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New York, Jun 20: Weeks after the birth of their first biological child, Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are planning to adopt another."Next we'll adopt," Jolie told CNN in an interview to be aired on Tuesday.

"We don't know which country. But we're looking at different countries. And we're looking at what would be the best for Mad and for Z right now. It's, you know, another boy, another girl, which country, which race would fit best with the kids," she said, referring to her adopted children.

Jolie's adopted daughter Zahara, now about 15 months old, is from Ethiopia, and son Maddox, 4, is from Cambodia.

The couple's younger daughter, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, was born on May 27 in Namibia in one of the most highly anticipated celebrity stories of the year.

Jolie said she had given birth in Namibia because she loved Africa and had wanted to bring Zahara back to Africa.

"My other daughter's African," she said in excerpts of an interview to be aired on CNN's program Anderson Cooper 360. .".. And I wanted to take her back to Africa."

Jolie said she was frightened during the birth, which was by Caesarean section because the baby was in a breech position.

Pitt was in the operating room for the delivery, she said. 


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