable that time but one cannot find anywhere in Vedas that one cannot eat meat of the cow. Please Sri Swamiji leave the cow alone and let Yeddy do the dunging (applying cow dung and keep clean his pary house).

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  • Lloyd D'souza, Surathkal

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, None of ur answers suit my questions, ur answers are totally meaningless. Ex: u told tigers have other supplements to eat, can u please mention that other supplements. Because cow meat have 10 times low fat than sheep or goat meat. If fat increases in Tiger it will Die. And if Tigers eat chicken meat no way it can survive.And last answer was really rubbish,dint ur swamiji taught u how to behave in society and how to talk with people around.

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  • abdul sathar habibullah , Belapu, Kaup./Sharjah

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    swamiji swamiji majority and minority both eating beef if they found tasty.You dont know about the financial position of poor people who  cannot buy  mutton now a days. You are sitting in th mutt and you dont know the people who are under improper hut. thank u daiji.

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  • Godwin D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Pejawar swami its okay to lie,as you are allowed.Secondly minorities don't need your support to protect churches, or mosques. If you want to play with fire, we are ready. Your own people will push you down the memory lane. Remember your people are more vulnerable. Go swami go inside .

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Srikant Shenoy,

    'being a hindu Dominated country. we want this to be imposed'

    By all means Mr. Shenoy Ram mandir agenda displaced BJP in the center - Yeddy will least bother about enacting this bill into a law if the issue jeopardises his 'KURSI'. Go-maata is just a mockery.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    I call upon this political swami to shed off his saffron uniform and enter politics full time and contest election. We dont need any appeal from this swami as he is double tongued and has been working against muslims and christians of this country. He is even against the eradication of untouchability and tries his best to promote untouchability and caste system.

    He is not even wanted in udupi mutts and other swamis are against him. If he contests election, I bet he will lose his deposit. He is nowhere near to Shree Veerendra Heggade or late Admar Mutt Swami. His agenda is not to protect cows but to promote manu culture and caste system. He promotes hate and devision in the society. He is more interested in politics than his dharma. Now he has cheated Sri Ram, could not build him a temple.

    Now wanted to win votes for BJP in the name of cows. He must have read only manu literature and not Indian constitution. I insist that he reads Indian constitution first and then makes any statement. Why he cant support a law that bans killing of rats as rat is the official vehicle of Lord Vignesh.

    I call upon him to build nests for rats and feed them and ban all companies that manufacture and market rat poisons. Can he explain why ban on cow slaughter and why no ban on rat killing. Is it not double take and double standard as he used to be ??? No monorities or dalits will support this ban. Only people of his mentality can support this ban...

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  • M G Sayed, Shiroor/Sharjah

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    The whole problem arises on account of cow being wrongly considered as mother (Gaayi Hamari Matha Hy!). Why we should name an animal as mother and also mother as God? (Thayiye Devaru- respecting or sharing the status of God?). Like cow, God has created many such valuable things for the benefit of mankind in different form. So sincerely pray the only creator Almighty God and not these creations. By our wrong thinking and belief we are facing problems in our practical life. Please have a solid belief in God, a belief that is universal and not particular to India or Karnataka.

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  • T.K. Hamza, Kushalnagar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Ban fishing coz fish is one of Vishnu's avtar (carnation)
    Ban pig slaughter coz pig also one of Vishnu's avtar (VARAHAVATARA)

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  • DON, udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, first of all come out of your blindness that this is hindu dominated country.
    secondly, if its a sacred animal of hindus then let them not eat it instead of consuming beef more than any other religion people.  and finally plz stop slaughtering cows in hindu premises by hindus...

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  • Ashwin Pai, Singapore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Certain religions condemn the very existence of certain animals like snake, pigs/swine and dogs. Whats wrong if hindu's honor the cows???

    Open your eyes guys....

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    With all respect to worshippers of cow:"

    No body SLAUGHTERS Cow to hurt sentiments of cow worshipers. If so, that is wrong.

    No body will die if they do not eat cow meat. Doctors also advice not to eat red meat to lot of patients.

    Does any body know how many cows slaughterd every day all over India.?

    If you do not slaughter them their No's will be multiplied every day. After some time there will be double the no of cows than human beings. There will be shortage of space and food and medicine for the cows to live. And if you do not take care of the cows with food , accommodation and medicine they will starve, suffer with old age and decease.

    You need to have good machanism to bury dead cows.
    This might contribute to various deceases, may be the virus may attack human also. It might take hell of a lot of wealth to take care of these things or may be impossible to control.

