Walter D’Souza - Answering Cancer’s Call with Learning

Walter D’Souza - Answering Cancer’s Call with Learning

By Anisa Fathima with inputs from Leo D'Souza

Mumbai, Sep 3:
Imagine going through life day in and day out with the knowledge that very soon it's all going to end.

There are only two ways to take it – give up all hope and go into depression waiting for death to consume you, or take death by the scruff of the neck and dare it to rob you of your life.

Walter D’Souza, an employee of the Indian Railways, chose the latter.

Almost 10 years ago, he was diagnosed with brain cancer. The world came crashing down leaving him completely devastated. He went into depression for some time and there seemed no hope on the horizon. But then, he realized there was no point in wallowing in self pity or living in constant fear of death. His family was very supportive and helped him come out of the sorrow he had plunged into. It was time to gather the shattered pieces together and build anew a life full of courage and an indestructible faith in God. Says Walter, “When I did not blame God when He gave me a good job, how can I blame Him now?”

It often happens that we find new avenues of life in the most unexpected situations. It is also true that a person’s strength of character is best tested in a crisis. Walter D’Souza, instead of giving up, chose to capitalise on what life had offered him. While most people in his shoes may have seen life as a lost cause and given into gloom, Walter went back to studies – he did his LLB, following it up with MA in political science from Tilak Vidyapeeth. Not satisfied still, he decided to pursue a correspondence course in journalism. And all this despite knowing that he was suffering from a terminal illness. To Walter, it is simply fulfilling his interest in studies. For the rest of us, it is courage. And steely determination.

Nor did he give up his work at the Indian Railways. He is the head travelling ticket examinee at Andheri, Mumbai, and though his illness is catching up with him, he still goes to work with the help of his wife Violet. His daughter Aparna is in tenth standard, and Violet has given up her job to look after her partially paralysed husband. His deteriorating health forced him to take a break from the journalism course, but he continues to battle every day, defying death and fate.

A two-time chess champion, Walter nonchalantly says that death comes upon everybody – there’s not a single person who can escape the jaws of death. Already having experienced the surgeon’s knife three times in the most risk-ridden part of the body, the brain, Walter’s life over the last ten years has been a series of chemotherapy sessions and numerous visits to Bombay Hospital neurosurgeon Dr K Turel, of whom he talks with great admiration and gratitude.

His cancer is in the third stage, and doctors have given up hope. They say he has just about a couple of months to live, but Walter continues to wear his trademark never-fading smile, a smile that reflects his optimism and never-say-die attitude.

And what’s even more commendable is that though his life may be taken away soon, he has decided to bestow the gift of life on others. He has pledged all his organs for donation so that not only will it benefit those battling with life, but that he will continue to live in this world in some way.

Ask him what advice he would give to other cancer patients, and pat comes the reply, “Accept the fact that you have cancer and make optimum use of the time you have in hand. Try your best to fulfil your objectives in life, and you will not be afraid of death.”

American writer Ernest Hemingway in "The Old Man and the Sea" made this famous statement: “A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.” That’s perhaps the best way to describe Walter D’Souza.   


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  • Bernie Kattithara, Mira Road

    Sat, Sep 11 2010

    Dear Walty,
    I am proud to be your niece. You are a symbol of courage and determination to us all. You are the youngest of all the siblings, but in terms of courage and determination, you are the biggest. Proud of you. WE LOVE YOU A LOT- Sylvie, Bernie & Denis

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  • ter, udyavara

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    I am inspired by you, will definately remember you in my prayers

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    Sun, Sep 05 2010


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  • Caroline Saldanha, Bahrain, Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Walte, the Lord chooses his people with great care:and I believe you are one such person.Your life and the acceptance of cancer is an eye opener for all of us who complain about small problems in our life. Keep strong and know that you are in our prayers. I know it is easier said than done but the Holy Spirit inspires and strengthens. God Bless you and your family!

