Chennai, May 24 (PTI) Tamil Nadu minister for Backward Classes T K M Chinnayya was today allotted the additional portfolio of Environment and Pollution Control and Minority Welfare, which was held by Mariyam Pitchai, who died in an accident in Tiruchirappalli yesterday.
The allotment was made on the advise of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, an official press release said here.
Pitchai (60) was killed when his car collided with a lorry at Tiruvelankurichi in Tiruchirappalli, hours before he was to attend the oath-taking ceremony of newly elected MLAs in Chennai.
The lorry sped away after the mishap.
Jayalalithaa had ordered a CB-CID probe into the mishap stating that people and AIADMK workers suspected there was "some mystery" about it.