Mangalore: District Level Teachers Day Celebrated with Revere for Teachers
Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS)
Mangalore, Sep 5: The purpose of education is to gain constructive knowledge and to educate self, while the teachers have the onus of inculcating social responsibilities among students opined Dr Mahabaleshwar Rao, principal of TMA Pai college of education.
He was delivering his key note address at the district level teachers’ day celebration organized by DK zilla panchayat and public instruction department at Town Hall here on Wednesday September 5.
He said that as the per the National Education Policy 1986, education involves morale preaching and asserted that the complaint of contemporary education lacking morale is baseless and added that considerable changes in society’s approach would have cost the concurrent wrongdoings. He pointed out that one cannot prescribe values to a person; rather one can only provoke him or her with the importance of following values in life.
He regretted that in the recent days awards given to teachers in many instances have turned out to be a mockery, as lobbying for getting awards has reached a pinnacle. He asserted that there has to be an autonomous body which could decide the best teachers through sting operations which received a thunderous applause from his counterparts in the programme.
He added that youth must inculcate the qualities of social responsibility in them and said they should be aware of the happenings around them by being very attentive. The political developments, local issues must be discussed in class rooms, he said. He also asserted that one should develop skeptic approach on the system which sharpens them intellectually.
Deputy speaker N Yogish Bhat inaugurating the programme said that our internal ‘Guru’ should awaken our mindset and added that every teacher should take a pledge to create a poet, a scientist, a litterateur, a sportsman in their school. Talent creation is the need of the hour, he said.
On the occasion award winning teachers of the district were honored. ZP president K T Shailaja Bhat, MLA U T Khader, Mayor Gulzar Banu, Dy Mayor Amitha Kala, DK district Kannada Sahithya Parishad president Pradeep Kumar Kalkura among others were present.
Comment on this article
Eulalia Dsouza, Bejai
Thu, Sep 06 2012Teachers day is a great day in the life of the people in this profession.
Though it was and is a noble profession it is slowly loosing its crediblity. As the govt has partially shelled out its responsiblity of education to the private entrepenures who have made education a commercial comodity in the present world.
Gone are the days when the child lived his childhood and the teacher would teach & guide him mentally,morally,Physicallyand emotionally.
The present education system values only academics of the child and insists the teacher to follow it blindly without even giving a chance to the teacher to introspect and correct herself. In this world of academically high standard the teacher is at a loss with heavy load of academics, no backup on training, added to that all the aditional load of other duties.
Hence comes the lobying for excelence.Hence I beleive that we as parents and society as a whole, are to blamed for such an education system.
To develop the teachers profession as a noble one in the years to come let us introspect and find out the drawbacks in the system and solve them.
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Thomas, india
Wed, Sep 05 2012Education begins at home- when a parent plans a baby ,they better have time to raise them up with Love - Principles and core values of respect and dedication with hard work.
Let the parent when raising up in their own shadow find out the likings or dislike sof achild and guide the child without imposing.
Interact with the class teacher- principle on regular basis the aptitude of the child to develop that inborn Talent and skill which every individual God has blessed us with.
Let us know the potential and harness that energy.
to make it into a professional profession so that the whole family -community and the society benefit.
Give due respect and credence to each and every teacher who is spending so much time -energy- sacrifice to bring the best out of every child while imparting knowledge.
WE should have annual functions to felicitate and honor every teacher -professor who is teaching us.
Let there be ON-LINE evaluation /appraisal /assessment of the teacher by the students they teach.
So even the management and the teacher knows their own worth and value to improve.
Life is nothing but progress and a continued education and learning thus .bringing up the life values and standards.
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Eva, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 05 2012Depending on our age group, how many of us would opt to be a teacher in a primary or high school? How many of us would encourage our sons and daughters to choose teaching profession in primary and high schools?
Have we pondered why our present teachers chose this profession? - circumstances? lack of alternatives? last resort?
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Dr Kiran VSA, Udupi
Wed, Sep 05 2012Happy Teacher's Day. Nice to note the inititive by the Administration. Note and recognize the efforts of Teachers. Hope its a one day Gopuje but rather the beginning of longer and meaningful respect paid to them. Please look into their needs also.
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Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore, Muscat
Wed, Sep 05 2012Dear Mr. Bulsam, I full agree with you views of inculcating values in our students by the teachers. However, the onus of this lies not only on the teachers but mainly on the parents. When teachers try to correct the students, it is the parents who raise a hue and cry. I am not saying there should be corporal punishment but any rebuke from the teachers invites the wrath of parents on the teachers and the school authorities. Does anyone realise the selfless service given by the teachers to the students. I read somewhere that "the duty of the teachers is to safely ground the live wire students so that they do not harm themselves nor the society" Well if you cannot lend a helping hand to the teachers in this count, atleast do not put a spook in their efforts. One more thing, please inculcate in your children respect and reverence for their teachers / Gurus, I am saying this as a lay person. Our parents taught us to respect our elders and I am happy to say I had the privilege of rendering little bit of assistance to my aged primary and hight school teachers, and my college lecturers. Some of them have passed away but I still remember and pray for them that their genre may continue. Honour your teachers everyday and not only on 5th Sept. the Teachers day.
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Bulsam, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 05 2012I believe we need a new crop of teachers who need to teach responsibly and impart a value system to students. They need to be role models. They need to impress upon students the importance of purity of life and knowledge. By: - APJ Abdul Kalam
The teacher should regard the pupil as his child. The pupil should regard the teacher as their parent. By: - Vinaya Pitaka
Those who educate children well are to be honoured more than parents, for parents only gave life, and the teachers, the art of living well. - By: Aristotle
While there are many issues to be addressed by and for an oppressed people, a chief issue for our educator is one of access to a quality education for our children. They really are our future and we all have a role to play.
I wish all the teachers ‘A HAPPY TEACHERS DAY’!
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irfan M, mangalore
Wed, Sep 05 2012Happy teachers day..
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