Nishant Malkaani, Nyrraa Banerji appear to have made up; return with audio series 'Insta Empire’

Mumbai, June 18 (IANS): Actors Nishant Malkhani and Nyrra M Banerji, who were rumoured to be dating and later reportedly parted ways, have teamed up for the audio series 'Insta Empire'.

‘Insta Empire’ tells the story of Naksh (played by Nishant), the poor son-in-law in a rich family. Despite enduring insults and mistreatment from his in-laws due to his poverty, Naksh deeply loves his wife Anika (played by Nyrraa). Their relationship strains further when Anika decides to leave him for a wealthier man.

Talking about the show, Nishant said, “Portraying Naksh in 'Insta Empire' was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. From the highs of ambition to the lows of betrayal, it was a journey that challenged me as an actor. The experience of shooting has been incredible, and as a team, we've worked hard to bring this story to life."

Nyrraa said, “Playing Anika in 'Insta Empire' was rewarding as it explored the complexities of a character torn between loyalty and love. Working on the promo has been a creatively fulfilling endeavour.

"It's inspiring to see how platforms like Pocket FM are pushing the boundaries of storytelling, offering audiences immersive experiences beyond traditional mediums and it seamlessly enables individuals to multitask. As an artiste, embracing these diverse avenues of expression is truly refreshing."

The series is produced by Pocket FM.



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