Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope, takes Francis as name

Pope Francis: A humble image, but complex past

VATICAN CITY, Mar 14 (Courtesy : Associated Press) : On the streets in Buenos Aires, the stories about the cardinal who has become the first pope from the Americas often include a very ordinary backdrop: The city bus during rush hour.

Tales are traded about chatting with Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio as he squeezed in with others for the commute to work. They sometimes talked about church affairs. Other times it could be about what he planned to cook for dinner in the simple downtown apartment he chose over an opulent church estate.

Or perhaps it was a mention of his affection for the tango, which he said he loved as a youth despite having one lung removed following an infection.

On the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica just after a rain shower Wednesday, wearing unadorned white robes, the new Pope Francis appeared to strike the same tone of simplicity and pastoral humility for a church desperate to move past the tarnished era of abuse scandals and internal Vatican upheavals.

While the new pontiff is not without some political baggage, including questions over his role during a military dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s, the selection of the 76-year-old Bergoglio reflected a series of history-making decisions by fellow cardinals who seemed determined to offer a suggestion of renewal to a church under pressures on many fronts.

"He is a real voice for the voiceless and vulnerable," said Kim Daniels, director of Catholic Voices USA, a pro-church group. "That is the message."

A cousin back in Argentina said the new pope "has a good spirit" that will benefit Roman Catholicism.

"He is naturally humble and a pastor," said cardiologist Hugo Bergoglio, adding: "Jorge never thought he would be pope, or even a cardinal. That's why he ended up becoming pope."

Francis, the first pope from Latin America and the first from the Jesuit order, bowed to the crowds in St. Peter's Square and asked for their blessing in a hint of the humble style he cultivated while trying to modernize Argentina's conservative church and move past a messy legacy of alleged complicity during the rule of the military junta of 1976-83.

"Brothers and sisters, good evening," he said before making a reference to his roots in Latin America, which accounts for about 40 percent of the world's Roman Catholics.

Groups of supporters waved white-and-blue Argentine flags in St. Peter's Square as Francis made his first public appearance as pope. Bergoglio, who flew to Rome in tourist class, reportedly had envoys urge Argentines not to come to Rome to celebrate his papacy, but instead donate money to the poor.

In taking the name Francis, he drew connections to the 13th century St. Francis of Assisi, who saw his calling as trying to rebuild the simple spirit of the church and devote his life to missionary journeys. It also evokes references to Francis Xavier, one of the 16th century founders of the Jesuit order that is known for its scholarship and outreach.

Francis, the son of middle-class Italian immigrants, came close to becoming pope during the last conclave in 2005. He reportedly gained the second-highest vote total in several rounds of voting before he bowed out of the running before selection of Vatican insider Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI.

By returning to Bergoglio, the conclave confounded speculation that it would turn to a younger candidate more attuned to younger elements in the church and with possibly more stamina for the rigors of the modern papacy with nearly nonstop obligations and frequent global travel. Francis appears in good health, but his age and possible limitations from his single lung raise questions about whether he can face the demands of the position. He doesn't much like to travel, say priests in Buenos Aires.

Unlike many of the other papal contenders, Bergoglio never held a top post inside the Vatican administration, or curia. This outsider status could pose obstacles in attempts to reform the Vatican, which has been hit with embarrassing disclosures from leaked documents alleging financial cover-ups and internal feuds.

But the conclave appeared more swayed by Bergoglio's reputation for compassion on issues such as poverty and the effects of globalization, and his fealty to traditional church teachings such as opposition to birth control.

His overriding image, though, is built around his leaning toward austerity. The motto chosen for his archdiocese is "Miserando Atque Eligendo," or "Lowly but Chosen."

Even after he became Argentina's top church official in 2001, he never lived in the ornate church mansion where Pope John Paul II stayed when visiting, preferring a simple bed in a downtown building, warmed by a small stove on frigid weekends when the building turned off the heat. For years, he took public transportation around the city, and cooked his own meals. He likes to drink mate, a traditional South American tea. He rises at 5:30 a.m. and starts work at 7.

A man doesn't like the limelight, Bergoglio almost never granted media interviews, limiting himself to speeches from the pulpit. He was reluctant to contradict his critics, even when he knew their allegations against him were false, said Bergoglio's authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin.

Bergoglio's legacy as cardinal includes his efforts to repair the reputation of a church that lost many followers by failing to openly challenge Argentina's dictatorship.

He also worked to recover the church's traditional political influence in society, but his outspoken criticism of President Cristina Fernandez couldn't stop her from imposing socially liberal measures that are anathema to the church, from gay marriage and adoption to free contraceptives for all. Fernandez compared his tone to "medieval times and the Inquisition."

Yet Bergoglio has been tough on hard-line conservative views among his own clerics, including those who refused to baptize the children of unmarried women.

