Bangalore: Kota Srinivas Poojary Seeks Divine Help for Rains at Rs 18.5 Crore
From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore
Bangalore, Jul 20: With one of the worst-ever drought staring at Karnataka this year on account of the failure of monsoon, the State Government has decided to seek divine help to rush to the rescue of the State through bountiful rains, by making arrangements to hold special pujas in all the temples at a cost of Rs 18.5 crore.
The State Government has sent an official circular to the 37,000 temples in the State under the purview of the Muzrai or Religious Endowment Department for offering these special pujas to profiate the rain gods, according to the newly inducted Muzari Minister Kota Srinivasa Poojary.
Poojary, who is an MLC from the Udupi district, told reporters that the Government has sanctioned a sum of Rs 5,000 each to each of the temples for holding the official pujas which will be held on the two days, July 27 and August 2.
''The dates have been selected as they are considered very auspicious with the belief that rain gods must bless the State,” he explained.
Poojary said Churches and Mosques in the state have also been asked to conduct special prayers for rain.
The minister said the Government has asked the temples coming under the purview
of the Muzrai Department under his control to pray to the gods so that the State is blessed with bountiful rains.
''There is nothing wrong in offering any special prayers or pujas,” he contended explaining that the pujas must be sincere.
The crops will be good and agricultural production will increase only if we have rains, he said pointing out that as many as 123 out of the 176 taluks were reeling under severe drought conditions with shortage of drinking water. Apart from the people even the cattle were affected by non-availability of water or sufficient fodder due to the monsoon failure, he said.
''I know some people don’t believe that offering pujas may not help in bringing rains. But there is a large section of the people who offer pujas and prayers for solving their problems and failure of monsoon is a severe problem,” he said pointing out that there was nothing wrong if special pujas were performed to profitiate rain gods.
The move, however, came in for flak from JD(S) as the party’s floor leader and former minister M C Nanaiah criticised the government’s decision in the Legislative Council.
Instead of spending Rs 18.5 crore to perform special pujas, the government could spend the same amount to take up drought relief works, he said.
The JD(S) deputy leader in the Assembly Bandeppa Kashempur said the Government should take up drought relief works on a war footing. ''Instead of wasting tax-payers money on pujas, the Government could spend the amount by providing free food the people in the affected taluks,” he suggested.
The Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar, soon after assuming charge, met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on July 17 in New Delhi and sought an immediate Central aid of Rs 2,000 crore.
The state government is yet to calculate the extent of crop loss in this monsoon season of deficient rain. Among the many states of India now facing drought, Karnataka is one of the worst hit. Large parts of north and central Karnataka have recorded almost 27 per cent deficient rainfall.
Cong, JD(S) Demand Waiver of Farm Loans
Meanwhile, the Opposition Congress and JD(S) members, participating in the debate on the drought situation in the State Assembly demanded that the State Government must waive all the crop loans availed by farmers last year as they will not be able to repay even the interest much less the principal amount.
Continuing the debate on drought in the Legislative Assembly, Leader of the Opposition Siddaramaiah and (S) floor leader H D Revanna urged the government to waive crop loans borrowed by all farmers as one time measure.
The farming sector in the State was in distress and the farmers were in a pitiable condition. Waving of crop loans borrowed last year and early settlement of crop insurance amount for farmers for damaged crops would provide some relief to farmers, they said.
Noting that 90 per cent of the sown crops damaged on account of deficit rainfall, Siddaramaiah said continued load-shedding, deletion of 30 lakh BPL ration cards, non-release of social security pension amounts, denial of jobs under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and non-implementation of drought relief measures adversely affected the daily life of farmers and the poor, he said.
“If this trend continued, the farmers are left with only two options – either to indulge in criminal activities or commit suicide,” the Congress leader said.
He demanded the Government, which presented Rs 1 lakh crore budget, to set aside Rs 5000 crore to mitigate drought.
The Government handled the drought situation poorly and it had not even spent Rs 700 crore sanctioned by the Centre last year.
“Ministers neither conduct review meetings nor visit villages to gather information about drinking water and fodder shortage,” he said.
Comment on this article
Shenoy, Mangalore
Sat, Jul 28 2012Looking at your comment, now I feel that praying God is going back to stone age. Let me tell you if you pray God without belief, there is no need to pray: You are atheist just praying to please others. If you believe in God, then believe in your prayers. What Mr. Kota Srinivas has done is absolutely correct and God has answered his prayers.
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Judith L, Mumbai
Tue, Jul 24 2012100% correct Mr. Nathan, this money should be utilised for rain harvesting projects and the water problem will be solved for ever like it was done in Chennai.