    So prevention is better or cure?

    We have to decide before it is too late.

    Forget "cow" "when the time comes man will eat man" !!!!!????

    We should pray to God that such a time should not come.

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  • Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    @ JHON R LOBO -

    Sheep Can be a good supplement insted of cow. what say .. ?

    And to your question regarding how many goashrams in mangalore and its suburban areas ... I would like to ask u, do u want visit these places ?

    I See here that there are lot more Christians then muslims opposing this movement ! anyways left to u ppl

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  • Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Hi Lydia Lobo,

    First of all My Name Is Srikanth Shenoy and Not Shrikant Shenoy.

    ur right it is democracy but u cannot say that it is incorrect to impose such law. everybody has the right to express oneself.
    cow is a sacred animal to the hindus and being a hindu Dominated country. we want this to be imposed

    Mr. Tharnath Hegde- kind request please read the post clearly before replying.


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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Most of us should understand that banning beef has actually nothing to do with BJP's anti-minority policy. It has to do with their basic tenants borrowed from Manu Smriti wherein the fourth class of the society, the Sudras is considered to be untouchable (though the Hindu society has eventually included Pariah as the lowest varna). They said to have originated from the feet of purusha, as per Rigveda and hence trampled by the three higher varnas.

    Though Vedas do not establish supremacy of any varna over the other nor do they say head of the Lord is superior to his feet, in practice, Sudras are trampled and systematically put on the edge. BJP wants to dominate this lower class which predominately consumes beef. They know they are not their vote bank either. So banning beef will serve two purposes.

    First is establishing Brahmins' superiority over Sudras and second is of setting Majority community against the Minority. So Yeddy isn't that idiot, though he cuts sorry figure of himself most of the times. And when he has these many Swamijis at his beck and call to go around the state and justify the govt's stand, he need not much worry. May be we minorities need to exercise some restraint and wait and see as how effective this ban will be and how long it will prevail.

    Be sure that BJP can only ban cow-slaughter but cannot ban people from eating beef. So when things are not available officially, beef eaters (from all religions) will have their own ways to find it just like liquor.

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  • Taranath Hegde, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Mr.Shenoy,4 Vedas are the traditional knowledge of India.The praise and best qualities of cow milk is in all vedas.From vedas the praise and her qualities have been mentioned in the following spirtual books.Milk of cow is the best to nurse the newly born baby and others too.Cow gives birth to calf who becomes bullocks and plough the fields since the begining of earth by which human beings get food to live upon.So being religious the cow is adorable,in this connection Saamveda mantra 38 says that a king must be adorable and protector of cow.In Samveda 146 and 160 mantras cow has been equated to Ved mantras etc...,etc.

    Vedas place a lot of emphasis on cows,milk and ghee.Atharvaveda very much say about the services of cow and to take milk.Atharvaveda mantra 6/59/2 says that while taking cow milk we must make our health good and ill free.As regards milk to calf it is given according to the rate which has been allready fixed by Vedas and rest of the milk used in family.So it is not stealing.Cow is also called mothers in Vedas.Even human beings has not allowed by God to take food alone.But must be taken after distributing to others also,so is the cow.She distributes her milk to the calf as well as to the human beings.Please value the sentiments of majority of Indians.

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  • Dsouza Rakesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    we don't consider cow as a mother,its just an animal for us & we just rely on them for milk and meat.
    and i want to know whether we can we import beef?

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  • JOHN R LOBO, Kaikamba,Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Hello Manoj,

    You said majority people welcome the Govt decision.
    Did our State Govt taken referendum for this particular issue....?????

    Hello Srikanth Shenoy,

    You said "there are lot of supplements other than cow". What is the supplement ...??????
    Buffalos.....???? Sheep....??? People consuming milk from both .
    Remember no body feeding their milking cows to tigers or Lions or any wild animal.

    Regarding Gowashram....???? Can you tell how many Gowashram there in Mangalore and suburban....???

    If Yeddi Govt would have constructed thousands of Gowashrams across state, and paid fair price for old cows
    then definitely people will supporting this bill.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy,

    I did not reply your actual question - 'We also consume our mothers milk does it mean we are killing them for our needs ....'

    It is upto you because a cow is not a mother to all human species. You ask it to those who consume the product despite falling inside the brackets of a particular community. Perhaps they are wise enough to understand the double standards ?

    My argument is that it incorrect to impose such a law in a democracy

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  • JOHN R LOBO, Kaikamba,Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Hello Manoj,

    You said majority people welcome the Govt decision.
    Did our State Govt taken referendum for particular issue....?????

