DKS dismisses opposition’s charges on phone tapping, says ‘details of BJP actions available’

From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network

Bengaluru, May 22: Dismissing the charges of phone tapping by the Congress government against opposition BJP and JDS leaders, Deputy Chief Minister on Wednesday that the government has details of all activities during the BJP rule and was ready to share them with the public.

Speaking to media persons near his residence, he said BJP opposition leader R Ashok, who had served as Home Minister under B S Yediyurappa government, should write a letter to the government on his charges instead of making vague statements before the media.

“We know and have details of what happened during their (BJP) rule. While Ashok was Home Minister, some others (Yediyurappa and Basavaraj Bommai) had served as Chief Ministers. Instead of making allegations, they should write a letter,” he said.

When asked about JDS leader H D Kumaraswamy’s claims that ‘those around the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister’ have furnished details about phone tapping of opposition leaders, Shivakumar challenged him to ‘file an affidavit listing the names of all those who furnished him information’.

Shivakumar said a dinner meeting has been arranged for all ministers tonight. “We will discuss the Lok Sabha elections and also about the holding of elections to local bodies shortly,” he said.

Asked if the ministers, who did not perform well during the Congress party’s election campaign in their respective constituencies would lose their ministerships, he said: “I can’t discuss all this things in public.”






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