Madrid, Aug 28 (IANS): Plumbing new depths of scorn, a Spanish musician has mocked Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro -- the country's second least popular politician -- with a message he told his relatives to inscribe on his headstone, a media report said Thursday.
"Montoro, you bastard, come now and get your money," was inscribed on the gravestone of José María Beranjano Martín, who died at 66 in the village of San Pedro de Latarce in northern Spain, The Local reported.
Why the musician chose to take an eternal dig at the minister isn't known.
"He either had problems with Hacienda (inland revenue) because he didn't pay his taxes or he was referring to when Montoro chose to raise the VAT for musical performances to 21 percent," local Mayor María Mercedes de Castro said of the musician.
A 2014 study by social research body CIS found Montoro to be the second least popular politician in Spain after Education Minister José Ignacio Wert.