Mangalore: RSS Holds Annual Route March Around City

Mangalore: RSS Holds Annual Route March Around City

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS/SB)

Mangalore, Nov 7: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) took out a route march in the city on Sunday November 7.

The annual route march (Patha Sanchalan) had been scheduled on the day of Vijayadashami. But it was cancelled due to heavy rain on the day and postponed to November 7.

Dr P Vaman Shenoy of RSS led the route march. The route march started from Nehru Maidan at 7.30 am and headed towards Rao & Rao Circle, Old traffic police station, Kalikamba temple, Lower Car Street, Chitra Theatre junction, Temple Square and reached back maidan.

As many as 500 RSS workers took part in the march. 


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  • Blaan Mendonca, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 13 2010

    Mr. M. Bhat In your first statement you are saying you are not against any religion. But again your third statement you say Most muslims are not aware of your origins. You want to know why we really hate you?

    What does this mean? You are a bit frustruated. Nobody is scared of any religion. The new generation has no time to think about your old ideas and fundamentals. Today every parent want their children to attain good educatiom and earn more and live a higher standard. These things of discrimination and hatred ideas should not be put into the minds of young generation. The entire generation will think negatively in their future life. The seeds which we sow today will be the fruit of future. It is in our hands for the future of our children to teach them to live in harmony in peace.

    We need more people like Mother theresa than RSS for those millions of people living in streets. It is not in words India is shining But in thoughts and deeds we have to do it.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Nov 12 2010

    RSS is hindu organisation. The aim of the RSS is not to terrorise people of any religion but to inculcate the habits of discipline amongst its followers, maintain good health, practice good things in life apart from other i have already written here. Why the minorites are afraid of RSS is quite amazing, like a thief afraid of uniformed policemen.

    Islamization of India was never complete. Most muslims are not aware of your origins. You want to know why we really hate you? Because are nothing but weak hindus who were not strong enough to stand up, and got converted and now harping about blood thirsty barbarians who killed and raped your ancestors by the million. Shame on you. so RSS has taken up the responsibiltiy to stop the history repeating again in india. Instead of trying to spew venom against RSS & fun at others, we can always explain the RSS's aim and objectives of "strong and prosperous india" although we too may have to play a flute in front of a buffalo but even without minding it, we will try to dispel your misconcieved notion about RSS.

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  • Blaan Mensonca, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 12 2010

    India Got freedom only because of two great people Mahtma Gandhi(Non-Voilence) and Adolf Hitler (Voilence). It was not RSS at all. It was when Hitler Bombarded whole of Europe in Second World War British Empire needed help from British Indian Military to fight for British against Germany. British Empire was bombarded in Britain. This was the main reason for the Independence of India to Say "Thank You India". British would have still ruled India if Hitler did not demolish the British empire. Naturam Godse Killed Gandhi Because Gandhi followed Jesus christ, As a peace lover. In south Africa in his speech he said, You may break my bones, Tare my flesh But you can never take away my soul. Gandhi Said "If anyone slaps on your cheek, show him your other cheek too".

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  • Frank, udupi

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    God save our INDIA.

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  • Shivanand Shetty, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    ayesha, bangalroe you are right. Most of the people are thinking that only gandhiji fought for our country. They have forget the names like subashchandra bose, bagat singh, azad, savarkar etc who also fought for our country. Anamika you are the chella of congress i know that so please dont comment on RSS without having any knowledge.

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  • ayesha, bangalroe

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    anamika, Mangalore..
    godse killed gandhiji bcos gandhiji devided india in to two parts..and told pakistan only for muslims ..and india for all relegius with muslim have first right..
    q . is india is gandhijis private property to devide ?
    q. if pakistan for muslim then y india is not for non muslims ?

    - this is the two mistakes commited by gandhi ..if he was not killed on taht time he may given 90% of current india to muslims as gift...
    ..for your informatoin its not only gandhiji..india got independence bcso of subash chandra bose,azad chandra shekar,bhagat singh,savarkar etc etc..lakhs of indian gave their life for independance india..
    3 forces from RSS,MARX,congress fought for independence..but only congress took the credit.

    fi yoiu look at indian hisotry and current state of pakistan you wil know how muslim are torturing minoirty hindus and chrisitnas..

