Cabinet makes marriage laws more women friendly

New Delhi, jul 17 (PTI) : Marriage laws will now become more women friendly with the government on Wednesday approving a slew of recommendations of a Group of Ministers (GoM) including providing for sufficient compensation to a woman from her husband's ancestral property in case of divorce.

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the recommendations of the GoM on Marriage Laws Amendment Bill, sources said in New Delhi.

One of the key issues the GoM was asked to decide was whether a court can work out "sufficient compensation" for a woman from her husband's ancestral property in case of divorce which takes place on the grounds of "irretrievable breakdown of marriage".

The GoM, set up recently to decide on the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, was also asked to take a view on whether a judge can exercise discretion in granting divorce if one of the partners does not move a second 'joint application' for divorce with mutual consent.


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  • Naman, Delhi

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    For so many years women in India have been treated badly. Now the women are becoming independent and earning their own livelihood. Education has played a major part in making the women independent. Now, instead of going towards equality our nation is again going towards the same strategy this time at the opposite end is men. What's the use of education if we still have not understood what is equality? Instead of just pointing out particular incidences where women have suffered and to make it a point to punish men by bringing in such laws we should be enlightened from our paste mistakes and uplifting should only be done by making society equal. These kind of laws only develop hate.

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  • R.Bhandarkar, M'Lore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri
    If you want a woman who is not after money, you should look for a uneducated woman whose liberty is limited to house-work and looking after the children.
    When you want a beautiful, educated, working woman as a bride, as a wife she surely knows the value of money ? Who is at fault now ? Make your choice gentleman"...
    How to make right choice? You tell me.Is there anything called 'Choice Class'?. If educated women can know value of money, she can know value of heart, love, emotion and all also -Yes or no? Is there anything called as a 'balance' between 'love' and 'money'? Don't some fall for love first and then go after money or vice versa? Life that way is complicated Madam! An uneducated woman may give you far more love and affection than an educated woman. Most of us are born of not so highly educated parents aren't we? Haven't they taught us more than what the present 'education system' is teaching?
    Why are present marriages failing?
    Why? Why can't husband-wife stand each other for a year now,in spite
    of wife being educated , working and all that.This modern day life is complicated I tell you and men only are not to blame.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Mr. Bhandarkar,

    How many young men have you found who may be looking for a simple, reasonably educated girl for a bride ? All want a Degree Holder, stylish, working woman with whom it will be a prestige to move-about or to introduce to. Accordingly, parents push their daughters to higher education and suitable job before accepting an alliance, else, their daughters may end up spinsters for life.

    It isn't that there is no love, cordial and harmonious relationship between educated couples. Couples who came up with hardship and earned their own life (marriage, house, etc.) with least parental contribution do very well in life than who are pampered and married off with everything ready on a platter. It is such people who fight for share in parents' property - others category are happy with what they self-earned !

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  • P. Rodrigues, blore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri,

    Great perception madam, but the ground realities can be quite different than what is it on paper.

    Humans are basically self-serving in nature and generally work for their own agendas. Mills and Boon kind of romance and marriage is well, technically only in a story book!

    These days, everyone, even those who have struggled and come up the hard way, or have been pampered those who are ugly/beautiful/short/tall/thin/fat/dark/fair/ love marriage/ arranged marriage etc. etc. everyone wants a stake of their parents property or assets. It could be for a sentimental reason (as they claim it to be), or it could be because, the land rates have sky rocketed everywhere in India. Nobody is a fool to let go / forfeit off their parents share, just because they are educated or illiterate..everyone wants a slice of their pithaji's pizza!!!

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    I understand the sentiments attached to parental property (both for woman and man). Its time we adapt to changes - no dowry - not for your sister nor the woman who comes in as your bride. The property with the parents from both sides remains intact. As per their will, split it up !

    Why first offer dowry and marry your sisters off and demand may be double from your would-be in-laws ?

    DisAgree Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • deepak, mangalore/doha

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Lydia Lobo ...
    i can understand what your telling but just think when there are too much support for one side. then it will be huge problems...why dont they intro rules for both side male and female..this type of laws will ruin normal married life..they will do what ever they want because they know that they can file a domestic voilence and put him behind bars.
    the person will lose all things not only money or property even his happiness in life and
    what about the children will also spoil there future.
    so its good to have something for both ...
    in many cases men are tortured but they dont go and complain for domestic voilence.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    There is a simple solution - will the in-laws register all what the DIL brings in dowry on her name ? Surely no ! Because they are afraid that some day their son may be bankrupt and his wife will run away with the assets. Similarly, upon receiving the dowry, will her in-laws give in writing that she forfeits any right on her parental property share ? Surely no ! Leave all of that alone - will the in-laws or the husband allow the working DIL/wife to have her salary as her own savings ? Probably not ! They may wait for a day when she gets a baby and everybody make it impossible for her to continue working with an infant.

    You may note that from all points above, that the daughter is a looser (except of-course share in her parental property).

    You may agree that keeping in mind all these minus point this amendment is brought. I feel its long enough that men have been looking at it with advantage at their side - its time to let the selfishness go and give women their share of advantages.