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Nathan, Bangalroe
Mon, Jul 23 2012Save Karnataka / Bangalore
Where is the so called normal rain in Bangalore? Whatever rains we have experienced for the past one month are only ‘rain without water “(drizzling). In the outskirts of Bangalore i.e. the newly added areas to BBMP where people do not have Kavery Connection, most of the people are depending Bore wells, water tractors. Only cool wind blows without rain making us high and dry. Rain Water Harvesting should me made compulsory in all places of Karnataka, especially Bangalore. Save this city. Rejuvenate lakes given by Nature to Bangalore. Do not allow real estate mafia encroach lake belts. If you want to keep Bangalore, preserve the lakes and rejuvenate ground water.
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Gerald, modankap-bantval
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Rudolf Rebello, Mumbai
Sun, Jul 22 2012What else one can expect if uneducated , confused , dumb man is made the MINISTER ?
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Dev Sagar, Mangalore
Sun, Jul 22 2012This is the height of stupidity. Ministry in the hands of people like Kota Srinivas Poojary is like "Mangana kaiyalli manikya". He is a laughing stock of the nation! I really pity the people of Karnataka. Why do we need elections in the future??? We can arrange for Poojas and request God to the PM and ministers of his choice!!!
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Damodar Bhat, Udupi
Sun, Jul 22 2012Kota Srinivas Poojary looks puzzled in the photograph.Poor chap, he doesn't know how many zero's are there in 18.5 crores, although he is a P.hd !!!
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RR, Mangalore
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Aubb, Kuwait
Sun, Jul 22 2012Look at the puzzled face of KSP!!
The first thing he did since he was forced to become MANTRI ,was to open his mouth on Made Snana!!
Now he has become even more bold and gone on records for compulsory puja for rains in temples.
Whether the money is raised from tax payers or the temples itself, it is public money (ofcourse Hindus themselves) which should have been used to remove sand from tanks and lakes, water conservation, planting trees that will create rain, and ofcourse use scientific methods to use water wisely.
How hopelessly KSP has failed the people of Karnataka since he took office.
Why the churches/mosques don't come forward to give a general public call for prayers at free of cost to get rains in K'taka?
I am wondering how many more blunders KSP will commit before the BJP govt. will fall, which is very soon.
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Ronald D, Udupi
Sun, Jul 22 2012He insulted kota and Kundapura!! Not only that...Kutty Kundapura insulted whole state!! Who made him a minister? Wish we do not get such ministers often!! Why Shetter did not find better Shattur? Shetter bitter? Why Karnataka getting such people? Why not Bihar or UP?
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Suresh, Mangalore
Sun, Jul 22 2012Although I am personally not in favor of this decision,I am surprised at facts being overlooked by commentators on Daiji
out of ignorance and just to oppose for the sake of it.
Read that article - "Shettar government turns to rain god" on Deccan Herald online for more clarity
Some facts:
- Muzrai Department of the Government is in-charge of Hindu Temples and donation that it receives from Hindu devotees.
So in other words, its Hindu devotees money ploughed back for temples activities and technically
not tax payers money. That also answers why Churches and Mosques are not getting the money (since
it doesnt control them) and hence they can only request them to hold prayers.
- "The expenses should not exceed Rs 5,000 and should be bourne by the temples, the circular stated. "
which means its not going out of the exchequer per se (although it means Dept doesnt get the donations upto Rs. 5000)
- "In 2001, the then S M Krishna government had instructed the department to hold special poojas in the face of a severe drought that year."
Was this questioned back then? Can someone remind me.
- Another point which Poojary supposedly amde in TV interview was that, these poojas will be well attended since
its for the betterment of society, so the collection on the pooja day may actually exceed Rs. 5000!
p.s. i wont go by the like/dislike for my comments here, cause i know the audience in this site is heavily baised
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supraraj, singapore
Sat, Jul 21 2012What foolish staement by poojary and Mr Ganesh the fund is not from hundis it is the people money which we have paid tax......innsted they can spend to build shelter for the people of flood affected area which is still pending....for your kind information Mr Ganesh it is sanctioned from the government fund and not from hundi ...
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MM ALVARES, Mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012Say, if it rains credit goes to Kota Poojary, if it delays the blame is on Poojary performing the puja.....My wish is let it rain and the suffering of people decrease.....Nature, plese not be angry with this petty politics, pl. be kind on us. Friends, let's leave Poojary, poor man with very few allocation of funds he is managing, whatever way possible....
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glenn, Kuwait/kallianpur
Sat, Jul 21 2012first comes Pooja for rains for 18.5 crores. Then comes distributing umbrellas for all the people for 20 crores and then comes flood relief for all the rain affected areas for 25 crores.