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  • Laveena Lasrado, Mulund, Mumbai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear walter,
    I was touched by your article and admire your courage. Dont worry.... Jesus is there to help you. I appreciate you for your 'never say die' spirit..Keep it up..for you are an inspiration for many cancer patients in the world......We pray for you.

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  • Sunitha Alvares, Mangalore/Doha

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Walter and Aparna:

    You are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you and keep you under his care and protection.

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  • Rola S. Lobo, Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Bro.
    I believe Jesus will heal you. Jesus can raise the dead from the grave why not you? He is the same yesterday today & forever. Abraham the father of faith received a blessing at the age of 100.Then our Gods hands are not shortened. He is alive today also. Trust & surrender completely to him. Satan is defeated by him. I pray that God will give you the grace to bear this pain & remain faithful to him like Job. Please say this By his Stripes I am Healed.No weapon formed against me shall prosper.Praise The Lord.

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  • VV, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Deear Aparna,

    Please forward your email address and contact number for prayers.

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  • John Tauro, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Despite all odds and adversity, Mr.Walter D'Souza is courageous and determined to live life to its fullest. Highly impressive and inspiring! May our Heavenly Father bless you and grant grace to achieve your life's desires.

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  • Alban D Souza, Udyavara\Mumbai\Doha Qatar

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Walter Inspite of difficulty (sickness) you excelled in your studies, career and job. your faith is inspiring to many in difficult sitiuation in life. Trusting God and going on with life is really great. Keep going and our prayers with you. Of course God can make miracle in your life and surely God will help bless in your endeour.

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    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Thank u so much everyone for ur blessings

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  • felcy pinto, Mallikatta/Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Dear Walter,

    Thank you for being an example to all of us. May God bless you, your wife and daughter. You are an inspiration to all of us. Nothing is impossible to God. Surely God will bless you.Our prayers are always with you.

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  • Sr. Lydia Fernandes, A.C., , St. Ann's Convent, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Dear Walter,
    You will always remain as an inspiration and torch-bearer to people, in particular to the youth to grow in courage and faith in God and self amid the trials and vicissitudes of life. May God fill you with deeper faith and greater courage each day as you share in the paschal mystery of Christ for the salvation of souls and the revival of faith in God by our humanity. My special wishes to your wife who shares in your life of faith. Be assured of my special prayer for you. Sr. Lydia

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  • Sr.premlatha, Kinnigoli/Mangalore.

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Dear Mr.Walter,really inspiring msg.praying for you.

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  • f.l.fernandis, bangalore/usa

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Really this story of mr Walter is an inspiring message to readers and it tells us what one should do in adversity.There is no point in worrying.It is God's will.What you have desided is right.When you have taken sportively keep hope on him.He will guide you and good things will come to you.God will bless you.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    God bless you Mr. Walter, Violet and Aparna as a family, never give up your hope, keep faith in Jesus Christ, he is the great healer, there is no words in me, you and your supportive, courageous wife are great inspiration to many. dear Mr. Walter,Mrs.Violet and Aparna you are just great. God bless you all.

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  • Christine, manglore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    You are great, Jobs brother.when happiness and pain he not rejected God,and he got back all lost in double portion and You also not rejected.that god can do same miracle to you.he is watching over you.God give you to come out from this sickness.
    Thank God,In this much pain and suffering You have great faith and patience. don’t loose brother. he can raise dead one also. In psalm 10720 He sent His word and healed them.That same God send angel to touch you to heal.Let his hand of healing touch you through his angel. Jesus blood wash and cleanse every cancer cell from your body,and give you Good health and strengthen your body head to toes.make you testimony for his kingdom.(psalm 1031Bless the LORD,O my soul:and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2Bless the LORD,O my soul,and forget not all his benefits: 3Who forgiveth all thine iniquitieswho healeth all thy diseases 4Who redeemeth thy life from destructionwho crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercieskeep faith in that same God.else God will do his part. According your faith and patience.nothing is impossible with him When doctor report is impossible than Gods report is possible.I pray let this happen in you.