    Hello Srikanth Shenoy,

    You said "there are lot of supplements other than cow". What is supplement ...??????
    Buffalos.....???? Sheep....??? People consuming milk from both .
    Remember no body feeding their milking cows to tigers or Lions or wild animal.

    Regarding Gowashram....???? Can tell how many Gowashram there in Mangalore and suburban....???

    If Yeddi Govt constructed thousands of Gowashrams across state, and paying poor farmer fair price for old cows
    then definitely people will supporting this bill.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    These bills are of no value, their only objective is to gain political mileage. With BJP having failing on governance, these bills simply help them to fill that gap.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Dear Mr. Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain
    I quote your words. There are really no words to justify anything here but the only thing is " R We Cannibals ". We also consume our mothers milk does it mean we are killing them for our needs .... Unquote. How a human can be equated to an animal? An animal will act only as an animal and a person will act only as rationale being. Hence equating an animal to a person is not a blunder? Do a human can become a cannibal except 1, 2, 3 or 4 since humans existed on this planet? Kindly explain.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Shrikant Shenoy,

    First, set your principles straight. At a place of worship where blood is not permissible, transformed blood (milk) is used for worship (example Kheerabhisheka / Naagabhisheka). Temple worshipers consume and sell cow's milk on which only a calf has right. You use the cow for worship as well as commercial gain at your convenience. Only the culprits are those use other parts of the cow for commercial gain.

    I say.. let the vedic law makers put strickt vegetarianism in Karnataka. Why only restriction over beef ?

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    My dear valuable commentators I windup in conclusion, Pejwar sree had made a big mistake by pointing at minorities, but beef eaters are majorities in the WORLD. Nepal bieng a Hindu country for every occasion specially Dasara they chop up buffalos, In Gulf countries consumers go for famous Indian beef/bufalo meat, its healthy too.

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  • Praveen, udupi/bangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain and Manoj, Mangalore I totally agree with you. You rightly asked Lydia Lobo, Kadri. Next time you guys when u eat beef think about your Parents too.

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  • Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    i Just went through a Post - Posted By - Lydia Lobo, Kadri Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    Respected Pejawar Swamiji,

    It is best not to mix religion and politics. However, it the very you are using cows milk in your worship and consumption which is actually the blood of same cow that you are preaching to be saved from slaughtering. Please preach to stop milking a cow (may it be for worship for commercial use), bovine species will be as scarce as are tigers or other animals - no need at all to slaughter them.

    - There are really no words to justify anything here but the only thing is " R We Cannibals ". We also consume our mothers milk does it mean we are killing them for our needs ....

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Manoj, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Ms. Lydia, As I said may be few person like you oppose this but majority of people welcome this decsion of government.  About gomutra, if you use this with cowdung for cultivation you will get crops than any humans wastage.

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  • Srikanth Shenoy, Mangalore/Spain

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Some Question and Some Ans
    Posted By Lloyd Dsouza - I want to ask sawmiji only some questions or anybody in here can give me the answers please.
    1.What u will do with the old age cows?
    Ans : We put it in Gowashram and Allow it to spend its old age ...

    2.Now its time to protect our National animal "Tiger" rather than cow, if tigers wont eat cow meat there are no chances of tigers survival in future in this country, what u will say for this?
    Ans: there are lot of supplements other than cow, ur lines actually mean that u want to have cow and u just need a reson to do so.
    3. Are you opposing only cow slaughter or your opposing the torcher they give to cow in some temples in the name of tradition?
    Ans : He is only asking ppl to support the movement.
    4.If cow slaugther is banned what gurantee u will give that human slaugter will stop?
    Ans: What guarantee do u have for ur self dude ?
    5.After Cow slaughter ban what is ur next plan?
    Ans: Swamiji has planned to give you a special package tour to the SunderBans so that u can look after the tigers

    Hope i Have answered all ur quieries.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010


    I respect your religious belief. But, why impose it on me or those who eat beef ? I mean including those who come from a community that is supposed to worship a cow ? Is this democracy or dictatorship ? Many of those who are hit by this bill may have voted Yeddy govt. Don't you think they invited dictatorship on them than democracy ?

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  • Manoj, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    My Dear Lydia, Yes hindus respect cows as well as gomutra. May be peron like you drink cow milk when you are child & when you becomes 5 yrs you will eat same cow as your food. But for person like me cow is just like my mother because I did consume milk from my mother & cow when i was child & I dont kill or eat my mother's meat...

