San Francisco, Sep 26 (IANS/EFE): Info-tech giant Apple has launched a new update of its operating system for iOS8 cellphones, claiming it resolved the problems which forced the company to withdraw the previous version after receiving complaints from users.
The updated iOS 8.0.1 had to be withdrawn within an hour of its release due to the problems which the users faced during installation, including the deactivation on calling services.
In a statement released Thursday, Apple Inc. claimed to have resolved the issue, and to have repaired touch sensors, which allows unlocking the phone with fingerprints without using a numeric code, and problems associated with a HealthKit application.
"We apologise for inconveniencing the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who were impacted by the bug in iOS 8.0.1," Apple said.
According to the company's estimates, the problem in iOS 8.0.1 affected around 40,000 people around the world.
However, Apple Thursday reported that it has received nine user complaints about the bending of iPhone 6, but said that it was "extremely rare" in an attempt to silence the controversy sparked by a online video in which an iPhone is bent using only the strength of hands.
The video has caused a stir on social networks and provoked complaints from several users who claim that they have bent the iPhone 6 Plus, the largest model of all iPhones manufactured so far, for the mere sake of carrying it in the pocket.
The new phones of Apple Inc. are manufactured in two sizes, 4.7 and 5.5 inches (11.9 and 13.9 cm), which cost $199 and $499 respectively.