Jammu, June 5 (PTI) The Vishwa Hindu Parishad today termed the police action against Ramdev and his followers in Delhi as the murder of democracy and said it was a "Raavan Lila".
"We condemn the action against Ramdev. We condemn the use of brute force against his followers including women, old age people and children by the Poice at Ramlila ground during the night raids," VHP state president Rama Kant Dubey told reporters here.
"A worst type of the Ravan Lila (action) was enacted at the holy ground of Ram Lila. It is unpardonable act by the corrupt Congress government," he said.
"Action by the police is an act of murder of democracy in the country. It (Ramdev's agitation) was a national struggle against corruption...Everyone concerned today," he said.