Media Release
New Zealand, Oct 24: Ekuch Rogoth the 10th Konkani Drama of Agnelo Mascarenhas was presented on October 17 at Freemans Bay Community Hall, Auckland, New Zealand to a full house of 300 audience and more. The curtains went up at sharp 7.00 pm to the opening song Agnelo about his drowning incident followed by the introduction.

The highlight of the evening was honouring Agnelo as he completed a decade in staging Konkani dramas in Auckland, New Zealand. To bless this auspicious moment, Fr Seby and Fr Raphael draped Agnelo with a garland and shawl. Edward and his Konkani speaking friends presented Agnelo with gifts. Fr Raphael and Fr Seby honoured Agnelo in their speech for his contribution and commitment to the Konkani community for the last 10 years in keeping the Konkani culture alive in New Zealand. Fr Seby praised Agnelo and his troupe for his endeavours despite various hardships and challenges encountered in the previous years. He thanked him for his efforts and wished him well in the future. Fr Seby also honoured Agnelo’s wife Sumaiya for being Agnelo’s pillar of support in his journey. On the whole it was a memorable moment for Agnelo and his family as Fr Seby reminisced Agnelo’s passion for the Konkani language and his untiring efforts to keep it alive in New Zealand.
Ekuch Rogoth revolves round Donna Maria (Iva) and her sons Luke (Sylvester) and Mark (Edward). Other characters were Rosa (Arca), a tenant and her daughter Betty (Carmen) and son Rosario (Paul) who is Donna Maria driver. Police inspector Desai (Dennis), Havaldar (Isidore) and doctor (Francis) Blossom ( Nita ) are the main story characters.
Luke meets with an accident but is saved by Rosario who donates his blood. However, Donna Maria believes it was a plot by Rosario as his uniform was found in the car. She falsely implicates Rosario who is sentenced to 10 years in prison. While Rosario is in prison, Donna Maria terminates Rosa and Betty’s tenancy.
Rosario is released after serving half his sentence due to good conduct, only to return home and find his mother dead. Out of frustration and loneliness, he becomes an alcoholic. In the meantime, Betty has fallen in love with Luke and got married. Donna Maria treats Betty very poorly, getting her to do all the housework while she prefers Blossom, her elder daughter-in-law over Betty.
As Donna grows older, she shares her inheritance leaving one plot each to Luke and Mark. Although, Luke gets the inferior plot, he makes plans to build a house. Betty is unhappy about the turn in events especially for her brother and gets into regular arguments with Luke. Rosario overhears one such argument while sleeping on the road after drinking overnight. He then confronts Luke about the accident who was not aware that it was Rosario who saved his life but was falsely framed by Luke’s mother as being responsible for the accident. Luke takes up the issue with his mom and following an argument walks out on her. Donna Marie unable to bear the rejection suffers a heart attack and severely injures her head. Finally Betty saves Donna by donating her blood despite severe opposition from Rosario.
It was not drama alone but comedy too that sent the audience into a volley of laughter throughout the drama. Honey (Agnelo) the magician with his assistant Chalu (Diogo) tried to entice a foreign girl (Cathy) however she finally runs off with Chalu to London. Vitus as Bob Marley always kept people laughing with his song 'No Women no cry'. All the four had the crowd wild with laughter. Agnelo also performed his other talent as magic tricks to mesmerise the audience. Clifton sang a hit solo Konakani song as Povitre Pusthok. Also Diogo, Sylvester and Francis sang a trio comedy song.
Both drama and comedy had a social message delivered with a great meaningful effect to the Konkani community. It was about valuing people around us for who they are rather than discriminating due to race, culture or even language. But all of us have one blood, and one colour - Ekuch Rogoth (One Blood)
The curtains were finally drawn to the overwhelming applause of the audience. Agnelo, once more with his cast, orchestra and his crew backstage put up a lively and thrilling show that enthralled the audience and had them glued to their seats.