Europe lifts ban on Indian mangoes

New Delhi, March 4 (IANS): The European Commission (EC) has lifted the ban on the import of Indian mangoes but not vegetables, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Wednesday.

In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha, Sitharaman told the lawmakers that the ban on mangoes from India was lifted through a notification by EC on February 12.

"Ban on import of vegetables from India has not been lifted by the EU (European Union)," Sitharaman told lawmakers during question hour.

India exported mangoes to the EU valued at $10.09 million in 2013 and $6.73 million in 2012.

"The government has developed standard operating procedure for pest-free export of fresh vegetables to EU after processing in pack houses approved by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (Apeda) before exporting," Sitharaman said.



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