"These are today's hypocrites; those who clericalize the church, those who separate the people of God from salvation," he told Argentina's priests last year.

He accused fellow church leaders of forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes.

"Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony. Go out and interact with your brothers. Go out and share. Go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit," he said.

Bergoglio feels most comfortable keeping a very low profile, a personal style that is the antithesis of Vatican splendor.

"It's a very curious thing: When bishops meet, he always wants to sit in the back rows. This sense of humility is very well seen in Rome," said the biographer Rubin.

His preference to remain in the wings, however, has been challenged by rights activists seeking answers about church actions during the dictatorship after the 1976 coup, often known as Argentina's "Dirty War."

Many Argentines remain angry over the church's acknowledged failure to openly confront a regime that was kidnapping and killing thousands of people as it sought to eliminate "subversive elements" in society. It's one reason why more than two-thirds of Argentines describe themselves as Catholic, but less than 10 percent regularly attend Mass.

Under Bergoglio's leadership, Argentina's bishops issued a collective apology in October 2012 for the church's failures to protect its flock. But the statement blamed the era's violence in roughly equal measure on both the junta and its enemies.

"Bergoglio has been very critical of human rights violations during the dictatorship, but he has always also criticized the leftist guerrillas. He doesn't forget that side," Rubin said.

The statements came far too late for some activists, who accused Bergoglio of being more concerned about the church's image than about aiding the many human rights investigations into the junta era.

Bergoglio twice invoked his right under Argentine law to refuse to appear in open court. When he eventually did testify in 2010, his answers were evasive, human rights attorney Myriam Bregman said.

At least two cases directly involved Bergoglio, who ran Argentina's Jesuit order during the dictatorship.

One examined the torture of two of his Jesuit priests—Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics—who were kidnapped in 1976 from the slums where they advocated liberation theology, which is the belief that Jesus Christ's teachings justify fights against social injustices.

Yorio accused Bergoglio of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the regime that he endorsed their work. Jalics refused to discuss it after moving into seclusion in a German monastery.

Both men were freed after Bergoglio took extraordinary, behind-the-scenes action to save them, including persuading dictator Jorge Videla's family priest to call in sick so Bergoglio could say Mass in the junta leader's home and privately appeal for mercy. His intervention likely saved their lives, but Bergoglio never shared the details until Rubin interviewed him for the 2010 biography.

Bergoglio told Rubin that he regularly hid people on church property during the dictatorship, and once gave his identity papers to a man with similar features, enabling him to escape across the border. But all this was done in secret, at a time when church leaders publicly endorsed the junta and called on Catholics to restore their "love for country" despite the terror in the streets.

Rights attorney Bregman said Bergoglio's own statements proved church officials knew from early on that the junta was torturing and killing its citizens, and yet publicly endorsed the dictators.

"The dictatorship could not have operated this way without this key support," she said.

Bergoglio also was accused of turning his back on a family that lost five relatives to state terror, including a young woman who was five months' pregnant before she was kidnapped and killed in 1977. The De la Cuadra family appealed to the leader of the Jesuits in Rome, who urged Bergoglio to help them; Bergoglio then assigned a monsignor to the case. Months passed before the monsignor came back with a written note from a colonel: The woman had given birth in captivity to a girl who was given to a family "too important" for the adoption to be reversed.

Despite this written evidence in a case he was personally involved with, Bergoglio testified in 2010 that he didn't know about any stolen babies until well after the dictatorship was over.

"Bergoglio has a very cowardly attitude when it comes to something so terrible as the theft of babies. He says he didn't know anything about it until 1985," said the baby's aunt, Estela de la Cuadra, whose mother, Alicia, co-founded the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo in 1977 in hopes of identifying these babies.

"He doesn't face this reality and it doesn't bother him," the aunt said. "The question is how to save his name, save himself. But he can't keep these allegations from reaching the public. The people know how he is."

Initially trained as a chemist, Bergoglio taught literature, psychology, philosophy and theology before taking over as Buenos Aires archbishop in 1998. He speaks Spanish, Italian and German, and reads English. He became cardinal in 2001, when the economy was collapsing, and won respect for blaming unrestrained capitalism for impoverishing millions of Argentines.

Later, there was little love lost between Bergoglio and Argentina's government. Relations became so frigid that the president stopped attending his annual "Te Deum" address, when church leaders traditionally tell political leaders what's wrong with society.

"Is Bergoglio a progressive, a liberation theologist even? No. He's no Third World priest," said Rubin. "Does he criticize the International Monetary Fund, and neoliberalism? Yes. Does he spend a great deal of time in the slums? Yes."

Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope, takes Francis as name

Vatican City, Mar 14 (Reuters): Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected in a surprise choice to be the new leader of the troubled Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, and said he would take the name Francis I.

Pope Francis, 76, appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica just over an hour after white smoke poured from a chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel to signal he had been chosen to lead the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.

