Modi attacks Shinde for his proposal on arrest of minority

Panaji, Jan 12 (PTI) : Accusing Congress of playing vote bank politics, BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi today attacked Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde over his proposal to state governments to review terror cases against members of the minority community.

"Just look at their brazenness, they are playing communal politics. The Home Minister has written a letter to state governments that if you arrest a law breaker, see that Muslims are not arrested. Why is it so? Does a law breaker have any religion," he said while addressing a rally here.

"Will religion decide the fate of a law breaker whether he should be arrested or released? There should be no discrimination on basis of religion. One should not be punished for belonging to a particular religion but this should be for all people. There should be no vote bank politics," Modi said.

He said when the Prime Minister is asked about such letters, "he expresses surprise over them and says he will look into the matter. This is how he reacts and responds.
The BJP has hit out at Shinde for the way he is taking up the issue of criminal law where only public prosecutor and judge can take a final call on withdrawing cases and said the Home Minister is "ill-advised" on the matter as he has no right to withdraw such cases.

The BJP Prime Ministerial candidate made a veiled reference to the removal of Jayanti Natarjan from Environment Ministry, saying for the first time he had heard of "Jayanti tax" apparently referring to swirling allegations during her tenure.

"There was a storm over the Environment Ministry and all files were blocked. No file was moving without money. We had heard ofincome, sales and excise taxes but for the first time, we heard about a Jayanti tax in Delhi without which nothing was moving.

"Till the time that was not paid, files could not be moved in the Environment Ministry. I have never experienced it myself as I never need it but we are shocked on this. What kind of systems have they developed," he said.

Natarajan denied allegations levelled against her by Modi, saying the BJP leader was trying to target her as she has been very vocal against him in the past and had blocked two of his projects.

"It is a targeted personal attack. I totally deny what he says. It is completely baseless. There are major green violations in Gujarat. He was destroying the environment. I was opposed to his destruction of environment," Natarajan told PTI.

On the issue of restrictions over mining due to environmental issues, Modi said his party would "protect environment and bring transparency in mining" to help economy, whose growth depends on infrastructure, raw material and human resources.

In his address, Modi attacked the Gandhi family including former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for "wasting" the first 50 years after independence and "weakening" the constitutional institutions and centralising the power in one centre which has no accountability.

Rajiv Gandhi about ushering in a new India in the 21st century but nothing has changed, he said.

"People asked me how will you be different. I tell them we will do away with these ills. We believe in decentralisation and there will be accountability," Modi said.

The BJP leader said the Congress has become the symbol of a culture which includes "corruption, dynasty politics, patriarchy, communalism, vote bank politics" and the BJP was determined to rid the country of "all these ills".

As India completes 75 years of independence in 2022, Modi said it was possible that India develops to be globally competitive and admired as well as be locally inspiring and inclusive and gave the slogan of "United India - Grand India".

He also invoked Mahatma Gandhi for taking the nation forward and asked the Centre to celebrate his 150th birth anniversary five years later in a big way, as also the centenary year of Gandhi's return to India.

Asking Indians abroad to participate in bringing a "change" in the country, he said NRIs should not be seen for their investment but should utilise their experience in India.

"India faces a water shed election in a few months. At this crucial juncture in our nation's history, you too should not stay back. You must be a part of the revolution taking place. Try and come back to vote at the time of elections. If that is not possible, actively engage with the political process from wherever you are," he said.


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  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Our holy books and schools teach us first and foremost to talk truth. The message of this reaching has not gone to our politicians' heads. Congress and BPJ do not have any constructive talk, but talk distorted version of each others speech/actions.

    Actually see what Sushilkumar Shinde said and Modi distorted and spoke about the illegal detention of minorities. Shame on these people, and specially Modi, who is a PM candidate. What respect he will command in India and abroad with this type of behavior'

    Hope Congress and BJP will be decimated and AAP comes to power.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prasahanth Poojary, karkala

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Dear MK Brother,
    what you have commented is 100% correct,this congress is not allowing people belonging to various religions to live with mutual trust and respect,they always create gap,misunderstand,unrest,and hate between religion to religion and fool people. we should aware their vote bank and also divide and rule policy.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.K, Mulky/Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    This is high time for the nationalist minorities to wake up and understand congress & its allies this dividing politics. For the past 60 years what they have done? They never gave any importance to the comprehensive development of the country. When election comes through something at minorities, SC/STs, on. They made everybody begging towards them. If we want a developed India, these type of gimmicks should vanish. Some anti nationals are continuously creating propaganda against Modi...who has done practically better than anybody in UPA ruled states.
    UPA & Congress ruled the country on the basis of religion & cast. Enough is enough, now let us give a chance to Mr. Modi. Let us see what he will do, make him accountable. If not we can find alternate next time. People have the power.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naiem, Uchila

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    UPA & Congress ruled on basis of cast& religion ??? What a joke !!