Every minister wil get their commission in this amount.Wow what a world we live in :)
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Manohar Veigas, UDUPI
Sat, Jul 21 2012I recollect a joke where four friends boasted about their generosity. The first said I give all my savings to the Temple, the second said I give it to the Church, the third said I give it to the Masjid. The Fourth said, I just throw all my savings up to the Sky, whatever God wants, he takes it, rest whatever falls done is mine. So same is the case with our bunch of ministers swindling public money in the name of God.
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Praveen, udupi
Sat, Jul 21 2012Dinesh Poojary i think Sushma Swaraj would be the ideal heroine because she too is proved to be a good dancer.
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Ganesh, Bengaluru
Sat, Jul 21 2012Commentrators,
Read carefully before giving any comments, don't be prejudice. Why people are going to temple, church, mosque, religious place to pray or to bribe god. This is the gimmic of few commentrator just for sake of opposing present state government, be positive.Minister has given call to use money from temple Hundi, not from government fund or not from waqf or not from church. This is not tax payers money, it has come from Hindu devotees and worshippers. Other religious places, mosque, church are welocme to perform prayers for the better living instead of blaming, no one has stopped doing such noble cause.
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KPNK, Oman
Sat, Jul 21 2012It is an awakening call from the Almighty to these corrupt politicians who amass wealth and a challenge as to whether can they generate water with their illgotten wealth.
Instead of Govt. spending on Poojas, these politicians should spend money from their pockets for doing poojas, so that they will get a little mercy from the Almighty, and there will be some downpour.
The common man in any case is doing pooja daily and visiting temples daily and he doesn't need the Govt. to again waste the tax payers money for poojas.
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Praveen, Mangalore.
Sat, Jul 21 2012In almost every church every Sunday during mass we pray for good rain.. any politicians asked to pray ?? ourself & for betterment of our State, Country we pray without any selfish..
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sunil, mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012Now kota become khota. why you wasting khota note. very bad kota.
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Sat, Jul 21 2012This year O K.pooja & homa in the temple. If rain comes Well & good. Next year we can try in Church & Masjids for sample check. If no rain comes Who will be taken into accountability ,TEMPLE POOROHITS OR Mr SRINIVASA POOJARI.???? For the loss.
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kk, mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012what is the necessary of doing prayer in church....u expect something from the god..or name sake ur attending..?then u too uneducated seems...!
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Silvia, Mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012What about other places of worship, where they unceasingly pray for the rains?... In a secular country can they spend only for Poojas in the temples?
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shashee, Udupi/Bahrain
Sat, Jul 21 2012If a village photograper turns to minister what we can expect morethan this ? Now uneducated's are more in BJP. that is a party of Alibaba and chalis chor. This is not first time in BJP, Before in Rama' s name they have collected so many Crores of Rupees.
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S. Shenoy, Kundapura
Sat, Jul 21 2012Dear Rolen Quadros, Omaha, USA,
I agree with you.
SANTOSH, mangalore,
Please read the news properly. It says - Poojary, who is an MLC from the Udupi district, told reporters that the Government has sanctioned a sum of Rs 5,000 each to each of the temples for holding the official pujas which will be held on the two days, July 27 and August 2.
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amarnath, bantwal
Sat, Jul 21 2012Now we have to pray the god for to atleast some common sence to our bjp ministers. OH GOD , give some good thinking to our leaders about our poor karnataka people who are suffering from draught.
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valerian D'Souza, Dubai.
Sat, Jul 21 2012Well said by one of the reader. Mohammed Bin Tuglak Dharbar.....!When these uneducated guys go to Assembly what one can expect other than this type of 18.5 worth Puja's.
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M.B.Anchan, kallianapura,Udupi
Sat, Jul 21 2012Srinivas Poojary is taken good decision. nothing wrong praying and making Poojas GOD for rain.This money not came from government or Tax payers.This money came from who is believe GOD theirs.first people must understand what poojary told
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clara helen, Mangalore, Oman
Sat, Jul 21 2012Can't the temples pray free of cost. Does God need money? Pl. use this money for the poor farmers who are affected by drought,waive their loans, give free electricity & water! Farmers are the backbone of the country, let them live!
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vinay mulur, MULUR
Sat, Jul 21 2012For example:Our government now a days dumping more and more junk project (like: Nagarjuna,Kaiga, BSF..etc) to our costal belt. This kind of monster companies ruining our greenery, but we could appreciate serenity of political persons!!! ,seeming like this kind of project boon for them & also for some local influential persons they are busy with making money never bothering to rescue .
maybe this one of reason for draught. so…… This is just a trailer, picture abi bi baki hai????
so, govt should take green initiative then only we overcome these kind of problem”.