The choice of Bergoglio was announced by French cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran with the Latin words "Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum. Habemus Papam" ("I announce to you a great joy. We have a pope"

Francis becomes the 266th pontiff in the Church's 2,000-year history at a time of great crisis and difficulty. Although a conservative he is seen as a reformer and was not among the small group of frontrunners identified before the election.

He also went against one of the main assumptions before the election, that the new pope would be relatively young.

He is the oldest of most of the possible candidates and was barely mentioned in feverish speculation about the top contenders before the conclave.


First Jesuit Pope

He is the first Jesuit to become pope.

The decision by 115 cardinal electors sequestered in a secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel came sooner than many experts expected because there were several frontrunners before the vote to replace Pope Benedict, who resigned in February.

The cardinals faced a thorny task in finding a leader capable of overcoming crises caused by priestly child abuse and a leak of secret papal documents that uncovered corruption and rivalry inside the Church government or Curia.

The wave of problems is thought to have contributed to Benedict's decision to become the first pontiff in 600 years to abdicate.

Thousands of people sheltering from heavy rain under a sea of umbrellas had occupied the square all day to await the decision and the crowd swelled as soon as the white smoke emerged.

They cheered wildly and raced towards the basilica as the smoke billowed from a narrow makeshift chimney and St Peter's bells rang.

The excited crowd cheered even more loudly when Francis appeared, the first pontiff to take that name. "Viva il Papa (pope)" they chanted.

"I wasn't expecting it, but I'm absolutely delighted. It's a very unique moment. There is a great sense of unity here. It's great they have come to a decision about who will lead the Church," said John Mcginley, a Scottish priest from Glasgow who traveled to see the conclave.

"It's a great moment in history, something I can tell my mum," said David Brasch, 30, from Brisbane Australia. "He's got to get the child abuse under control, I don't know how they're going to do that. He's got to unite 1.2 billion people."

Bands from the Italian armed forces and the Vatican's own Swiss guard army paraded in front of the basilica before the new pope appeared.

The secret conclave began on Tuesday night with a first ballot and four ballots were held on Wednesday. Francis obtained the required two thirds majority in the fifth ballot.

Following a split ballot when they were first shut away amid the chapel's Renaissance splendor on Tuesday evening, the cardinal electors held a first full day of deliberations on Wednesday. Black smoke rose after the morning session to signal no decision.

The previous four popes were all elected within two or three days.

Seven ballots have been required on average over the last nine conclaves. Benedict was clear frontrunner in 2005 and elected after only four ballots.


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  • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

    Thu, Mar 21 2013

    Wishing His Holiness good health. God Bless the Holy Father.

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  • Mabel D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 18 2013

    praise the Lord! congratulations papa. Pray that the Lord Almightly may give You strength and good health to lead your flock.

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  • Alban D' Souza , Udyavara-Mumbai-Doha Qatar

    Sat, Mar 16 2013

    Praise the Lord ! Alleluia. Congratulations newly elected PopeFrancis I. Great News to the entire world in General and to the Christians in particular. It is nice to see a Pope from the Americas. May Lord bless our new Pope in His big task of uniting the Church.

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  • Sr. Josina BS, Mangalore/Goa

    Sat, Mar 16 2013

    We love you Papa and Pray for you. Thank you for being our Shepherd.

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  • alex, bangalore

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    May the new Pope guide us in our spirtiual journey never comprmising on the core catholic principals, may the problems the Church and Christians face reduce during his leadereship.May the good Lord bless and guide our Pope and in the days to come the cardinals who voted for the new Pope be happy in their ion.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    Long live the newly elected First Latin American Pope! May God's blessing always be upon this humble soul!
    I wonder, why Europe have more than half the total number of cardinal electors even though Latin America, Africa and Asia account for more than two thirds of the global Catholic population. Why would you want a Pope from Europe where most people didn't even regularly attend church?

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  • Anita, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    May God be with u now and forever he will lead to do his work

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    Long live the Pope! May God's blessing be upon him!
    Pope Francis is distinguished personality!
    1. He is the first from Latin America & from Jesuits.
    2. After his election, when people sought his blessings, he asked them to bless him first!
    3. He thanked the cardinals for electing him but quipped God forgive you for what you have done!
    4. Throughout, he lead very humble life. Used public transport and cooked his own food. After election, he shunned limousine and preferred to take the mini Bus with other cardinals.
    5. He gets up at 5.30 in the morning at starts working from 7.00 am

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  • vally niddodi, dubai

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    long live papa,praise the lord,alleluia,

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  • CDS, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    As we everyone expect Peace in this world, as per me the name "POPE": itself says "PEACE ON PEOPLE EVERYWHERE or PEACE ON PEOPLE EARTH". We hope Our new POPE will try to bring Harmony, Peace and Universal brotherhood. POPE play a crucial role in PEACEMAKING.
    We will wait for new Pope to come to Mangalore to say again "POPER BARPER".

