Delhi court orders provision of cooler for Sukesh Chandrashekhar in jail amid heatwave

New Delhi, June 18 (IANS): A Delhi court has ruled in favour of providing alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar with a private cooler at his own expense, citing medical necessities due to an unprecedented heatwave in Delhi.

The order by Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Chander Jit Singh of Patiala House Court comes after Chandrashekhar's legal team argued that the central cooling system in Mandoli Jail, where he is incarcerated, had been deliberately switched off.

A subsequent report clarified that the entire cooling system at the jail complex is currently under repair or replacement, with the matter already escalated to the Public Works Department (PWD) for resolution.

In his plea, Chandrashekhar cited severe health concerns exacerbated by the extreme heat, including the development of skin rashes and low blood pressure.

The medical report confirmed his claims, showing that his blood pressure readings were below normal levels and recommending that he be kept in an environment with an optimum room temperature to facilitate recovery and prevent further health deterioration.

The Delhi Prison Rules 2018 do not explicitly provide for the installation of private coolers for inmates. However, they do stipulate that accommodations, such as a special diet and bed facilities, should be made for sick inmates.

Judge Singh noted that the extreme heatwave was an unforeseen circumstance when the rules were framed and emphasised that the health and well-being of inmates must be prioritised.

Consequently, Judge Singh directed jail authorities to ensure that Chandrashekhar's cell maintains an optimum room temperature.

If necessary, they are to allow him to install a private cooler at his own expense to comply with medical advice.

The jail authorities have been instructed to implement this order promptly and ensure compliance, with a copy of the order provided to both the jail authorities and Chandrashekhar.


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