    And God will bless your wife and daughter too.Life is not the way we think. included with happy, sorrow,pain.Mattew 5 3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4Blessed are they that mourn:for they shall befor they shall be comforted

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  • Arnold Lobo, Bangalore / Qatar

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Truly inspiring message. You are God's chosen person and His grace will take you through this journey with courage and hope and your testimony will draw many people closer to God. We are happy when good things come our way but the opposite when we are in trouble and question God for that. May your faith in God increase during these difficult times.

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    By reading I came to know that you are the noblest, gentlest and the bravest God’s creation yet remaining calm and brave - hopeful in God to do His part. Such courage and determination was also shown none other than only The Great philosopher SOCRATES prior to his last days. As a consolation, brother Walter, we would recommend to read Psalms 139: 13-16. Rest we will be in touch with Leo D’ Souza and Joyce Alvares. God Bless you. Connie, Flavie.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter, may u be the inspiration to many and increase their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Though my husband is suffering with brain cancer for the past 16 years and now almost bed ridden, may your life be an 'inspiration' to many. May your smile cheer many who have lost interest in life and I wish you all well because nothing is impossible with our living GOD.

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  • Genevieve Rego, Bahrain

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter, I wish you and your lovely wife and daughter God's abundant blessings. Be proud in knowing that you are an inspiration to many, an example in teaching us how to live with grace and strength in the face of adversity.

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    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Walter you are just great. Keep going. As a last resort pray to Cardinal Newman who will be beatified by Pope Benedict this month, that he may intercede on your behalf with Jesus. I am praying for you.

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  • Marita Coelho, Mangalore/Toronto

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter
    You are such an inspiration and certainly God has chosen you to share your message. I salute you and your family for sharing your
    story of faith and acceptance..Believe me, you will be healed ....its your faith that will hold you and God will touch and heal you...
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and God be with you!

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  • seema, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear walter, when you have a strong determination in life, why you can not take ganotherapy, a natural treatment without side effects and which is giving a long life to the cancer patients . cancer can be cured now adays, says ganotherapy. why cann't you try that, and also help others to live a long, happy life? i wish you all the best for your life.

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  • Hilda, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter,

    Your faith in God and acceptance of the Will of God saved you in these years. Read Psalm 139, 91 daily again and again. GOD will surely Bless you. I will pray Almighty to give you more courage.

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  • adshenoy, mangloor

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear walter,

    You have accepted the unaccepatable. You are a brave human being. Keep faith in God he will protect you and save from this illness. You have a great family your wife and daughter. Yes, my prayers are with you and I am sure God will give you and your family strength.

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  • Hilda, Kallianpur,Udipi

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter You are the embodiment of courage and faith.Thank you for being an example to all of us. May God bless you, your wife and daughter

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  • Charles D'souza, Bailur

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Hi Walter,keep a faith with God, he will make with you great meracle,remember profet Job how he sufferd and his faith on God,,read the Holy Bible you will feel happy my prayers with you,,God bless you & your family.

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  • D M D Souza, Bantwal

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Walter if we were in your shoes, then certainly our reaction & the will to fight it knowing fully well the final result would have been different. Certainly God has chosen a brave man to put to test his faith. He knows when he will meet his creator & might be rejoicing to meet him, though those dependent on him might feel robbed off his company in future. Hats Off to U a really BRAVE MAN knowing fully well what is inevitable- U R A Beacon of Light for all the people suffering from terminal illnesses. For others death comes suddenly like a thief without any beck or call, certainly all others are unlucky it seems.

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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx.

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    What an inspiring msg. Thank you, Mr. Walter D'Souza for sharing with us your goodwill of thought and the goodness of your heart. May God help you today and always. We feel that God is walking with you and talking with you, and that's why you are sharing with us your freedom of mind. The world can learn so much from you.

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    Fri, Sep 03 2010


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