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  • Hemalatha Salian, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Your Holiness, May you be strengthened to carry out the mission of Prayer, Peace, Love and Charity throughout the world in the footsteps of Jesus christ the Prince of Peace, Love, Light and Saviour of the world.

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  • ad, manglore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Papa Francis will be good and holy Pope and will uphold Catholic traditions despite a large cry form some to change to modern world. Catholic values must not change with times because Religious values and traditions should not fit to the whims and fancies of some for conveniences

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  • akshay, Mangalore / Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations to my christian brothers and sister May god bless Pope Frnacis and all The whole process of ing the pope thru a democratic way is amazing and going thru the simple life of new pope i am sure he will bring in Harmony , peace and prosperity to the world

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  • Marcel Dsouza, udipi,shirva

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    congrats new Pope Francis 1, God Bless and good health. long live papa.

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  • Peter/Leni, Bolkunje/Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Overjoyed. Long live pope Francis.

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  • John DSilva, Karkala/Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    We have dynamic Pope. Let us all join and support in his onerous task of guiding the flock in their spiritual needs and good administration. Welcome to India at his holiness convenience. May almighty God give him the strength and wisdom to carry on his responsibilities for the good of community and the world.

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  • Raymond Dsouza, kalyan, district Thane, Maharashtra State

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Ylour Holiness,
    congratulations on being elected as the Head of the Catholic Church in World. I pray to Lord Jesus to Bless You and protect you and to give you good health and the wisdom to lead the Church in these trying times.

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  • GuruPrasad, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Great News... Long live the "Holy Father" and greetings to Christians and Roman Catholics in Particular.

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  • Paul, Dubai/Mangaloreon

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God bless our new Pope. I am happy to see the wishes of our non catholics people's. Thnk you all for your wishes.

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  • Victor Walter Mascarenhas, Tenkila-Puttur/Muscat

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long Live Pope.
    First time in my life with my children I saw in bbc the live ceremony of Pope's election and his arrival on balcony of cathedral, really heart touching experience, we prayed with him, after first greetings, he prayed our fundamental prayer "OUR FATHER, HAIL MARY AND GLORY TO THE FATHER" this invoke God's blessing. His appearance itself pleasing and shows humbleness, may God you give strength, good health and wisdom to lead his flock, may God Almighty Bless you - Pope Francis I.

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  • Tom, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God Bless our Papa Francis. Let there may be one flock and one shephered.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God Bless Papa Frnacis,, may ur mission be successful.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Stany Passana, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 15 2013

    Thank you dear Brother. May God Bless you.

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  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I am delighted about the simplicity of the new pope and glad he is also an intellectual. May he have the perseverance and strength to make effective changes and make our religion in line with today's realities.
    There seems to be issues in the past which are questionable but any such person in a leading role will have his deterers. I hope he has handled all matters that came across to him in a fair way and he will have nothing to be afraid of.
    I wish the new Pope the best in all the endeavours that he ventures in for the betterment of his flock and the world in general

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  • Valerian Saldanha, Borivali, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding our Cardinals to elect the new Pope. Long live new Pope Francis, May The Almighty Lord Bless Him with good health & wisdom to lead Roman Catholic Church through out the world.

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  • Ted, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

    On behalf of my family we wish his Holiness Pope Francis, as he takes the reins of the Church, a fruitful pastoral mission, with such tremendous responsibility on his shoulders, Seeking Justice, Equality, Brotherhood and Peace among Mankind.

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  • Anthony Quadras, Mangalore-Doha Qatar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    New Pope with new hope.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.We stand united in the name of Lord Jesus and the holy Roman Catholic Church.Under your leadership let there be peace and harmony all over the world.

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  • Mohammad Sadiq, Mangalore / Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I still remember my father took me and my brothers when we were small to see Pope when he had come to Bajpe, many years back. The crowd was awesome. Anyway congratulations to all my christian brothers & sisters.

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  • V.Baretto, Bantwal-Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    New Pope elect looks to be very humble and it is hoped he will bring reforms needed in the present situations.Long live the Pope.

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  • Vivian Dsouza, Mumbai/Kuwait/Neeruda

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Fr Lancy Lobo Ofm Cap, Lucknow

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long live our PAPA Fran-ces-co! May God always be with you with His guiding spirit in the mission of bringing peace to the challenging present world.

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  • Angeline, Mumbai/Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..Long live new Papa Francis 1 - Our POPE and catholic church. May the Almighty BLESS HIM with GOOD HEALTH and Guide Him to feed the sheep.

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  • Rita Furtado, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord, Long live Papa.Head the catholic church with the blessings of almighty and our Jesus Christ.

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  • Peter Lewis, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God is good all the time. God choose humble person to lead his flock.