    Then how about your Fekku's BJP party before 1990 they had only 2 seats and only because of Babri masjid & Hindutva issue they came to prominence ? What you say about that ??

    And your Fekku maharaj conducted one of the worst riots in Indian history and still is ruling Gujarat in base of religion !

    Know the facts first, then comment , don't just comment for the sake of commenting !

    DisAgree [16] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • vassu, kudla

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Shinde has lost his mental balance. He must visit a shrink at the earliest. These utterances are enough to flame the communal passions between the 2 communities and Shinde feels he will reap the benefits. This proves beyond any doubt that each of the congressi is more communal than the other. The sad reality that the country will disintegrate under congress. God save us.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    All over India, Modi has now been branded as FEKU...

    DisAgree [27] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.K, Mulky/Sharjah

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa.....Please note that only people with disease Jaundice feel the entire world yellow!!!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Umar Ahmed Usinakatte, Ullal/Udine

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Many times police are harassing our minority boys unnecessarily.It is totally correct what Shindes is saying.Even if the boys are doing wrong things and terrorist things police must warn them and counsel them as since they is belong to minorities they is feeling alienated and is doing these things.Police is arresting and beating them this is totally wrong.Shindeji speak the vision of Rahulji under whom India is progressing and make benefits the minority boys and girls to build the nations.It is very important to understand these threats from communal forces.We must provide employment and educations and opportunities to the minority boys and girls then they is contributing to nation growths.Modi is unable do these things.Madrassa education is good and wholesome and Govt must help it and sponsor deserving children to get further educations and trainings or contacts the charitable institutions in India and abroad like Muridke where meritorious kids can do further training and achieves great things.Simply talking communal things and opposing congress and rahulji grand vision for make benefit nation and minoritys this is feku gameplan we must understand it.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Shirva

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Nowadays Modi doesn’t have any job to do. His job is now to attack Non-BJP people and mainly Congress party leaders. If he became Prime Minister of India, his main job is attack Congress & the Congress party leader. No other job rather than attack.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peace Lover, India

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    What Shinde mean to say is, do not arrest INNOCENT minorities as it is widely happening now. For Mecca Masjid blast in Hyderabad, scores of Muslim youths were arrested and prosecuted but all got acquitted. – They are still awaiting full justice and compensation. NIA has proved that the members of Abhinav Bharat were responsible for the bomb blast at Mecca Masjid. However, the innocent Muslim youth is still facing discrimination and harassment by the police and other authorities. The real culprits of the blast who were later identified as Hindu extremists have not yet been punished.
    Similar situation in Ajmeer Darga blast, Samjotha Express Blast, Malegaon blast, still muslim youths are rotting in jail though it is the job of saffron brigade. The police force itself in some states biased, communal minded and working on Hindutva ideology.
    I will ask a question to readers, if you get arrested on false charges and pushed behind the bars for 8-10 years and then get acquitted. Is government is going to return those 8-10 years of your youth?
    Terrorist belongs to any community (whether it is a minority or majority) should be punished/hanged/ put to death without mercy. They don’t deserve to live in this world, but not INNOCENTS.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • flavian dsouza, chik/banaglore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    AAP has changed things for the good .there are 1000's of Modi's and rahuls in India why run after them just allow any ordinary citizens to rule the world as long as they have integrity and the ability to seek advise.for a change we should all vote for AAP lets see what happens

    DisAgree [13] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • shankar, mangalore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    I think Mr. Modi slightly misunderstood the facts. Except the case of blocking few projects in Gujarat for political interests, Mrs. Natarajan was tough on violation of environmental issues. So she has not given a go ahead to companies like POSCO. but now as elections are nearing, and the fear of losing elections make congress squeeze in all the money as possible. So it removed and installed Mr. Moily who is letting a go ahead for all rich companies.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mission 2014, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Mr. Naiem, Uchila

    The first thing I'd like to say you is. Yes, I've been to Gujarat and i've a friend in Gujarat. I know the true fact i've no habit of making false statement here like your congi and suppoters. My Second point to you who started to kill karasevakas in Train? Which has turned to riots later. I hope you are blessed with Janarana poojary. Also for your info our Mission 2014 will not fail.Its just your height of frustration and you've to think and be changed. Please have a patient till election gets over Mission success 2014.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Dear Mr. What is the reason for burning of Kaarsevaks bogies?! What made them to burn the bogies. Have they simply burned or were those juveniles.

    Will you please kindly explain....

