Form tribunals to handle Muslim cases

Mumbai, Jan 11 (IANS): Muslim leaders Saturday condemned terrorism and sought special tribunals to handle issues of victimization of Muslim youths while investigating terrorism cases Saturday.

They were speaking at a state-level convention on "Protection of Democracy" at the Azad Maidan here.

Addressing the media, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind president Maulana Syed Arshad Madni said the plight of innocent Muslim youths was well known and a matter of concern.

"The issue of minorities needs to be seriously addressed, and we all must see how this (victimization of Muslim youth) is stopped," Madni said.

He pointed out that Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde had admitted - though belatedly - that innocent Muslims were being harassed and arrested.

"Many judgements have come in several cases when innocent Muslims have been discharged or acquitted of terror charges but the prime years of their youth have been spent in jail. How do you compensate this?" Madni asked.

He said since state governments do not seriously pursue the legal action pertaining to withdrawal of false terror cases against Muslims, there was a need to set up tribunals and examine the issue.

These tribunals should comprise respected retired judicial figures and be vested with proper powers to function effectively.

He said no Muslim youth accused of terrorism should be arrested without a probe by the tribunal.

A resolution to this effect was adopted at the convention, also attended by Shankaracharya Adhikshanandji Maharaj of Puri and other religious leaders.


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