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Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh
Sat, Jul 21 2012Seeking Divine help for rains is not a wrong decision to have one,after all we are the belivers of'GOD'.One simple thought, instead of doing 'Pooja' in all the temples in karnataka,why not make the 'pooja'in some ed temples,A idea never be questioned by anyone.By the by the temples all over, never borrow money from the govt, but the govt collects the huge money from the temples itself.Anyway Pooja's are for belivers and not for Non-belivers and lastly It is from devotees and it is for devotees,not any personal property?.
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Prakash Baretto, Kundapur/Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012it is cannot bring rain.....Mr. Srinivas Poojary needs a special pooja for himself.
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Sat, Jul 21 2012Mangana Kaiyalli Manikya!!!!!!!
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Dexter, Abu Dhabi
Sat, Jul 21 2012and there starts the money making business of the new ministers.
I dont know why the tax payers hard earned money be allowed to be blown out in this manner.
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SANTOSH, mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012I think nobody listened properly what minister said. he told that RS.5000 allowing to temple use from their own fund for the sake of karnataka people because of rain. and i really feel shame with revanna what he have right to discuss against kota order. Revanna forget that deve gowda he made one yaga in belthegandy spend in crorers,
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haneef, sharjah
Sat, Jul 21 2012"KOTA" will be "KOTYADIPATHI" very SOON...
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satish, kundapur
Sat, Jul 21 2012We can expect only this type of order from uneducated minister,now we can understand how he becomes a minister and what about his nature.He cheated Haladi Srinivas shetty and become minister.first of all he is ed member not elected member.
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Dayananda, Vorkady
Sat, Jul 21 2012Out of 6crore people only 100 brothers commenting against it... It is not govt money. It is the money collected in Hundies/Paid against performing pooja at muzarai temples. Out of these if rains comes it wont pour only Hindu lands..
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vincy, bangkok
Sat, Jul 21 2012Dear Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru, It is not the news that will affect the Portuguese brothers, but your statement will definitely irk is not divine power but Due to wine power during elections your BJP government is formed.The Portugues brothers are always first in paying taxes and other revenue to the government and these taxes will be used for ‘RAIN MAKING POOJA’. You ask any Village accountant in south kanara and find out if any Portuguese brothers keep pending house and property taxes.They are the first to pay taxes and they still enjoy wine power.
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satish, kundapur
Sat, Jul 21 2012This is non sense,Instead of making pooja this money can share with peoples in Drought areas.he started making pocket full and also this share goes to Kalladka Prabhakar bhat and some of them involved to get ministry for Poojari.
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Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012Politics, Politics & politics, even with our almighty God.. OH GOD, save these politicians from playing politics with YOU too.
Instead, this amount 18.5crores could have been distributed to poor farmers & people who suffer from drought. God would have been pleased and rains would have poured down without much hassels.
By the way, Mr. Srinivas Poojary, where is the money for mosques & churches, why only temples? again caste / religion politics?
Do we need these kind of politicians & goveranance? These foolish politicians are taking us for a royal ride..!!
Time to wake up people & voice against these nonsense & waste of our Tax Money..!!
God save us from these politicians & their dirty politics.
Kota S Poojary would not have seen such money so far, he now doesnt know how to handle money when he sees it all in politics..!!
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S. Shenoy, Kundapura
Sat, Jul 21 201237000 X 5000 = INR 18,50,00,000!!!!
From where do these ministers get these kind of foolish ideas? Govt instead can spend the same money on people living in drought affected area. Irreparable govt! :-(
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Aam Aadmi, Navi Mumbai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Wow!!!!! What a way to burn INDIAN CITIZEN's money. All People in the country should be clean hearted, including Ministers and pray to God in a true sense then He will give what ever you have asked for.. Muh mein Ram Ram Bagal mein Chura(Knife).... Aisa Ishwar ko nahee chalega. G0d says "Be Holy, because I AM HOLY"
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anand, Karkala/Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Let all the ministers donate their looted money collectively amounting to Rs. 18.5 cr. and perform the pujas anywhere they want. Then the merciful God will shower his blessings on State. If they use this hard earned money again drought condition will become severe.
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Rakesh shetty, mangalore
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Sat, Jul 21 2012Shriman Kota srinivas poojary Dont try to become "KHOTA pooja" ri... people are watching...
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Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Now they have started looting in the name of GOD..........
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Sat, Jul 21 2012Use 18.5 crore for cloud seeding rain will pour in...
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Sat, Jul 21 2012Foolish order from Mr S Poojary. Now I think that Mr Shatter will also issue one more order that ALL THE BJP MLAs MUST ATTENED THE POOJA&HOMA DAY WITHOUT FAIL.If they don't attend the Budget session no problem.Budget session is not that much importent,RAIN IS IMPORTENT.
