Mangaluru: General body meeting of PTA held at Carmel English Medium School, CBSE, Kotekar

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 17: The parent-teacher association (PTA) is the cornerstone of a solid and successful partnership between parents and teachers. One such annual general meeting of PTA of Carmel English Medium Higher Primary School, CBSE Kotekar was held for classes from KG to X on June 10, 11 and 15.

The resource persons - Leslie Aroza, director, Family Commission, Udupi diocese, and Rohit Sanctus, director Paschim rehabilitation Centre Ullal, Philomine, Mount Carmel Central School and Shyla Crasta Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru being counselors by profession, addressed the parents on holistic development and well-being of their children. They emphasised on creating a conducive learning environment, importance of family in a student's life, effective stress management for better academic performance and mental health, encouraging all-round development in students, and understanding the impact of mass media on young minds, Issues that interfere with students’ learning and growth, techniques of handling the present day children in families.

The meeting began with an invocation, welcome speech followed by a resource talk. Sr Pramila AC the principal of the school addressing the gathering spoke on the rules and regulations of the school and the expectations of the school with regard to the academic performance of the students. At the end of the meeting, members for the executive committee were chosen.

A good number of parents participated in the meeting and benefitted much from these sessions. Sr Pramila AC, the principal, Sr Anitha D’Souza AC, the vice-principal, Sr Fidele, the KG coordinator and Naveen Shetty, the vice-president of PTA, were present for the meeting. 

The PTA meeting ended with a vote of thanks and the national anthem.




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