Lucknow, June 15 (IANS) Chief Minister Mayawati Wednesday said the culprits in the murder of a 14-year-old girl, found hanging in a police compound in Uttar Pradesh, would be brought to book. She said her government was not opposed to a CBI probe, but the central agency could botch up the case.
"I condemn the murder in strong words and assure the family that the culprits would be dealt with strongly," she told reporters here.
"We don't oppose the (Central Bureau of Investigation) CBI investigating the case as such but the government fears that the case may be botched up...," Mayawati said.
The chief minister also asked opposition parties not to politicise the murder of the girl.
The girl's body was found hanging from a tree inside the Nighasan police station of Lakhimpur district June 10. The death was initially dismissed by police as suicide, but a second autopsy confirmed the girl was strangulated.
As many as 11 cops posted at the police station and three doctors who conducted the first autopsy, which was annulled later, have been suspended and the district superintendent of police transferred.
The case has sparked off vehement criticism of the Uttar Pradesh administration for allegedly failing to curb crime in the state, particularly against women. The opposition has demanded a CBI probe into the case saying the state-ordered investigation is a "sham" and "cover up".
But Mayawati said the opposition should not politicise the issue.
"Opposition parties should rise above party politics and help the government in arresting the culprits," she said, adding the government was taking steps to improve the crime situation in the state "which is the legacy of previous governments".
She also took on the central government for criticising her and asked what it was doing to curb crime in the capital.