Mangaluru: CODP conducts seminar for Jeppu Seminary students

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 27: The director of CODP, Fr Vincent DSouza along with the office secretary Nikeeta Fernandes addressed the seminarians of Jeppu Seminary on the topics "Natural Resource Management and Plastic Waste Management.

The rector of St Joseph Seminary, Fr Ronald Serrao, briefed the students on the need to protect the environment which starts with flourishing the seminary campus itself.

Fr Vincent D'Souza explained in detail, the process of eco brick benches and the engineering required to construct a bench and its cost. He also introduced the projects at CODP in short. He encouraged the seminarians to put up eco benches and include water harvesting and soil preservation techniques in and around their seminary.

In response to this the students of the seminary were thrilled to do all the works needed to install an eco brick bench.





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