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Alwyn, Canada
Sat, Jul 21 2012Govt must request in a televised mode to state people to pray for rain or betterment of the state rather declaring the offering RS.5000 for temples, mosques, churches. It is always better everyone pray to good crop, good health, good mansoon etc. God has enough in his power and not required paid pujas to satisfy the need to send rain. One must pray with clean heart, mind and soul without bias with fasting will accepted by almight god our lord who not only pour rain and other rewards on us. People forget the govt money go to god houses and pray with full heart with forgiveness and offer your prayers. No one can bribe god and take curse upon them. Everyone has one single god who is god for all.
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Elias, mumbai
Sat, Jul 21 2012If it rains by offering pooja then it is a paid rain for temples and free for others.
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AJ, Managlore
Sat, Jul 21 2012True to his name.
18.5 cr to 'Pooja'ry.
Jokers are fit to perform in a circus...
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U R Mendonsa, Abu Dhabi
Sat, Jul 21 2012ಬರ್ಸ ಬರ್ಪುಂಡ ಇಜ್ಜಾ ಗೊತ್ಹೀಜ್ಜಿ ಆ೦ಡ ಮಿನಿಸ್ಟರ್ ನಕುಲ್ನ ಜೀವನೊಡು ದೊಡ್ದುದ ಬರ್ಸ ಕಂಡಿತ ಬರ್ಪುಂಡು.
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iqbal, dubai
Sat, Jul 21 201237000 temples * rs 5000 = 18.5 cr. so it means they r paying only for temples and nothing for church or mosques....
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Vijay Kumar, Bangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012Earlier Pooja places used to help people in distress.The temples churches,masjid should try to give water, food and shelter for the people.
All BJP leaders should take bath in Ganga to wash their sin and rain will come.Any how rain will come again next month and they can claim it is because of their Pooja.Wish Ganga water is enough to wash their sin
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victor, mangalore/Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Pls the government of Karnataka.... Stop all these crap.....use the money to sink wells and clean up the reservoirs.... and help the farmers.... the world is laughing at us..Pls dont insult INDIANS THIS WAY...
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Eric, Mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012Good for Nottingham foolish minister appeasing some section of the society at the cost of the exchequer in this 21st century.
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Gimik, Q8
Sat, Jul 21 2012What is the use of weather forecast then
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Rolen, Omaha, USA
Sat, Jul 21 2012He is a out from Giliyaru Higher Primary School, Kota. "Wiping the tears of the poor and sick is the best puja one can perform," Mahatma Gandhi had said. Our own visionary Sir M Visvesvaraya’s philosophy of ‘Work is Worship’ too has no takers in the present BJP government. The huge amount planned to placate the gods can be better used to quench the thirst of lakhs of people and save thousands of cattle dying due to the lack of fodder and water. The need of the hour is to open
gruel centres to feed drought-hit families and prevent their mass migration to cities. Having betrayed the people who elected them, our politicians deserve no mercy and should be made to pay for their sins. We want more clones of J.P Hegde and Halady Srinivas Shetty in Coastal Karnataka who are humble.
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Raghu, Mangalore/USA
Sat, Jul 21 2012This Money is collected from Hindus and goes into the coffers of The Muzrai or Religious Endowment dept. No Christian or Muslim is put in this account and no foreign funds come in. This is Hindu money and the Money is going to Hindu temples. Let money from the Wakf boards go to prayers in Masjids and Vatican or foreign money go to churches for prayers. Enough money has been given for pilgrims going to Mecca or Bethlehm. Why should Hindus bear that cost.
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Slayer, Timbuktu
Sat, Jul 21 2012Dear various aggrieved Muslims and Christians, before blowing hot and cold, it is not taxpayers' money. Also, ask yourself why there is Govt control on temples, while Churches and Mosques are like another country.
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Raj , Udupi
Sat, Jul 21 2012After reading all these comments it is confirmed that you didn't listen to what Mr. Pujari said. I was watching his interview and he was clear, government is not paying for this pooja/prayer , temple is responsible for the expenses. Mr. Poojari is doing what he could from his department (Mujarai ilakhe). I liked his comments.