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  • Sudarshan, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    Here most of the commentators are brainwashed by congress. So commenting on RSS without any knowledge. RSS have not worked against our country. It's only because of the organization like RSS today our country is safe otherwise our country would have been talibanized by other countries. Also in the picture it's nice to see Franklin monteiro with the RSS people.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    RSS teaches self respect, secularism, tolerence and patriotism. Its not a military organisation to go to the border to fight paki army. Some people have misconception about RSS and its objectives. A person who lacks self respect lacks everything in life. so better stop writing non sense about a great organsiation likee RSS. LONG live RSS.

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  • Anonymous, UAE

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    dear fellow readers,
    i was introduced to RSS when i was in 1st standard. may be being with this organization has turned me into a very tolerant, broad minded person now. seeds of patriotism and communal tolerance is being sown inside the fresh minds. RSS never teaches or preaches against any religion. I remember 2 catholic boys(10th grade) attending the SHAKHA, but later on quit coz of the pressure from the church. they were absolutely comfortable with RSS. RSS teaches about being fit, healthy an worthy to the teaches self protection.
    now, coming to the comments from some friends stating to send swayamsevaks to PAK border we shouldn't forget the initiatives taken to provide supplies to the army during indo pak war(indira gandhi's time).RSS'role in helping victims of Lathoor earth quake and all other n atural calamities in the country- may be most of our friens who commented are unaware of this because RSS does not publish its image.

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  • Raj, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain............RSS atleast show their concern towars Hindustan...............some shits dont do that also...........just earn in forien country..............and spend their shit life in Hindustan.........Same on you

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    Tue, Nov 09 2010

    Here most of the commentators are brainwashed by congress or JDS party. So commenting about RSS without having any knowledge. To be frank RSS is an organization who work for the welfare of the people of our country without making any discrepency between caste and religion. JAI HO RSS.

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  • Depa Naiker, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    MR. RR Mangalore,,, Enchina Marayaree.. pothu pothu eer pathrinakuleg deeyeraa???,....hahaha

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    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    Readers i need a gentle answer here, do you respect such organization which killed our father of nation Mahatma Gandhi..! Then why people are still supporting this organization.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    Thank you Amit/Doha/Mangalore.

    Could u please tell me why there are no christians and muslims as members in RSS????? RSS is not a patriotic or nationalistic organisation but a fundamental hindu radical outfit. It wants to alienate Indian non hindus but just want to integrate only hindus and beleives in caste system.. So an organisation that promotes division cant be called as patriotic organisation but very well can be called as communal outfit.

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  • Amith, Doha/Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    There r so many dalits in RSS. Dont just scribble something Mr.Shanawaz...

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  • Amith Poojary, Managalore/Doha

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Those who do not know the meaning and purpose of RSS, keep ur mouths shut. Or atleast try to find out the things about it. Dont just blindly comment anything and eveything...

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  • rajesh, mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    congrats.long live RSS.people who are commenting on childrens here should understand that most of the members u see here started from the same age and still continuing..people who have 0% knowledge about RSS are commenting without sense.jai hind jai RSS.and one more thing i would like to challenge those who made comments on the dress code jus stand in front of one of them and comment if u have guts u will not dare anymore.

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  • Dr Ayesha Nishma, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    Nice rally, well deciplned. Request to dear RSS brothers pls give some time to serve the poors atleast in your own community as there is a lot of needy peoples. Just for curosity, pls some one reply me that As per indian law do we allowed to hold a "sword" in public?...pls do not politicalise this quistion. God bless all of us.

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  • faizu, mangalore

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    it looks like east india company is back again

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  • Anuj Castelino, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 08 2010

    Please do not involve children in these activities... if there is some untoward incident then its a problem to protect them..

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    People who say RSS is dangerous organisation have knowledeg which is no more better than that of frog in well. As usual i find nasty comments of "good for nothing" sort of people here. It has become customary for these wayward people to criticise the patriotic organsiation in nasty manner, which cannot be tolerated by us anymore. I was once a member of this great patriotic organisation, where were taught the importance of self reliance, maintaing good health,patriotism and unity. Long live RSS which also is fighitng for hindu's cause.

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  • Donald, udupi/blore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Are they going to chase any animal with Donne?? Istead of walking all the way, they could have cleaned the city or some usefull work whick public will appreciate.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    They all should march to pak border. Then one can say they are the real desh bakth. Just by wielding lathis on the streets will not serve any purpose.

