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Agency report
New Delhi, Jun 24: The Delhi High Court on Friday passed an injunction restraining Cobrapost.Com from making public transcripts of a sting operation allegedly conducted by a private website against a prominent corporate hospital and diagnostic centre in the capital.

Vacation judge Justice R S Sodhi admitted a writ petition filed by the complainant T B S Buxi seeking the court's intervention in formulating proper guidelines to curb such sting operations which the petitioner claimed was part of blackmailing tactics and sullied the image of respectable individuals.

Justice Sodhi ordered that the website and its staff should not in any manner release, telecast or transmit the reported sting operation either on its site, any TV channel or other print medium until further orders.

The directions were passed on a petition filed by Buxi, wherein he alleged that certain members of the website using the name of a popular satellite channel recorded interviews with him and activities at the diagnostic centre and hospital.

He claimed that the website was threatening to release to all TV channels transcript copies of the interviews with to project the hospital and the diagnostic centre in a poor light. 


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