New Delhi, June 16 (IANS) Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh Thursday said the attitude of civil society members towards the government must change. He was reacting to veteran Gandhian Anna Hazare's threat to protest again if a strong Lokpal bill is not passed.
"The so called civil society members have to understand that this is a parliamentary democracy and there is a constitution. The parliament frames the law, rules and is accountable to the people," Singh told reporters.
"They should understand the nuances of all this. Eminent people are there in the (Lokpal bill) drafting committee and they should not say that the government is with them or against them. This attitude will not help," he added.
Hazare had earlier in the day warned the government that if a strong bill against corruption is not passed by the government an agitation would be certain.
"We will have to start a Jantar Mantar-kind of agitation again. The government is moving away from its commitments," Hazare, 74, told reporters here.
The statements come a day after civil society activists met government representatives to thrash out the key issues in drafting the Lokpal bill. However, the meeting ended on a bitter note as there was no consensus, and a decision was taken that both the sides would present their versions of the bill to the cabinet.