New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS): A national convention focusing on evolving strategies that will help children with disabilities to free and compulsory education within an inclusive system was held here Tuesday.
The "national convention on inclusive education for children with special needs" came up with suggestions to ensure right to education of children with special needs within the education system of the country, a statement by the human resource development ministry said.
"It aimed at identifying the specific concerns of children with special needs while taking stock of the status of inclusive education with specific reference to Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009," said the statement.
"It also explored strategies that could be used to strengthen an inclusive education system and making recommendations for the realization of the Right to Education of children with special needs within the education system," it added.
The convention focused on four themes - enhancing enrolment and preventing dropouts, curriculum assessment, improving quality of education and data, governance and grievance redressal.