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  • deepak, mangalore/doha

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    i agree the thing what you said but nowdays its not happening my friend. DIL comign out darely ot and complaining the situation because she knows it that everyone will believe.. but there are many SIL who doesnt come out and say openly because they know no one will believe him. so what my concern is give equal rights to both.. when girl want to be equal to guy. why not this type of decision should be equal???? sorry if my words are rude.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    Do you know what makes the SIL to seal his lips ? Could he not be a little lenient when he thoroughly looted the in-laws at the time of marriage ? Let him say lets share half-half of all expenses - see how the girl's party keep him high in esteem ? Our tradition says - leave alone half-half - total burden is on the girl to conduct the marriage rituals, as if its curse to have born girls ! The more you rob her parents, the more she uproots you !

    Well, there are girls who support their parents after marriage by demanding support from their husband but this slows down upon her brothers marry and the girl comea in is considered as a Daughter, not DIL.

    It will take a long time for us to adopt changes in our so-called tradition.

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  • Mr. bean,

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Good news for Yeshoda ben... She will get half of gujarat state...mind it

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  • Peter, Brahmavar

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    One of my philiphine lady colleauge 31 years married to 56 years Australian Business man. When I asked her how could it be she told me her life is secured. That is all.Similarly lot of moddern wicked womans can take advantage of the law, they can get the property in divorce and re marry.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Any Law has many loopholes which might get more litigations & business opportunities for Advocates!
    If a person inherits a property & sells it or donates it or leaves no trace of it by opening a fictitious entity & shows it lost all money, then will she be forced to make good the losses too!
    The Sacred Institution is becoming Commercial Opportunity in the modern times of Material World- No Value for Humanity.

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  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Now all the arguments are of negative thinking that is for the divorce and afterwards!!the olden times the divorce is a dirty word of our socially conservative India.It is now the dating era love marriage and finally the divorce era means a free bird.Hope we preserve our marriage with a positive thinking to a better benefit to each other and too to our kids and too to our family all together.Say no to divorce!! no to the compensation!!.

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  • roshan braganza, mumbai

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    one of blatant , nazi anti men initiative by indian govt just to please feminists . if the above amendment applies only to hindu marriage act , restrain from it. there r better alternatives like muslim or christian marriage act which r men friendly . do u pre nupital agreement and hide property

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    Did the parents lie idle after earning that 5 cents land ? Did they not slog to educate their children ? Including suppose the dead too ? Now, its the children's duty to make their own plots, not suck their parents' blood for share. Let the parents, after their death leave the property to the widowed DIL, at the same time, counsel her to earn her lively-hood, other members of the family too support/encourage her, than cursing her for being bad omen or the reason for the death of their son.

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  • Manish Shetty, Derebail/Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    All women are after money now. Gone are the days when a women was proud to be on her own and make her own money.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    If you want a woman who is not after money, you should look for a uneducated woman whose liberty is limited to house-work and looking after the children.

    When you want a beautiful, educated, working woman as a bride, as a wife she surely knows the value of money ? Who is at fault now ? Make your choice gentleman...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manish Shetty, Derebail/Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Now all the educated cunning women would use this as a Legal terrorism/Legal extortion from men. Easy way to make money, Marry someone then after 1 year file for domestic violence, Get divorce and then become rich.
    Why is government/cabinet not being fair to both sexes?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    You can't paint all women as bad and opportunists, women too do not take all men as torturers, cheaters, etc. There are men as gem who sometimes get a very dominating wife while some monsters get a docile wife who bears every blow silently.

    The law is for those who either through out widowed DIL or divorce one over silly excuses. Those who have no marital discords, there is no worry at-all about this amendment.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • H Kunder, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Lydia maam,
    You are absolutely right. Men with clean heart and happily settled with their married life do not have to worry at all with these kind of ammendements in law.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Totally agree with you Mr. Kunder. And, such men instill a certain respect in their children towards their mother that the woman as a widow need not beg for a living.

    Hats off to the gems in our society.

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  • Indian, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Should and must apply to all the religions no vote bank politics.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Jul 18 2013


    No matter what the law of the land says, a particular religion follows its own family rules, for example if a man has vast property but has just daughters. Can you bring a change in your own family in such cases ? They either marry their daughters to girls' maternal uncle or man's brothers are entitled for the property - daughters a minimum percentage.

    When its beyond your limit to bring social change starting from your own family, its better not to criticize when the government is coming forward to help those who are victimized.

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  • Anand, karkala

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Suppose Ancestors having only Five Cents (5 cents), what would be the sufficient compensation?

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  • shagird, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    dont marry be happy :),:)

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  • RSRB, Kundapura / KSA

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Hope some criminal minded woman do not misuse this law.......

    DisAgree Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    at the same time can you guys do away with the existing RAPE FRIENDLY LAWS....

    DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 17 2013

    Now pappu must be happy...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Jul 17 2013

    The onus however should be on 'Making women more friendly'.....

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 18 2013

    Correct Dear Bhandarkar, Tumi correct sangle!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

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