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  • Victor d souza, Permude/Abudhabi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • victoriamabel, BEJAI MANGALORE

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Wilson Pinto, Neerude / Muscat

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Irine Rebello, Kateel, Kulshekar, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    All praise & Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ! With the power of the holy spirit we have a new Pope - Francis I. Indeed a simple and humble follower of Christ, the Catholic church has a ray of hope in him. May the Almighty give all the strength, wisdom, courage, good health to take bold and courageous steps against all the inequalities, injustice, abuse and everything which is against the life and teaching of Jesus christ. May the life, death on the cross and resurrection of our Lord give you Papa all the strength to lead his flock in his footsteps. Long live Papa Francis I and Long live Catholic church with unity and brotherhood. May your leadership bring the hope of peaceful living in this world to the mankind.

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  • Praveen, udupi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God bless our Pope...Let the whole world be united with our new Pope.

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  • stany v vas, israel

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..

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  • Savio Dsouza, Kolalagiri / Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..Long live new Papa and catholic church.

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  • Lavina S Pinto , Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thanks and praise God for giving us new Pope Francis 1. Definitely the new Pope will lead the church to its glory and bring laurels to the catholic community spread around the world.

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  • Beena dcosta, MANGALORE

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations.Long live POPE......

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  • Mark, Udyavara

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God Bless our Pope. Long may he reign. Let him be an instrument to the world peace. His intercession fill our hearts and lives with Joy & fulfillment.

    With kind prayers for your good health & leadership.

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  • jacintha fernandes, shirva

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    CONGRATULATIONS to our beloved true follower of Jesus Christ. May the Lord grant u long life and good health to take care of this huge 1.2 billion flock. May he be your strength and Saint Francis be your great intercessor. Let Mother Mary comfort you during ur difficulties. LONG LIVE POPE. We love you. Thanks to all the well wishers especially non catholics.

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  • Allwyn Pereira, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Habemus Papam, GOD BLESS OUR NEW POPE FRANCIS-I, May God Bless him with good health, peace of mind and strength to lead whole catholic church in the foot steps of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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  • Avil Frank, Bendoor Muscat

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long live the Pope, and Pray for God's blessing upon him, bless all the Catholics and all with the right decisions as desired by Jesus. We love you Pope Francis I.

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  • Renita , Udupi/Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..

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  • Anitha D'souza, Pangla/Shankerpura

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Good news!Finally we got a new pope.Hearty wishes and prayers to the new pope.May the almighty lord shower his blessings upon the holy father to guide the followers of christ around the world.Long live the Holy Father.

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  • Anwar, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations....Long Live Pope...May your contributions help the world peace & communal harmony ...Warm wishes to all our christian brothers & sisters on this great occasion...

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    It was a majestic moment and nothing short of divine intervention that a non front runner is elected pope within the shortest span of time. His expression as he looked down upon St. Peter's square was not of jubilation but of humility. To me he looked like a person in great anxiety who was longing for support and help from the billion Catholics to carry Christ's cross. I could see the stress and anxiety in his face and also humility when he first asked the faithful to bless him before he blessed them in return.I am sure that he will be a wonderful pope who will be greatly loved and will take our church forward. Pope Benedict has already put things in place by appointing the right people in important positions but his age and health let him down and now it is the duty of the new pope to complete the work of Pope Benedict by bringing in reform and cleansing the church of many of its evils. It is time now to accept the mistakes that have been committed like child abuse and corruption and get rid of all such evils and give back the church its majesty. Only reform, repentance and justice can bring back all those followers who have walked away from the church. I am very confident that Pope Francis will do just that.

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  • Browny - Kuwait, Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I hope holy spirit will guide our New Pope to bring back the people back to church who left the church for some or the other reasons.

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  • Maria Pinto, Omzoor, Mangaore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I am happy to know that God has given us a new Pope in the person of Pope Francis I. I pray that God bless our Papa and the church.

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  • Rahul Roshan Sequeira, Paladka/Doha

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats Papa. Praise the lord.

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  • Fr Harry Pereira, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I praise God for giving us the new Pope Francis I, as 266th Pontiff of Roman Catholic Church.May he be filled with the Holy Spirit and led by him in all future undertakings of faith and morals. Long live Papa.

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  • Maggie, M'lore / Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    What a blessing to all Catholics, as we have a new Pope who has set an example of simplicity and humility with his lifestyle imitating exactly the footsteps of JESUS CHRIST through daily practical life, which is not easy these days, where everyone prefers the comfort zone. The new POPE will be a great spiritual guide to a 1.2 billion Catholics with his charismatic and political nature. May the Almighty bless him with good health, guide & anoint him to overcome the crisis and to resolve them with his simple nature which is entrusted to his care. LONG LIVE THE POPE.

