Chennai, Jan 3 (IANS): The DMK and the PMK on Friday opposed the Tamil Nadu government's decision to hire doctors for a multi-specialty hospital without adhering to any reservation quota.
In a statement issued here, DMK president M. Karunanidhi said reservation is the principle of Dravidian parties.
"The DMK party will not watch silently at those who act against reservation and it will carry out protest demonstrations," Karunanidhi said.
He said the government said that the rule of reservation will not be applicable for the posts of senior consultants, associate consultants, junior consultants, registrar and residents.
According to Karunanidhi, the state government has converted a building originally built for the state assembly into a hospital.
PMK founder S. Ramadoss said the government's announcement that there will be no reservation for the posts is shocking.
It is compulsory to follow reservation rules for the state government jobs even though the employment is on contractual basis. Even for filling a single post in the government, reservation rules have to be followed, Ramadoss said.