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painfull, karnataka
Sat, Jul 21 2012ಮಳೆಯಾದರೇನು, ಬಿಸಿಲಾದರೇನು, ಬುಧಿವನ್ತರಿಗೆ ಹಣ. ಪೂಜಾರಿಗೆ ಆ ಹಣವನ್ನು ಬಿಸಿಲಿನ ಬೇಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನೊಂದ ಬಡವರಿಗೆ ನೀರು ಕುಡಿಸಲು ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಬಹುದಿತ್ತು. ದೇವರಿಗೆ ಮೊರೆ ಹೋಗಲು ಎರಡು ಕೈ ಗಳನ್ನೂ ಮೇಲಕ್ಕೆತ್ತಿ ನೊಂದ ಜೀವಿ ಸ್ವಚ್ಚ ಮ ನಸ್ಸಿನಿಂದ ಬೇಡಿಕೊಂಡರೆ ದೇವರು ನಿಜವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮಳೆ ಬೆಳೆಯನ್ನು ಕರುಣಿಸಬಲ್ಲ.
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Praveen, Mangalore/Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Wasting of public money, prayers can be done free of cost also, Please save that huge amount of money, use that money for any good public works.
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Avinash, Belle
Sat, Jul 21 2012Thuglak Darbar!!!!
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Maxi Mathias, Shirva,Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Corrupt BJP's new idea to fool & loot the people of Karnataka.
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Reshmi Salian, Mangalore
Sat, Jul 21 2012This man is gone mad. He won't survive for long. He should conduct poojas for his survival. Instead of doing all these gimmicks, he should have given priority for the development. Useless minister. It's a shame that he belongs to coastal Karnataka. I wonder whether this minister knows how many zeroes are there in a crore. Anyways, we cannot blame the minister. The person's who made this man as minister need to be blamed.
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Lancelot N Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar
Sat, Jul 21 2012Churches no need special permission from the Govt. plus Govt public tax money to perform Prayers. Stratight Prayer to Almighty Creator of heaven n earth.
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Sunil Fernandes, Dubai
Sat, Jul 21 2012Why this funds pray to rain sanctioned only for Hindu Temples? why not for the christian churches and Muslim mosques?
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Louis, Kuwait
Sat, Jul 21 2012No need to grant money for prayers in Temes, Churches and Masjids. This BJP govt making money on this drought issue. Prayers can be free of cost. BJP govt is accumulating money for next election. That's the reason Shettar has been bought. He is misusing Kota Shrinivas Poojary for this purpose. This is money making business. If govt does this prayers spending 18.5 crores, God will send flood and not rain. Two yrs before in north Karnataka this is what happened.
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sudhir, mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012This is so ridiculous. Why this is happing in my country. What is next puja to eliminate poverty in the country??
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Dr.Thinker, Mlore/London
Fri, Jul 20 2012If uneducated fools like these are ministers what can we Indians expect? Instead of spending that sort of money on so called 'prayers' , for which there is no certainty that you are going to get rain , that money would have paid for at least 1000 poor students higher education, 1000 poor families would have got basic accommodation, etc etc.
If prayers alone should solve all the problems India should be the most problem free, death free, poverty free , disease free country in the world as we have more Gods than any other country in the world and we have more people praying to gods than any other country in the world !
People wake up, its just the variability of the seasons of nature all that we can do is try to solve the problems caused by less rain by innovation ,alternative sources etc.
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nagraj, bengaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012Nature supports only when the ruler is good at heart, having development of the downtrodden/voiceless people, providing social justice with communal harmony in Mind & Deed. Hope Shettar /Poojary rethink on this ISSUE. May the Rain Gods shower on the State for delivering a positive administration
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Laila Pinto, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Foolish Ministers ..!!!!
Instead why can't they use the money practically by educating the people on water harvesting and helping them in various ways to sustain their living.
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Ronald D, Udupi
Fri, Jul 20 2012Total failures by any standards!! Joker of the year 2012!! We must vote educated candidates! Religion, Puja and faith is for personal life! Pity we elect gamars! They pay our money for poojas! Pooja and prayer need no money! My God....where we are heading to? People around world must be laughing at us!!! That is no concern!!! Attitude of our people is a real concern!!!! Which is way out now!!???? New minister with new fanatic idea! He feels nothing wrong about it.....Tell me about it!!! With 18.5 corers invested in public project can fetch better result than puja fee!!!! Can God from any religion save this state!! Though God is one for all religion?????
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jolvin, mumbai
Fri, Jul 20 2012Instaed spending 19Cr for pujas, govt can ask temple, masjid & Church to do special prayer. god will listen everyones prayer. and please spend that 19Cr for development of roads in remote places. rains will be there in all parts of india and its a temporary problem of rain.
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Joe , Udupi
Fri, Jul 20 2012Church is already started praying, but to pray money is not required. God will be more blessful if personal money usded from the ministers.
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Ronald D, Udupi
Fri, Jul 20 2012We must vote educated candidates! Religion, Puja and faith is for personal life! Pity we elect gamars! They pay our money for poojas! Pooja and prayer need no money! My God....where we are heading to? People around world must be laughing at us!!! That is no concern!!! Attitude of our people is a real concern!!!! Which is way out now!! New minister with new fanatic idea! He feels nothing wrong about it.....Tell me about it!!! With 18.5 crores invested in public project can fetch better result than puja fee!!!! Can God from any religion save this state!! Though God is one for all religion?????