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  • Jerald Lobo, Lorreto

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Viva il PAPA FRANCIS-1"LORD MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF YOUR PEACE"Dear Pope inspired by st.Francis of Assisi as you have lived your life just like him being with the poor, the marginalised, the sick and the suffering you rightly you have said and taken the name of Francis.St.Francis of Assisi heard voice from the chapel of San Damiano"GO AND REPAIR MY HOUSE".In the present world of corruption, captilism, Terrorism communalism,selfishness and pverty stricken humanity lives we need a Pope like you who brings reform and to Re-build the Church like St.Francis of Assisi. Through the intercession of St.Fancis of Assisi God bless and keep you with good health to lead and promote peace,justice,brother/Sisterhood all over the world.

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  • thomas, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    thanx Bhandarkar sir ,rihan ,shanhawas.sanjeev.aloke ,kini hamza and Ismail take care may god bless each one of us . thank you all .........

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  • Naveen .AD, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Dear Most Rev Holy Pope Francis 1. May god fill you with holy spirit and guide his holy church.

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations to Pope Francis 1. Pray almighty God to grant him immense wisdom, courage and strength to lead the enitre christian community of the world.

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  • Mike, KSA

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Endowed with meek and humble personality, he would prove himself a good shephard to his flock.

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  • Naufal, uddabettu

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    congratulation.Hope the new pope will give priority to universal brotherhood..

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  • R.Bhandarkar, M'Lore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Keeping Alive Hope
    And to help everyone Cope
    A time for all to Rejoice
    On the arrival of the 'First Jesuit Pope'.....

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  • Agee, Indian - UAE

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord

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  • sunnylara, bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thanks daiji nice coverage

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  • Rihan, DXB

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats to all christian brothers.

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  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Spread your love to the world and so your humbleness.

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  • Victor M. Fernandes, Bombay/Andheri East

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Viva il Papa, May God protect, bless and give our new pope long life and good health. First non european pope in 100 years, that's a good news too. Now he have a Pope and now we a hope that the image of the Catholic church will change for better.

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  • george salvadore dsouza, mangalore kuthethur

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    welcome Holyfather Pope Francis 1. May god fill you with holyspirit and guide his holy church.

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  • Reshma, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thanks for your wishes shahnawaz. Let's pass peace and harmony to the whole world through this Pope.

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  • Naveen D'souza, Valencia-Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Tripti, Brahmavar/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats New Pope Francis.God Bless and good Health.

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  • John Ashok Veiges, Bajpe, Korkambla

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats to my christian brethren on the election of new pope FRANCIS 1, I extend my warm wishes to you all my fellow brothers and sisters on this great and holy occasion,I think god as a wish and as a sp day to remember 13/03/13. I wish the new pope good health and long life for his successful tenure.
    As last night i had a call from my close friend Fr Salvador as he was attended yesterday function as always he do , he says he feel very holy after pope blessing from the balcony, He just told me What a day to remember,
    Holy be to the Father , son and the Holy Sprit,
    "Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum. Habemus Papam"
    "Viva il Papa"
    God bless u all

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  • Lavina Dsouza, Mira Road

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrates to the New Pope- Francis-I. May Lord Bless him with good wisdom and health- to do his best for all the worldwide christians.

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  • THERESA LOBO, Mukamar-Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations to our New Pope Francis 1. May God bless our new Pope. We thank God for his blessings on all of us.

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  • Francis, Abu Dhabi/Perampalli

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thank you Lord for giving us new Pope, GOD BLESS OUR NEW POPE.

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  • Richard D'Souza, Kallianpur

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    'Habemus Papam', Viva il Papa Francis I, Long live Papa & Catholc Church..

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  • Praveen Menezes, Mangalore, dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats to Pope Francis I. May God shower His Blessings on him so that he may successfully solve the problems faced by christian community with ease.

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  • Anil John Karvallo, Basrur/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise The Lord. New Papa will become hope for all Catholics. Everyone should keep in their personal prayer.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Welcome to the new Pope!! Hope with the blessings and the guidance of the Almighty, the new Pope elect leaves no stone unturned to cleanse the rot that has crept into the church and the world as a whole!! Long live the new Pope!!

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  • Severine Furtado, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God Bless the new Pope

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  • Nenari, Nirmar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    He is a Jesuit!! much more is expectd of him :)

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  • Sunil Fernandes, Kota

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    congratulación Pope Francis 1. Viva Viva......

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  • Daniel Saldanha, Udupi/Qatar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Thank you Almighty Holy Trinity God for blessing us the world with the new Pope, the successor to Peter on Your build throne of Church. Through him may the world receive peace of Christ, unite all scattered children of God and shepherd the flock in truth and holiness. Lord's promise continues....
    (Mt. 16:17-19) Jesus said to him in reply, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

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  • Wilfred,Leena,Wilson, Kulshekar/Saudi-arabia

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    May the Power of the Holy Spirit strengthen you and fill you with Wisdom and Knowledge to carry on the work ,Lord Almighty has set forth to you ,May He grant you good health and peace of mind and may your holy words enlighten the catholics all over the world bringing a change in life.

