Mangaluru: St Agnes College (Autonomous) students visit Kadri Police Station

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 21: The post graduate Department of Clinical Psychology, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru as a part of the curriculum, the students of MSc Clinical Psychology made a visit to Kadri Police Station for Men’s Mental Health Awareness seminar, on June 21 from 9 am to 10 am.

This event was aimed at addressing the importance of mental health among men, particularly those in high-stress professions like law enforcement. The seminar also included a session on effective stress management techniques.

The objective of this event was to raise awareness about mental health issues faced by men. To provide practical stress management techniques to the police personnel. To foster an open dialogue about mental health within the police force.

The seminar was attended by approximately 20 police officers from Kadri Police Station, ranging from junior constables to senior officers. Additionally, it was attended by resource person Dr Yashwanth MH, PG coordinator Sr Dr Vinora AC, associate professor department of clinical psychology Ashwini K A and by the I and II-year MSc clinical psychology students.

Dr Yashwanth M H began the seminar with an overview of the common mental health issues faced by men, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He highlighted the stigma often associated with seeking help and emphasised the importance of breaking these barriers.

A significant portion of the seminar was dedicated to understanding how the unique stressors of police work, such as exposure to violence, irregular hours, and high responsibility, can impact mental health. Dr Yashwanth used real-life examples and case studies to illustrate these points.

This was followed by an interactive Q&A session, allowing attendees to ask specific questions and share their own experiences. This session provided a platform for open discussion and peer support, reinforcing the seminar's message of collective mental well-being. The second half of the seminar focused on practical stress management techniques. These included 4-7-8 breathing technique, 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique and a guided imagery technique.

The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many officers expressed their gratitude for the seminar and mentioned that the stress management techniques would be useful in their daily lives. The seminar successfully created a supportive environment and highlighted the importance of mental health awareness and self-care.

In conclusion, the men's mental awareness seminar at Kadri Police Station was a significant step towards addressing mental health issues among police personnel. By providing valuable information and practical tools, the seminar has contributed to fostering a healthier, more resilient police force.




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