Udupi: INSPIRE Green Hospital project inaugurated at LMH

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 15: INSPIRE Green Hospital Project wa inaugurated at Lombard Memorial Mission Hospital Udupi premises on Saturday June 15. 

Hemachandra Kumar, bishop, ex-officio chairman, symbolically inaugurated the Green Hospital project by turning on the switch of solar light. In his inaugural note, said, “One year ago, when we celebrated our 100-year anniversary, Dr Sushil Jathanna planned many events and the green project was one among them.

"Nature means not only green areas. Human beings know without trees there is no life, so he takes a step towards planting saplings. Clean air, light and food is important for human beings. When we see green, our heart fills with joy. Earlier, when we woke up, we used to see nature but now we see smart phones. Dr Sushil Jathanna has always advised to save and utilize energy around us. He always thinks of starting something new.”

Dr Ishwar Gada, district health officer, Udupi, chief guest of the event stated, “We have very less rain because of cutting down of trees. Water pollution is increasing. Earlier, when I used to walk in Udupi, it was like walking through a forest but now it is like a city. If we do not take any action now, we will suffer later. For all the steps that Lombard Hospital takes towards nature, we will give all type of support to them from our department. I request everyone to reduce printing as we have a computer facility, so we can reduce the cutting down of trees.”

Sushi Jathanna, director, and secretary LMH said, “Today is our 101st anniversary celebration, and we are launching our new project. We are not only installing solar panels; this project is an integrated project. We have water scarcity, tackling air pollution, biodiversity, and awareness on climate change and how to change our lifestyle to curb it. If we do not tackle climate change now, we will suffer in future. We have already taken the step of initiating an herbal garden, rainwater harvesting and other renewable energy initiatives. All our projects are supported by the founder's family from Switzerland. Their main aim is to always focus on sustainable development. Everyone please takes the pledge to protect the environment."

Nise Meruno, guest of honour, blessed the occasion by rendering the prayer. The event was inaugurated by lighting the lamp.

Best employee award was given to employees for their dedication, on the occasion of the 101st year anniversary celebration.

Leona Strelita, HR manager, preceded the event. Dr Narayan Peralaya welcomed the gathering. Rohi Rathnaka, PRO LMH proposed the vote of thanks.

Rev Ivan D Soans, Deena Prabhavathi, administrative officer, and others were present.




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