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  • Arun, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    "Since 1998, he has been archbishop of Buenos Aires, where his style is low-key and close to the people. He rides the bus, visits the poor, lives in a simple apartment and cooks his own meals." Such persons concerned with the plight of the poor is the need of the hour through out the world. He fulfills this need.
    May the Almighty Lord Bless you and keep our new Pope to lead us in harmony, respect to individual and peace to the World......

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  • Allwyn Noronha, Mira Road/Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long live Pope Francis.
    May the almighty bless you with good health.

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  • Francis Aranha, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations Papa Francis-1. Under your spiritual leadership over 1.2 Billion Catholics, let there be love, peace and harmony grow and prevail among the people of the world.

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  • Prashanth, Mangalore, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations and god bless our new Pope in his mission....

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  • Ryan, Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long Live Pope Francis I. May he be the ambassador of Peace and humbleness througout the world.

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  • roshan fernandes, mogarnad/ shimoga

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    habemus papam.... praise the lord

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations to my christian brethren on the election of new pope...I extend my warm wishes to you all brothers and sisters on this great and holy occasion of was a great day as 13//3/13. I wish the new pope good health and long life and pray Allah for his successful tenure.

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  • R. Fernandes, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Dear Shahnawz, I hope all the readers of this news will love to read your bold and encouraging message. You did it once again as you did many times in the past. Thanks you on behalf of Catholic community. I also hope new Pope Francis with his simple way of lving in the past, would share his love and peace to all

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  • Francis Lewis , Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Shanawaz Thanks for your wishers, may Jesus bless you.

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  • Nelson Pinto, udupi /tulunadu

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Shanti Edward, Mangalore / Dubai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    The Pope is having powerful influence in world affairs especially to promote peace. Congratulations to him and all the best.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    congrats pope . long live pope and catholic commuinity

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  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Viva il Papa Francis 1.
    Rakh Deva Sarwespora, Rakh Amcha Papa Saibak, is the prayer of the 1.2billion people of the world
    .We stand united in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Roman Catholic Church.Under your leadership let there be peace and harmony all over the world.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Sanjeev Kamath, Udupi / Bahrain

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Bergoglio often rode the bus to work, cooked his own meals and regularly visited the slums that ring Argentina's capital. He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church. "Francis" was peace maker and seeker of justice. May God be with you.

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  • Reginald Lewis, Bangalore/Canada

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    " Hearty Congratulations "to our new Pope Francis.God Bless and guide you, to be his Ambassador/Messenger of Peace, Joy and Happiness throughout the world. Praise the Lord!

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  • essell, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    At the crucial moment God has blessed us with a Pope from Jesuits who has managed his own cooking, very simple living. God give him strength to eradicate all evils in our church.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    francis assissi or francis xavier, both great soldiers of christ for humanity, so the new papa taking this name is very symbolic.

    In the present world of capitalism, communalism, terrorism and poverty of the poor coutries, Pope Francis surely is a signal of unity and charity.

    let great things happen. Let us live christ everyday and live gods kingdom on earth.

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  • Vivek, Udupi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Very nice coverage by the media on this beautiful 2000 year old institution and its traditional secreative election process prompted by spiritual practices.

    All the best to Pope.

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  • Aloka Nath, Bengaluru

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    The Italian or Europian domination on Catholic church looks going off. The church in Latin America, Africa or Asia is active. In Europe it is becoming Secular and non-religious. Now the leadership has to be more active, progressive, practical, judicious, transparent, democratic to keep its flock together or else the European situation will happen everywhere. Wish the new Pope every success.

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  • Fr. Manoj D' Souza OFM Capuchin, Alangar/ Ujire

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise Be God... We have a humble servant of God Pope Francis I. I am just surprised hearing a Jesuit Pope in the foot steps of Our Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi. May St. Francis our Seraphic Father intercede for you dear Holy Father to strengthen the Church by your simple, humble and poor life style. "Viva il Papa Francis"

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  • James Peter DSouza, Mulki / Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    We pray for your Pope Francis.
    May the Almighty Lord Bless you and keep you to lead us in harmony, respect to individual and peace to the World

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  • Vijay Cutinha, India/Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    COngrats New Pope Francis.God Bless and good Health.

