Sapna Sikarwar opens up on what she did before acting: 'Did dance classes, choreographed wedding per

Mumbai, May 24 (IANS): 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan' actress Sapna Sikarwar revealed that before becoming an actor, she took dance classes and choreographed wedding performances, sharing that she finds comfort and artistic expression in dancing, seeing it as a liberating way to communicate her feelings as an artist.

Talking about her passion for dancing, Sapna, who plays Bimlesh in 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan', shared: "Not many know, but before I became an actor, I took dance classes and choreographed wedding performances. My relatives still seek me out to choreograph performances at family weddings. They believe no one can do it better than me (laughs)."

"I am glad my passion for dancing is also highlighted in my show, 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan'. I have choreographed many dance sequences on the set. Dance brings me immense joy and satisfaction, and I enjoy it wholeheartedly whenever I perform. The process of choreography is therapeutic and rejuvenates me. I have choreographed dance sequences for many episodes in our show, embracing styles like classical, Bollywood, Dandiya, and Kathak," she said.

Sapna further shared that she has also choreographed for co-stars Yogesh Tripathi (Happu Singh) and Himani Shivpuri (Katori Amma), who admire her dancing skills.

"Recently, I performed Bharatnatyam with a horror twist. Dance has taught me the significance and outcome of hard work, perseverance, and the power of expressive storytelling. It enriches my acting, allowing me to get into my character's skin," added Sapna.

'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan' airs at 10 p.m. on &TV.



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