    DisAgree [33] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naiem, Uchila

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Mr.Mission 2014 ,

    So who started the fire in Train ?? Do you still believe the RSS propaganda that fire in the train was preplanned by Pakistan's ISI together with local minorities well in advance ?? Well any sane peron with a brain wont believe this ! The fire was a spontaneous reaction and not a preplanned one , yes it was done by minorities !!

    But RSS & your fekku maharaj made it appear that it was preplanned just to get maximum political exposure . In all the 2002 election speeches done by Fekku he just blamed Pakistan & MIya Musharaf for the train accident ! What will you say about that !

    And for 2014 anyway, it was foregone conclusion that India will never elect a mass murderer as PM ! But now with emergence of AAP , BJP is a gone case and BJP already knows this !

    DisAgree [27] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • santoshprabhu, india

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    u r justifying spontaneous reaction of burning the trains by minorities, but not the spontaneous reaction of riots for this??? Go to google and search guruprasad modi phenomenon. you will get to konw the fact with proofs.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak, manglore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Operation fail adithnd..... ithe Mission suru athnd.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sudhakar, Kadeshivalya/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    The reason for all these stupid comments is because of these experienced Congi politicians have no brain.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, karkala

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Pseudo seculars will have a field day. Criminals should be treated as criminals irrespective of their religion.

    Home Ministers are good for nothing both in state and center.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Police don't have to check criminals religion or caste.
    Crime should be the sole criterion.

    Govt shouldn't have anything to
    do with religions, which is one's individual choice.

    God created the whole universe, but didn't create any religion!
    He loved humans and created them in his own image and likeness.
    To prepare humanity to face a world in decline and to communicate from time to time, God sent Prophets, Angels and his Children.
    We can see harmony in the lives and in their messages.
    But humans, partly followed each of their messages and religions got formed.
    Later humans interpreted their messages wrongly and started fighting with each other, surely against the will of God!
    Our inner voice, manifested by God himself warns against harming anyone.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred Fernandes, Vamadapadavu/Dubai

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Criminals do not have religion. On this subject I am with Modi.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suleman, Udupi

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Feku is suffering from minority Jaundice.

    DisAgree [48] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mission 2014, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Good said Modiji. All congi people using the name of Minority as a voting machine. They do not understand this. Muslims in Gujarat now is very Happy and they leave peacefully in the past 12 years compared to other state. Shinde is an dumb he have no guts to take any issue as seriously. Vote for NAMO jai hind.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naiem, Uchila

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Missonfail 2014

    At least congress is using the minority , not killing the minorities like what Fekku did in Guj & is still doing ! Muslims happy in Gujarat ?? What world you leave in Fail2014 ?? Have you ever been to Guj ?

    And Fekku is good in only one thing that is faking ......

    DisAgree [51] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naiem, Uchila

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    This Fekkuu is just worried as all the prime time, attention & TV channels is now following AAP .... He just wants to get back the attention so saying some nonsense !!

    I pity Fekku supporters who had dreamt that he will be PM in 2014 ...sad that will never be true !!

    And generally Modi's speech always will be as below

    On congress- 25%
    On rahul- 25%
    On bjp - 20%
    On pakistan- 20%
    Bhaio aur bahno -10%
    Aur fokat mein taliya bajao.

    DisAgree [45] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • vasudev bhat, Rayee/Rome

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    It is sad to hear modi speech. Now before he gives a speech everybody knows what he is going to speak. Abuse Rahul, Sonia, and congress make some personal remarks which are bad in taste. it spreads negativism accorss will not yield votes for BJP rather they will lose it. BJP has every chance to win the election if they mend their way. they must talk about policies, development what they are going to do differently instead of throwing slang on others. Somebody advice modi to mend his ways and infuse some positives in him if he wants to be Indias PM. Bharat Mata Ki Jai

    DisAgree [26] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    If he speaks about Development he cannot go beyond TOILETS...

    DisAgree [45] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • shankar, mangalore

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    The more you are inside toilets, the more you stink. come out of it.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Good One MR.Shankar! I just could not stop laughing..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Mon, Jan 13 2014

    Without Water and Electricity all Toilets will STINK...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • Ummar, Udupi / Dubai

    Sun, Jan 12 2014

    As usual again misunderstanding or not understanding from feku ! Mr. Shinde is saying of ' WRONGLY DETAINED MINORITY '. Not a culprit. Nobody is above the law. In India anywhere a bomb blast took place first upon police or ATS detain the local minority youths and put them behind bar without any proof or FIR and sometimes its turned out to be a saffron terrorists behind the blast. He is concerned for this matter. The law should apply same for all that's it .

    DisAgree [34] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 12 2014

    Modi has no guts to abolish Income Tax.

    The Toilet-man speaks fake similar to Gujarat's developments.

    He is failed to stop corruption in his own state and he points fingers at others.

    DisAgree [59] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

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