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  • Fr Joachim D'Souza, Capuchin, Mogarnad/Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    "Habemus Papam" "We have a POPE" it is a good news, Long Live our PAPA. May God bless you . How GREAT AND GRACIOUS he is, to take the Name of St Francis of Assisi.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಿಯೊಂ ಪಾಪಾ ಆಮ್ಸೋ

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  • Steevan Pinto, ICYM, Permude

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Habemus Papam!! Praise the Lord for for the new Supreme Pontiff! Long Live Pope

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  • juliana, udupi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Hip hip hurrey. May there be peace in this world.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Long live Pope Francis. We love you.
    May the almighty bless you with good health.
    May you succeed in working for peace and well-being and unity
    of all the Churches and all the people over the world.

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  • Cyril Pinto, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Yes. The Pope is Living God to the masses. Let there be PEACE,LOVE and PROSPERITY throughout the Universe by the Name Pope FRANCIS I. At least for a decade to pass by!

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  • Paul D Souza, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    COngrats New Pope Francis.God Bless and good Health. Long Live Papa

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  • R.Falima, mlr

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congrats for the new new Pope. If the Pope consider one of the dominated and respected personality for christian community across the world let prevail peace in the world.

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  • ryan, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • john Monteiro, New Jersey, USA

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Si papi,"habermus Papam" we have a Pope.

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  • Stany Dsouza, Miyar / Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    God bless the new Pope Francis. Long live the pope.

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  • Ramchandra Kini, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Great news ! May there be peace / love & happiness throughout the universe.God bless the universe and rid it of hatred / war & jealousy.

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  • Roshan S, Moodbidri, NJ

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    It's a great feeling!! Pope should go to Mangalore. Pope John Paul visiting Mangalore and nearby towns is one of the most memorable events of our life. World needs peace and harmony more than ever.

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  • CGS, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Viva il Papa Francis! Laamb jiyon
    Papa Francis!!

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  • Golden, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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  • Fr. Veeresh V. Moras, Madanthyar/Shimoga

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Habemus Papam!! Praise the Lord for for the new Supreme Pontiff! Long Live Pope!

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  • Fr Franklin Dsouza, CBCI Office for Youth,ICYM -New Delhi

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    CBCI Office for Youth - ICYM, India CONGRATULATES New Pope FRANCIS I. We thank God for this blessing to his Church. Let the CHURCH Be united with him. Welcome to meet him in the RIO de Janeiro - Brazil for World Youth Day 2013.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Mr. Amar Nathal: Today, there was a special in the ABC News about the newly elected POPE. He has a wooden cross, he stayed in a small apartment, travelled in bus and led a very simple and humble lifestyle imitating exactly the footsteps of JESUS CHRIST through daily practical life. We saw in the T.V., his foot washing of the ordinary believers and kissing of children's feet.
    The new POPE will be a great
    spiritual revolutionary and the 1.2 billion CATHOLIC CHURCH believers, also believers of other Christian denominations must thank GOD for anointing such a true
    CHRIST's follower as the POPE.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    It is a great news that a new POPE was elected hearty congratulations and prayers. The new POPE with his Jesuit priestly backing will lead the universal CATHOLIC CHURCH into a totally new direction leaning far right to the spiritual vision.

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I remember the slogans when Holy Father Pope John Paul arrived at Bajpe: "Jiyo Jiyo Papa Amcho, Laamb Jiyo Papa Amcho". I wish the same to the new Holy Father Pope Francis I. Praise be to Lord Jesus our saviour.

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  • Peter / Irene Pinto, Badhyar/ Dubai- on tour

    Thu, Mar 14 2013


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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Hurre!! New Pope with new hope.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..Long live new Papa and catholic church.

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  • T.K. Hamza, Kushalngar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulation my dear Christian Brothers, you got a new Pope & GOD bless

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  • Anand Melwin, Shankerpura, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    I am happy that we have a new Pope. New Pope Francis looking strong at the age 76. wish him all the seccess in leading the Catholic Church.

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  • Antony Daniel Pinto, M'lore/Doha-Qatar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ..Long live new Papa and catholic church.

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  • Ronald DSouza, Shivabagh/Qatar

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, one of the five children of an Italian railway worker and his wife. After studying at the seminary in Villa Devoto, he entered the Society of Jesus on March 11, 1958.

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  • Felix Saldhana, sajipa

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Very Very good news.....I WANT YOU TO BLESS ME.......

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    Congratulations to all our Christian friends on the eve of election of NEW POPE CARDINAL JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO OF ARGENTINA.A new dawn and era to move forward with hope and peace.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    History mentions that Francis, an Italian monk was so simple he could speak to/with nature. May be the New Pope wants to be simple and humble as he knows poor people well. Any way the world needs peace more than ever before. Hope the new Pope will be an ambassador of Peace in the world.

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    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    This is really a good news to the people of catholic world, hearty congratulations to the new POPE!! And all the success in discharging his religious duties diligently. We hope that new pope will do his best for peace and well-being of the people all over the world. May God bless him.

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  • Herbert Joseph Menezes, Barkur

    Thu, Mar 14 2013

    "Habemus Papam" "We have a POPE"

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