Mangaluru: St Theresa's School conducts workshop on AI for staff members

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 15: St Theresa's School, Bendur, organized a one-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) titled 'Empowering Educators: AI-Driven Teaching for a Brighter Tomorrow' on June 15. The day's activity commenced invoking God's blessings followed with a note of welcome and introduction of the resource persons. The workshop aimed to equip the educators with knowledge and skills in AI applications and to inspire them to integrate these technologies into teaching practices.

The workshop was conducted by Fr Stephen Lobo, OCD, a digital expert, and Leo Victor Zalki, an AI mentor and coach, who served as the resource persons for the day. Troyden provided valuable assistance throughout the session.

Fr Stephen delivered an inspiring motivational talk, drawing examples from achievers like Thomas Alva Edison and Arunima Sinha, emphasizing resilience and self-belief. He highlighted the potential of integrating chatGPT into educational practices, motivating educators to embrace new technologies confidently.

Leo Victor Zalki then led an interactive session, explaining the key AI concepts such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), Large Language Model (LLM), and Visual And Generative Intelligence (VAGI). Participants received hands-on experience with ChatGPT, exploring its applications in lesson planning, content creation, and assessment tools.

The workshop introduced educators to 'Brisk Teaching' for dynamic presentations and 'Mizou' chatbots to foster interactive and collaborative learning environments. Additional tools like Microsoft Copilot for image generation and Leonardo AI for enhancing images with special effects were also introduced, broadening the scope of AI integration in educational settings.

The workshop provided a platform for educators to gain practical insights and hands-on experience, empowering them to utilize AI tools effectively to foster enhanced learning experiences for students. It was practical experience for every teacher and a fruitful session which concluded with words of gratitude by Kavitha Harekal.




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