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Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012Good decision by Kota Srinivas Poojary and BJP Govt.
According to Hinduism, we believe in divinity power for every problem we face. It always rains during famous Hindu's festivals, for example a day before deepavali, some amavase/hunnime days, some regional festivals etc etc.
We always seek divines help during our difficult times. It could be personal, family or social.
During my childhood days, I remember I participated in mass pooja offered seeking rainfall. The same day afternoon it started raining.
Hats off to our ANNA BOND KS Poojary and BJP Govt.
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L D Souza, Mangalore/ca
Fri, Jul 20 2012Prayer is a mode of communication between God and man. Instead of spending tax payers 18.5 crores of rupees to pray, you can use that money to feed the people who have no food to eat. The temples are already existing and all that one has to do is to enter the temple, spend some quiet time in communication with God or participate in the daily rituals in the temple. You can also a particular day of prayer for the cause among all the religions. My question is why can't you spare Rs.5000 to all the churches, mosques and any other temples too. I think we need to pray for wisdom.
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Stanly Rodrigues, Mangaolore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Respected Minister, you better utilize those Rs 18.5 Crore, to help the farmers who have been under the burden of drought, than giving to the temples and filling the pockets of pujaris!
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Pooja, Mlore
Fri, Jul 20 2012This is the worst government i have ever seen ...... spending money on unwanted things ..... God save this state .
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kiran, Ujire/USA
Fri, Jul 20 201218.5 crores for the puja???????
Is there any guarrenty of rain after the puja? praying is surely needed but for the prayers spending 18.5 crores will be stupidity. This money can be used to atleast 5% of the farmers. god save karnataka from this ministers...who doenst know what they doing
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Benny, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Amazing ! 700 crore set aside by government last year was not spent.
Now this guy spends 18 crore on temples for pooja instead of using it to help drought stricken victims.Is he a relative of Yeddy by any chance ?
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Vincie Rodrigues, Thottam/Canada
Fri, Jul 20 2012It's shame to spend Rs18.5 crore on temples to offer prayers. Hope temples will return that money to provide water to the suffering people. Temples must offer prayers free for its suffering people.
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Nirmala, Bejai
Fri, Jul 20 2012If Govt has given money to temples, then why it has left Masjids and Churches etc.
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Ashok Shetty, Shirva
Fri, Jul 20 2012This is ridiculous, tax payers money paying for Pujas.To offer special pujas temples,churches and mosques they can spend money to offer pujas. God don't want the money if every people pray by clean heart that is enouh.
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Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah
Fri, Jul 20 2012Please use 18.5 crores for the benefit of farmers,otherwise suicide rate of farmers will shoot up like anything this year.First of all Minister should issue strong warning to those who cut trees.We get good rain because of forests.Offering special pooja will not help.Worship GOD VANARAJA by not cutting trees,everything will be allright.
DisAgree [2] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse, Canada
Fri, Jul 20 2012I'm going to perform puja in the temple and mass in the church next Sunday I need to get paid salary for next 20 years. I'm ready to give temple $ 1000 and even Church another $ 1000 Anyone willing ? If I'm not going to be paid you are going to be sued.. prayer wihout action nothing works. People think pujas and prayers are vending machines - put the coin in and get stuff out. If that is case " give and get" God would have been great service provider.
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Jagannath, Puttur
Fri, Jul 20 2012So called secular news medias hypocrisy ,where as central govt spends crores of Rs of tax payers money for Haj travelers ,where as Hindus never complained ,when it comes Hindu temple pooja the money which collected through devotees donations going to spent ,why so much cry ????????????
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Denis Moras, Nainadu/Qatar
Fri, Jul 20 2012Dear Ministers offering prayers in temple Rs 5000/- how much you give for mosque and churh god is not blind is know very well how to hadle you guys do not try to do so.
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subhas sheety, kurady/dubai
Fri, Jul 20 2012He is BJP and RSS Minister Just want make them happy not for people of karnataka. he is mad wasting 18 core for tht. Wht type of minister and wht type of gove we have.Funny
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Ashraf, Mangalore/abudhabi
Fri, Jul 20 2012BJP bribing god?
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Vivek, Udupi
Fri, Jul 20 2012Can they makt it rain during off season? ***** This money will be devided between living CORRUPT gods. Why not cloud seeding?
let's love the voters of karnataka
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N. Frank, India/ksa
Fri, Jul 20 2012I am not a authority to confirm Whether it is a direct result of the prayers or not, but I have witnessed in Ksa, in several occassions, that it did rain soon after offering special prayers for rain.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai
Fri, Jul 20 2012Are we are trying to bribe our GOD's or..........