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010


    To comment about a person, it is important that you know that person. You may know me through my comments on Daiji but your understanding about me is fallible because I did not ask anybody to eat beef. I am asking Yeddy govt to be transparent in law making - either support poor people or admit that you are making their life miserable by taking their cheap available luxury - in which case Yeddy govt is an imposter govt. I am asking Yeddy to be an elected CM of a democratic state or a scapegoat of vedic values.

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  • Manoj, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Mr. Jafer, If you belive in pejawar swamiji or not who bothers but hindus will belive him & his work to the community. First learn to give respect & then talk about religion.
    My Dear Lydia, she preaches everyone to eat beef where she will eat any animal in this earth & has more concern about beef than others the people should have more concern.

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    Tue, Mar 23 2010



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  • Prakash D' souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Dear Swamiji. I respect you as are the respected person in the society, but requesting you to not to think only about your people, but also think about the section of society too. As majority of people are consuming beef on day to day basis. Believe me Even police people consume more beef in order to keep more fit as they do not get enough energy with the veg food.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010


    In Orissa, certain people come to the Puri mela to collect elephant dung. They make balls of this dung and sell to be burned inside huts, as it has proved a good mosquito repellant.

    Perhaps, something will be invented out of cow dung too ? As for the urine, we all know how go-mutra is used !

    Well, I am not making fun of the rituals but it has been put to our mouth by the Yeddy Govt.!

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  • Jovita, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010


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  • Harish Poojari Dubai, Kadekar/udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Swamiji you are great, we are all Hindustanis, so everybody should support ban cow sloughter.cow is like mother,cow is giving milk to everybody and our kids.

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  • Bruno DSouza, Udupi/ Dubai

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    We don't have enough roads to let the old cows wander around like that especially in Udupi area!

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Swamiji, why do you need minority support? CM & HM are are under your control! Forget the rest! Next time contest in election, that suits you better!

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Surathkal

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    I want to ask sawmiji only some questions or anybody in here can give me the answers please.
    1.What u will do with the old age cows?
    2.Now its time to protect our National al animal "Tiger" rather than cow, if tigers wont eat cow meat there are no chances of tigers survival in future in this country, what u will say for this?
    3. Are you opposing only cow slaughter or your opposing the torcher they give to cow in some temples in the name of tradition?
    4.If cow slaugther is banned what gurantee u will give that human slaugter will stop?
    5.After Cow slaughter ban what is ur next plan?

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  • Thomas, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Dear Swamy,

    First parade to Ban Human Slaughter in name of Religion. We we look into animals later. Putting a Ban on food people eat is like slaughtering Humans. Please as a Human first Stop Human Slaughter.

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    BJP regime is a season for all swamijis to pop up and to show their popularity.Karnataka became a breeding ground for swamijis. A swamiji is a revered person in the society and his views should be impartial. Again here the swamiji is worried for only one sect of animal ( cow). he is not concerned with the welfare of Goats, sheep, Buffalo, bull, and camels those are all playing a vital role in a common man's life. Let us support this swami if he bans slaughter of all kinds of animal and let us go with him to Himalaya and spend our rest of life by eating leaves and grass.

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  • Prakas, Kundapur/KSA

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Respected Swamiji, considering the present condition in the State, the public will be greateful to you if you take up the cause of "ANTI HUMAN SLAUGHTER BILL".

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  • Mitwa, Mysore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Swamiji.. Accepted we are with you but, please convince CM yeddi to consider 3 important points.

    1. Provide Other Jobs to Butchers
    2. Reduce Meat Price
    3. Allow Cow Sacrifice Once in a year during Bakrid Festival.

    If the above are taken care then peace and prosperity will prevail.

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  • jafer, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    This so called swamiji actively participated in demolition of Babri masjid nd now talking abt protecting of masjid nd church.When church was attacked he not even condemned the attack. What happend to his fast unto death aginst MSEZ anybody knows??

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  • Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Sri Vishweshateertha Swamiji of Pejawar Mutt do not experience of fostering a old cow or old bullock after its use in milk or ploughing.What the farmers will do once the cattle becomes unproductive.The seer has read only a part of constitution.He should consult a law expert like Poojary before he makes a public speech like this.The minorities are not asking a law to slaughter the productive animals.The minorities include hindu also who consume beef as a part of thier diet and they do have a constitutional right to survive inside India.If one state create ban on cow slaughter means the law making minsiters have not read all the clauses and they are not above the supreme court verdict which permits consumption of beef.The seer should work more on fostering the animals for a good cause rather than talking about the law and asking support from the minorities.He never spoke anything on church attack and now he talks about minorities to support the ban.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Respected Swamiji, u first enforce a law & then seek co-operation from the aggrieved parties( later). That's not the way forward. First persuade them then bring an amendment to the existing laws. In a democracy we cannot enforce laws on others simply because we have majority,while majority consume beef for nutirtion from ancient times. In a democracy everybody is free to worship or to consume their traditional food irrespective of religion,caste or creed-which all must realise.

