Bhopal, Jan 17 (IANS): The Madhya Pradesh Lokayukta Tuesday raided the premises of a sub-engineer of the Public Health Engineering Department and an inspector in the labour welfare department and unearthed assets worth Rs.12 crore and Rs.9 crore, respectively.
The raids were conducted by Lokayukta sleuths in Ujjain, Indore and Bhopal.
In the raids on sub-engineer R.K. Dwivedi in Ujjain and Indore, the Lokayukta unearthed property documents relating to two houses each in Ujjain and Indore's posh localities, 50 bighas of farmland in Ujjain, three cars, two two-wheelers, one dumper and one tractor trolley, besides ornaments worth several lakhs of rupees.
"So far, assets worth more than Rs.9 crore have been unearthed and if all properties are calculated, it would reach Rs.12 crore," Lokayukta superintendent of police Arun Mishra said.
Sources also revealed that Dwivedi had not withdrawn his salary since the past two years from the department.
"In the raids on labour inspector Brajesh Sharma's premises in Indore and Bhopal, papers relating to four houses -- three in Indore and one in Bhopal -- have been recovered," deputy superintendent of police of the Lokayukta, G.D. Sharma told reporters.
He added that lands in Gwalior and Morena districts have also been unearthed in the names of the labour inspector and his family. The properties amount to more than Rs.12 crore, Sharma said.