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Mumbai, Jun 21: Everyone’s been waiting for Madhuri Dixit to sign on the dotted line and it  looks like Bobby Bedi has almost convinced the actress to star in his new film Suryamukhi (working title), based on the life of the controversial painter Raja Ravi Varma.

Mad’s Mumbai meet

Dixit has loved the script of the film, which will be directed by South director Shaji N Karun. Karun met Dixit during her last visit to Mumbai. “We met at the JW Marriott in Juhu. She was accompanied by her husband Mr Nene, and her secretary Rikku. The very next day, she left for the US,” says the director.

No nudity

But now, one hears that Madhuri has a problem with the script since it has a nudity angle to it and Dixit even sent an email to Karun in this regard from the US.

However, the director says he’s sorted it out with her after explaining to her that he’s not looking for cheap thrills. “I can use shadows to express nudity, or I’ll directly use the picture that Raja Ravi Varma had painted. I have done sufficient research.”

Balan hai naa

Karun’s other big problem is Dixit’s remuneration. “My film does not have a big budget and I have told her about that. Inshallah, she will sign it in the next six or seven days. Bobby may be speaking to her, even earlier.” And even in the worst-case scenario of Madhuri turning down the project, Karun has an option ready.

“I will go ahead with Vidya Balan. I know her personally.” Well, Dixit or Balan - whoever the heroine turns out to be - will play the Maharashtrian model who modelled as goddesses for Varma. She is likely to be called Ganga in the film.

Says Karun, “The most important aspect of my film is the relationship between the model and artist, which is platonic. The model does not have to speak much. She has to emote through her eyes. To get expressions in silence, you need a very good artiste, which is why I thought of Madhuri Dixit and Vidya Balan.”

Forceful decision

Talking about the film, the director says, “The irony of the story is that Ravi Varma was forced to do nude paintings to save his printing press.

Religious fanatics filed cases against him for painting the woman in the nude. He argued his own case and won.” For Ravi Varma’s character, Karun is in discussions with Ajay Devgan.

“Apart from being a good performer, Ajay also resembles Raja Ravi Varma’s face during that period. His present age also matches with Varma’s age during that time.”

Busy Ajay

Did Ajay show as much interest as Madhuri? “Well, he told me that he was very busy with other commitments.

But if Ajay doesn’t happen, I may even go ahead with a new boy. The main character is the leading lady — a Maharashtrian model. The film starts with the woman running away from Bombay. During that journey, she looks back, and the film is from her point of view.”

Karun says that he trusts Bedi as a producer. “I will respect Bedi’s decision on the remuneration he offers Madhuri. And I will not crib if she’s not in the film. Bedi knows the market and the business of filmmaking,” concludes Karun.
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