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Vijay, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Hello, first you check with MET dept. whether rains are forecast or not. If not, no use spending so much of money. Is some part of this money is allocated for church services or not ? Or do they expect us to pray free ? What kind of corrupt govt. we have here. They will never leave any excuse – including the drought – to make money somehow. Instead of all this drama, I advise them to go and spend few days amongst the poor people one by one in order to do penance for their sins. Utterly outrageous & despicable.
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Dr S Kamath, Mumbai
Fri, Jul 20 2012As such several thousands of Crores of Rupees is collected through these Temples and that money goes to Govts treasury and Rs 18 Crores is a small amount out of that money .This Prayer will also give Confidence to the people who are participating in the Prayers.JDS Needs to learn from BJP
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Aditya Euphras, Davanagere/Bangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012I feel this is a good decision by our minister and Govt. Nothing wrong in seeking divine help as we do this for our personal problems always. We need to appreciate the efforts of Srinivas Poojary and his concern about drought. I hope it will be fruitful and our problems will be solved.
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Praveen, Mulky/USA
Fri, Jul 20 2012This is what happens if dumb person become a minister. I am not against prayer, prayers can be made without spending crores of money...These money could have been used innovatevely by creating special projects for storing rain water when there is extreme rain...
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Mohandas Kapikad, Mangaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012Government takes Crores from Temple offerings, so why can't they sent back the same. Of course they are spending for a good cause, & that too from the money which they once took from temples.
Good work by State Govt.
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Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012Look at 3rd picture. Siddaramayya is dancing.
I like his skills of dancing. He has provided good entertainment for state people many times in past. For example during Ballary Padayatre. The 20 days of Padayatre was very entertaining. During those 20 days i stopped watching the serials Mukta Mukta, Mangalya, Parvathi Parameshwara, Paduvarahalli Paddegalu etc. Because none of these provided better entertainment than his dance. I was watching his performance thru TV9 and Suvarna.
He is a good comedy actor. No future for him in politics. He can't become CM. So I suggest him to join Sandalwood and become CM in one movie. People will then start calling him "MUKHYAMANTHRI SIDDU". His desire is fulfilled. !!!!
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Suhail, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012nside news- 700 crore sanctioned by centre for drought was used by Shri Yeddyurappaji for conducting prayers to Dethrone DVS from CM post.... This new idea must be his suggestion too.. Yeddyji has good contacts with Lords above.
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Vincent, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Excuse me!!!! I'm sorry but this is not why I pay taxes.
Since when is the government eligible or allowed to sanction money for pujas or similar? Is there any law at all in our country?????
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Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012This will irk our Portuguese brothers. They won't agree this because they believe in WINE Power, Not Divine power.
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Concerned Indian, Mangalore, Rome.
Fri, Jul 20 2012No wonder...! The government does not know where to draw a line when it comes to secularism and distancing itself from religion. Stop corruption and power politics, stop playing musical chairs and the good God or rain Gods would bless us!!!
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Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru
Fri, Jul 20 2012Good decision by Kota Srinivas Poojary and BJP Govt.
According to Hinduism, we believe in divinity power for every problem we face. It always rains during famous Hindu's festivals, for example a day before deepavali, some amavase/hunnime days, some regional festivals etc etc.
We always seek divines help during our difficult times. It could be personal, family or social.
During my childhood days, I remember I participated in mass pooja offered seeking rainfall. The same day afternoon it started raining.
Hats off to our ANNA BOND KS Poojary and BJP Govt.
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Adarsh Raj, Sullia/Bangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012Sorry...No comments
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Nabeel, udupi/doha
Fri, Jul 20 2012Rain is so beneficial to all life and without it can cause much harm. God put angels in charge of rain, wind, thunder, protection of humans, etc...That does not mean that God does not create all these things rather it means that the specified angel with the specified task is ordered by God to send down rain, wind, blessings etc. Thats why when Human being need rain they make Du^a (supplication) to their Lord and a special prayer is performed, this prayer called salatul istisqa.
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Catelyn, Mangalore
Fri, Jul 20 2012This is the most obnoxious, despicable solution to our drought hit state.Mr. Sriniva Poojary needs a special pooja himself to get back his wits.
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Charles D'Mello, Pangala
Fri, Jul 20 2012What you can expect from these uneducated and stupid politicians wasting money on such things. Instead of addressing the real cause they are approaching God. Will such politicians deserve to be in the Government...!!!???? Is it to fool the poor farmers and voters...!!!???
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