Beijing, Feb 7 (IANS): North Korea launched a long-range rocket on Sunday morning, the country announced.
The launch, initially slated for February 8-25 window and later brought forward to between February 7 and February 14, may lead to the UN Security Council slapping fresh sanctions on Pyongyang, Xinhua reported.
The following are previous UN resolutions containing sanction measures adopted after North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear tests:
July 15, 2006 -- The UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 1695 in response to North Korea's launching seven missiles into waters between Korean Peninsula and Japan, including long-range Taepodong-2 on July 5, 2006.
The resolution urged Pyongyang to re-establish its pre-existing commitments to a moratorium on missile launching.
It also called on all parties concerned to exercise restraint, to take no actions that might deteriorate the tense situation, and to resolve the issue through political and diplomatic means.
October 14, 2006 -- The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1718 in the wake of North Korea's first underground nuclear test conducted on October 9, 2006, in North Hamgyong-do in the northeast of the country.
The resolution condemned North Korea's nuclear test as a "clear threat" to international peace and prohibited Pyongyang from conducting future nuclear tests or launching a ballistic missile.
The sanctions of Resolution 1718 included an embargo against military and technological materials and luxury goods, and prevent the transfer of funds related to missiles, nuclear arms, and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
The resolution prohibited trade of heavy weapons, such as tanks, armoured combat vehicles, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles or missile systems.
It also imposed a travel ban on individuals and their families who supported or promoted North Korera's WMD programmes.
June 12, 2009 -- The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1874 in response to North Korea's second nuclear test conducted on May 25, 2009, voicing "the strongest condemnation" against Pyongyang authorities and strengthening previous sanctions stipulated in Resolution 1718.
The resolution expanded the arms embargo by banning all imports and exports of weapons, excluding small arms.
It called upon all UN members to inspect all cargo to and from North Korea within their territories suspected of being containing nuclear and missile-related items.
The resolution also called on all UN members and international lending agencies to refrain from extending new loans and other financial assistance to North Korea other than for humanitarian purposes.
January 22, 2013 -- The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2087 after North Korea successfully launched and orbited the second version of the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite on December 12, 2012.
The resolution required Pyongyang to comply with all relevant resolutions approved by the Security Council and not to use the ballistic missile technology for any launch.
It also reiterated to seek a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution to the issues concerned and advocated the renewal of six-party talks over the denuclearisation issue on the Korean peninsula.
March 7, 2013 -- The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2094 in response to North Korea's third nuclear test conducted on February 12, 2013.
The resolution demanded that North Korea not proceed with any further nuclear tests, give up any nuclear arms programme and return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
The resolution also called for peaceful, diplomatic and political resolution to the current situation and a resumption of the six-party talks.
Under the resolution, UN member states are required to inspect all of North Korea's maritime and air cargo "within or transiting through their territory" if it's believed to contain illicit items.
The resolution called on states to deny any North Korean vessel entry to their ports or airfields if the vessel refused to be inspected.
It also expressed its determination to take "further significant measures" in the event of North Korea's additional rocket launch or nuclear test.