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    If RSS is really a patriotic organization, they should have placed Mahathma Gandhi's Picture among those 2 pictures on the top of the jeep. The current freedom which these people are enjoying is the result of sacrifice by Mahathma Gandhi. Otherwise still they would have been under British occupation doing some "Chaparasi" service to them. Mahathma Gandhi through peaceful means fought with British and secured independence and in return the RSS took his soul out of this world. A person with lunatic mind who took the life of Mahathma in 3 bullets became a national hero to this RSS in an overnightn and a great soul who dedicated his whole life to the independence of India became anti hindutwa. If you turnover the pages of the history, it will reveal the contribution of this outfit which just terrorized the minority community and built up religious intolerance in the name of Hindutwa. Now they are just struggling hard to convince their presence in the public by such nonsense gimmicks. By your Khaki Cheddi and Donne the society is not going to gain any thing do some community service in which general public can be get benefited.

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  • Amin, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Congratulations to RSS.People should join/support RSS. Mera Bharat Mahan.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    If RSS is nationalistic and patriotic organisation as claimed by few, why dont they enroll muslims and christians as their members??? Why there are no dalits in their fold????

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  • RR, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    CARL,Mangalore,Have you seen men with white nighties on streets?

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    What RSS is going to prove by giving Lathi to the minor boys as you see in picture.The innocent minds are taught to hold a lathi in a peaceful and educated society like Mangalore.A place where boys and girls are going to become engineers and doctors the RSS is provoking them to become soldiers of RSS to protect RSS.I think if you educate these boys in good schools they will forget they had participated in this rally.

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  • s george, mysore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Long lives to patriotic RSS, may you grow from from strength to strength. and give good governance to india.

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  • Madhyastha H, Balekudru

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Namasthe sada vatsale mathra bhommi.
    I salute the great organisation
    Jai Bharath

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Sun, Nov 07 2010


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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    What this Chaddy show all about??
    We need Chaddy show for:
    1. To Eradicate Corruption
    2. To route out communal mind-sets which is obstacle for peace amoung community
    3.Improve better education for young generation
    4.Improve emergency and better medical service to make patient survival
    5.Improve power supply
    6.Improve traffic system


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  • CARL, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Men with skirts r back on the streets once again

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    Sun, Nov 07 2010


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    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    When R.S.S. born 85 years back since from Swayamshevakas using holding lathi in their hand. Mr. Shan might have not known about RSS much what I feel because since from my childhood I usd to go for RSS shaka and I was never learnt go agaisnt for the nation or terriorist activities. Congress blamed RSS just because of divert people's mind from their corruption work such as Commonwealth bribe 60,000 crores, and 3 more corruption totally 1,80,000 crores rupees.

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  • Tina, Manglore - Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 07 2010


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  • jacobnelson, mumbi

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    what is the object?!!!
    why should we suffer because they do not have the motive behind this.

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  • JFD, Pamboor/Sharjah

    Sun, Nov 07 2010


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  • shan, Riyadh, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    This year when Popular Front of India volounters are denied to rally on Independance Day by the BJP Government. Today RSS caders are holding sword and lathi, marching in the main street! When the nationalwide debate is going on about RSS involvement in the bomb blast (terrorist activities) how the administration/government allowed them to march with the "ayudha" holding in their hand?
    It's clearly shows double standard policy towards minorities and the RSS in this country by the Government. Yes Mr. Subash, your RSS are bombing and killing innocent minorities are branded as Desh Bhakth organization.
    Mera Bharath Mahan hain bhai!!!
    See the picture, how they give lathi to the innocent childrens hand, they target small children and poisoning them against muslims and christians till they grow, once they grow they will be like Sadhvi.. and other terrorists.
    Peace loving 95% of the Hindus should against this dangerous organization.

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  • Frank, Udupi

    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    Public disturbance .instead of this clean the city. .do some good work at least (doing some good work its not in your logo )

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    Sun, Nov 07 2010

    This team is just made ready by the B.J.P to fight against muslims and christians in future. We really do not know why our politicians do this? On voting day we early morning leaving all our work go 2 vote but for what use? why we need to vote for corrupt politicians? what have we got untill now?

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    Sun, Nov 07 2010


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