Prajna Counselling Center hosts awareness programme on International Day against Drug Abuse

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (VP)

Mangaluru, Jun 26: On the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, an awareness program was organized by Prajna Counselling Center (ICRA), Mangaluru on Wednesday, June 26 at Prajna Counselling Center, Mangaluru.

Hemacharya, Managing Trustee at Ian Cares Foundation, Sarva Dharma Sangama Rehab Center, spoke at the event, sharing his personal journey: "My wife always wanted us to own an old age home. Later, she was diagnosed with cancer. During that time, my son was staying abroad and wanted to meet us, but my wife insisted he come during Christmas. Unfortunately, he lost his life in a road accident. My wife asked me why we should cry now because everyone has to go one day. After that, I started a foundation in my son's name. Later, during COVID, my wife also lost her life, and we started 'Sarva Dharma Sangama Rehab Center'. I lived luxuriously before, but the kind of happiness I get now is incomparable. Seeing young people come out of their addiction truly makes me happy."

Prof. Hilda Rayappan, Founder of Prajna Counselling Center, also spoke: "The story of Hemacharya is heart-touching. We started our journey around 30 years ago, and practical knowledge is more important in social service; people should connect with each other. I extend my gratitude to the Almighty for allowing us to start this initiative. I worked as a professor at Roshni Nilaya, and they would respect and help me in any way. I won hearts only through my work. Government grants always get delayed, yet I'm happy to say we are sustaining."

She further added, "Whenever I go to any village or any place, I always meet people who have been to Prajna Counselling Center. When they reach out to us, it makes us happy. So far, we have facilitated 45 marriages of children who had no parents. I want everyone to understand that if you become proper, the whole family grows. Surrender yourself to God, and you'll get immense power and strength to handle all negative things in the future."

Vinod was honored and felicitated for quitting alcohol for 12 years. Awards were given to patients for participating in drawing, singing, slogan making, and other activities.

Anand Kundar, chief counsellor at Prajna de-addiction centre, organised the programme. 

Anand Attavar, co-founder of Prajna Counselling Center, Harry D'Souza, and others were present.




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