B Y Raghavendra pledges to repay support of Byndoor constituents

Silvester D'Souza

Daijiworld Media Network - Byndoor

Byndoor, Jun 21: B Y Raghavendra, the BJP MP for Shivamogga, attributed his victory in the Byndoor Assembly constituency to the tireless efforts of the party workers and the overwhelming support of the voters. He pledged to repay their efforts and trust. Raghavendra made these remarks on Friday during a felicitation event for the workers who contributed to the victories in the Lok Sabha and Legislative Council elections, held at the Jayashree Hall in Hemmadi's Jewel Park.

Raghavendra promised to utilize the benefits provided by the central government and the grants available from the state government for the development of the Byndoor Assembly constituency. He emphasized his commitment to working alongside MLA Gururaj Shetty to transform Byndoor into a model constituency.

Expressing his dissatisfaction with the current state of development projects in the state, Raghavendra noted that many projects approved during the BJP government remain unimplemented under the current administration. He urged the state government to focus on development, highlighting that a year has already passed without significant progress.

Raghavendra expressed his disappointment over the incomplete Jal Jeevan Mission projects in Byndoor, stressing the urgent need for the construction of several water tanks to ensure drinking water supply to the local residents. He called on the state government to take immediate action in this regard.

During the campaign, Raghavendra had promised to bring Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Kollur. He reaffirmed his commitment to this promise and emphasized his dedication to development, regardless of his official position.

Raghavendra acknowledged the numerous issues facing the constituency, including forest and sand problems, and land issues for the poor. He vowed to make sincere efforts to address these issues within the legal framework.

He criticized the state government for its financial mismanagement, which he said has led to increased burdens on the people through price hikes. The BJP high command has decided to protest against these hikes across the state to send a strong message to the government.

Regarding the recent election results, Raghavendra accused the Congress party of imposing price hikes as a form of retribution against the voters. He stated that the BJP strongly condemns and protests against such actions.

Byndoor MLA Gururaj Gantihole and party workers and leaders were present at the event.




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