Badshah blames show promoter after his Dallas gig is stopped midway

Mumbai, June 15 (IANS): Rapper Badshah has issued a statement after his show was stopped midway in Dallas, Texas.

The rapper said the show promoter was at fault for not coordinating properly with the local administration.

Stating that he is “heartbroken and bummed about what happened”, Badshah said he was really looking forward to performing in Dallas but due to a discrepancy between the local promoters and the production company, he was forced to cut short the set and stop the show midway.

“Promoters need to be better equipped, especially for large-format shows and this kind of nonchalance is just unacceptable to most performing artistes. It takes a considerable amount of energy and effort to put together a tour of considerable scale.

"This isn't fair to the fans who spend their hard-earned money to purchase tickets, and it definitely isn't fair to the whole crew who pours their hearts into putting on these tours. We rehearse for weeks, plan for months, and travel tirelessly to give you the best possible experience,” he said in the statement.

Badshah also said that the music industry is all about respect - respect for the fans as much as it is about respect for the artistes and the support crew.

“My management tried everything in their control to salvage the situation and ensure a smooth run. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience, disappointment and irritation caused due to this sheer lack of management from the promoter’s end.

“We will make sure things are better managed in the future with a more competent promoter team that prioritises a quality experience and understands that music and touring is a serious business," the rapper added.



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