    Already we are facing menace from stray cows on the roads, which are consuming garbage including plastic bags, which cause their untimely death. Many acidents occur by this practice of cow rearing towns people, please take steps to eradicte this practice.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Tribals/forest dwellers are claimed to be a copyright of Hindu religion, they are not supposed to embrace any other religion. This is a slogan that echoes in India. Granted I too am against conversion based on enticement. As such, I wonder why aren't the same principle bearers, culture lords, don't accept that these people dwell on domesticated animals' meat ? Why the law-makers of their religion deprive this group of their traditional diet ? One hast to either be a protector of a particular group or a torturer. Representative of Hinduism (VHP, BD, BJP), think before you leap.

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  • Jafer, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    This so called swamiji actively participated in demolition of Babri masjid and now talking about protecting of masjid nd church.When church was attacked he not even condemned the attack.He is a big liar no one believes him except sangh parivar. What happend to this guys fast unto death aginst MSEZ anybody knows???

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  • Akshay, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Pejawar swamy should ask support not from the minority but ask from majority , because most of people are eating cow meat

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  • Ummer Kunhi, Perinje/Dubai

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    go ahead Swamiji!!!!!!!!

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  • Shoukath Hussain, Surathkal

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    First of all it is high time that religious leaders stop interfering with politics and politicians mix religion with politics. The results in both cases are disastrous as is the case now. Both of them are not doing justice to their rolls. I am sure this swamiji is doing this just for the sake of publicity, political favours and to be in the lime light for all the wrong reasons. I am sure he is mis using his position as a swamiji to interfere with people's sentiments.

    People of Karnataka surely have better things to do than take care of old cows and buffaloes. People dont have jobs, no drinking water, no electricity and the list is endless. Trust is this is a bit of a non sense. I am sure all sane minded people agree with me. Even the person who opposes my opinion surely agrees to my view point deep within his heart and mind. The poor minorities have been deprived of an affordable source of nutrition and the so called swamijis are glorifying the government's blunder. Don't be surprised if the swamiji himself contests for the next election on a BJP ticket.

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  • Shoukath Hussain, Surathkal

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    First of all it is high time that religious leaders stop interfering with politics and politicians mix religion with politics. The results in both cases are disastrous as is the case now. Both of them are not doing justice to their rolls. I am sure this swamiji is doing this just for the sake of publicity, political favours and to be in the lime light for all the wrong reasons. I am sure he is mis using his position as a swamiji to interfere with people's sentiments. People of Karnataka surely have better things to do than take care of old cows and buffaloes. People dont have jobs, no drinking water, no electricity and the list is endless. Trust is this is a bit of a non sense. I am sure all sane minded people agree with me. Even the person who opposes my opinion surely agrees to my view point deep within his heart and mind. The poor minorities have been deprived of an affordable source of nutrition and the so called swamijis are glorifying the government's blunder. Don't be surprised if the swamiji himself contests for the next election on a BJP ticket.

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Dear Seer, it will badly affect on soaps,tooth paste, body creams, mnfg industries in Karnataka as the cattles fat was used as glycerin products now forced to import from neight states.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    I don't see minorities objecting to it, if solutions were provided for umpteen issues that are raised.
    Apart from food, employment for the displaced, there are issues of fodder and rehabilitation of useless animals. When these issues are not thought through, the bill looks like vengenance. And, when it is used as a tool to oppress, minorities have to object, loud and clear. Most of those who hail the bill, don't have a cattle in their homes or in a radius of their vicinity. They have no right to speak about these issues. Let us talk to the village folks who rear the cattle.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    No support from me dear swamiji, I want to eat beaf. Before independence Indians are eating beef and after independence I have no independence to eat beaf.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Respected Pejawar Swamiji,

    It is best not to mix religion and politics. However, it the very you are using cows milk in your worship and consumption which is actually the blood of same cow that you are preaching to be saved from slaughtering. Please preach to stop milking a cow (may it be for worship for commercial use), bovine species will be as scarce as are tigers or other animals - no need at all to slaughter them.

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