Mumbai: Parish family day held at St Jude Church

News and Pics by Ancy DSouza Paladka
Daijiworld Media Network- Mumbai

Mumbai, Jan 10: The 'parish family day' was celebrated on Sunday January 5 at St Jude’s church, Jerimeri, Mumbai.

The programme began with a solemn eucharistic celebration with more than 1500 parishioners attendance.

The eucharist was celebrated by the parish priest  Fr Nelson Saldanha.  Assistant parish priest Fr Francis Xavier delivered a thoughtful homily on family life and with joyful wishes to all families of St Jude, to walk in the footsteps of Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph who were humble, simple and poor, yet 3  wisemen (Kings) named Melchior,  Gasper and Balthazar visited them with precious gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

A melodious choir colourful uniform, systematically conducted by John Mascarenhas along with music assistance by Shaun Haris and Brinstan, beautifully sung by Flora D’souza, Sylverster Harris, Francis Chettiar, Santhosh Lobo, Juliana Mascarenhas, Melony, Mercin, Jacintha, Maggi, Gracy, Jessy, Rani, Alex, Ashwin, Terece, Frida, Joyce,  Zita, Motcha Mary, Lilly and Severine.

Liturgical readings were read by Joyce Monteiro, Ashwin D'Souza, Rayan, Angela and Flora D'Souza.

The crowd was later entertained with a cultural programme of musical play, depicting the difference between 'Holy Family' which Brought Peace and Joy, against the 'current generation' which is involved in destruction of peace and harmony in the world.

A comedy skit 'Babu Saheb' was presented on family based theme which was also quite entertaining. To add to the entertainment a fusion dance and lungi dance were presented by the parish children and youth.

Prizes were distributed to the winners of the Crib and Star Competitions (individual & Community wise) held during Christmas eve.

The programme was compered by Joyce, Angela and Flavia. The cultural and liturgical programme was well planned and executed by the committee heads, Lavier George, Dany Chettiar, Angela Chettiar, Joyce Monteiro, Anthony Chettiar, Tony Sequeira, Marceline D'Souza, Ashwin D'Souza, Rayan Sequeira, Kevin D'Souza and John Mascarenhas.

At the end of the festive mass, Fr Nelson Saldanha conveyed the greetings of  ‘family day’  to all parishioners.  He also thanked the  other priests, sisters  and expressed gratitude to all parish counsel members, the parishioners and participants in general.

A delicious dinner was served to all by 'Santanna Mary' Caterers.


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  • Flora Dsouza, kalmady/Jerimeri, Mumbai

    Fri, Jan 10 2014 & Mr. Ancy Paladka … A big thank you for brief coverage of “Parish Family Day” Celebration of our Parish. God bless you abundantly and wish you more & more success.

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