Kiev, Sep 24 (IANS) Ukrainian foreign ministry Tuesday said it has lodged a protest against Russia over delivery of a third batch of humanitarian aid to Ukraine's eastern regions without Kiev's permission.
"The Ukrainian side considers such actions as a provocation," Xinhua quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Eugene Perebiynis as saying.
Perebiynis said Russia delivered the third humanitarian convoy to Ukraine without receiving any inspection by the Ukrainian border authorities and without supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The spokesman accused the Russian side of violating international law and the agreements on the movement of Russian humanitarian convoys reached by Kiev and Moscow earlier, adding that Ukraine expects detailed explanation from Russia on the case.
Some 200 trucks carrying relief supplies, including food, medication and power generators arrived in Ukraine's eastern regions last Friday and Saturday.
The second batch of humanitarian aid was sent to Ukraine's eastern city of Lugansk Sep 13, following the first convoy carrying 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid Aug 22.