'Highest unemployment among Christians; least in Hindus': Govt report

New Delhi, Feb 20 (PTI): Highest incidence of joblessness was witnessed among Christians in cities as well as in rural area while Hindus and Sikhs reported least unemployment in urban and rural areas, says a government report.

"Among the specific religious groups, unemployment rate in both rural and urban areas was the highest for Christians (4.5 per cent in rural areas and 5.9 per cent in urban areas) and lowest for Sikhs in rural areas (1.3 per cent) and Hindus in urban areas (3.3 per cent)," said a report based on National Sample Survey 68th Round from July 2011 to June 2012.

According to the study titled 'Employment and Unemployment Situation Among Major Religious Group in India', among the specific religious groups, for males in rural areas, worker population ratio (WPR) was the highest for Sikhs (56.9 per cent) and in urban areas, it was the highest for Hindus (55 per cent).

For females in both rural and urban areas, WPR was the highest for Christians (28.4 per cent in rural areas and 25.2 per cent in urban areas).

In both rural and urban areas for both males and females, WPR was the lowest for Muslims (49.9 per cent for rural males, 15.3 per cent for rural females, 53.2 per cent for urban males and 10.5 per cent for urban females).

It said in terms of specific religious groups, among males in both rural and urban areas, Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) was the highest for Sikhs (57.6 per cent in rural areas and 56.8 per cent in urban areas).

For females in both rural and urban areas, LFPR was the highest for Christians (30.4 per cent in rural areas and 27.7 per cent in urban areas).

In both rural and urban areas for both males and females LFPR was the lowest for Muslims (51.1 per cent for rural males, 15.9 per cent for rural females, 55.3 per cent for urban males and 10.9 per cent for urban females).

Among persons of age 15 years and above, proportion of non-literates was the lowest for Christians (14.6 per cent for rural males, 23.7 per cent for rural females, 5.7 per cent for urban males and 9 per cent for urban females).

Proportion of persons of age 15 years and above with educational level secondary and above was the highest for Christians in rural areas for both males and females (36.3 per cent for rural males and 31.1 per cent for rural females) and for females in urban areas (62.7 per cent) whereas for males in urban areas it was the highest among Sikhs (67.6 per cent).

Among persons of age 0-29 years, for major religious groups, current attendance rate in educational institutions was the highest for Christians (58.5 per cent for rural males, 51.7 per cent for rural females, 61.5 per cent for urban males and 56.8 per cent for urban females).

Among persons of age 0-29 years, for major religious groups, current attendance rate in educational institutions was the lowest among Muslims (48.7 per cent for rural males, 42.1 per cent for rural females, 47 per cent for urban males and 46.3 per cent for urban females).

The survey was spread over 12,737 first stage units (7,469 villages and 5,268 urban blocks) covering 1,01,724 households (59,700 in rural areas and 42,024 in urban areas) and enumerating 4,56,999 persons (2,80,763 in rural areas and 1,76,236 in urban areas).



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  • mahesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    so much of argument in defence..start asking what the govt did for you all these 65 years...nothing...christians have been used as a vote bank and are still being used as a vote bank...wake up

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016


    Are you a sympathizer or an instigator ? Didn't you read below that Christians are well educated to get enticed by such cheap missiles ? Nobody is begging - you go to Bargarh with the PM and entice the Dalits !

    DisAgree [2] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suleman Byari, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    If leader like Oscar in any party, you can expect this result.

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  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    The very high percentage is due to highest number of educated per percentile of total population . Christian youth often highly qualified or graduates at least , but due to lack of skills or opportunities were not absorbed into employed category . Previously youths ( specially boys ) were opting for lower level labour jobs in gulf after basic education . But now a days with the advent of Indian economy , most opt for higher education and like to work in India itself . There is inappropriate ratio between , passing graduates from campus verses available jobs . This creates a kind of anarchy where all of them cannot b hired , so relevantly Christians top this because of larger percentile of graduates.

    But nobody here raised objections to women reservation in all jobs , if this trend continues higher percentage of unemployment will be among Men .

    @Lydia lobo , kadri . Unfortunates are the men who r forced to give alimony to even ' working ' wife . If a woman has right to ask alimony then why not a potential husband ask for DOWRY !? . The real evil is not about the girls who r marrying upon puberty but the ones who r having pre marital sex and abortions ! , the early marriage at least protects the girls from nuisances of viral deceases . Right to contraceptives !? ie so you r supporting abortion killings too !? . There is nothing like safe sex , the wisdom is to practice it only under a blessed marital relationship .

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • KK, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Simple reason is that, most of the uneducated,poor and unemployed Hindus are converted to Christianity. So ratio just shifted from here to there.

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  • mohan, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Yes. Unemployment in christians is very high. In government employment they are not giving any preference to christians.
    Also there is lack of knowledge in government employment. poverty unable to pay money to buy jobs. Lack of leadership and poor co-ordination and co-operation among christians etc are main reason .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    You also forgot to mention that christian educational institutions don't give any priority to help christians but prefer those who pay them highest.

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • vivek, hirebyle/ Abu dhabi

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Christians are Not Aware of Any Government scheme....Hardly Apply for Government Job....Relaxed Mind, Boozed Culture, Happy go Lucky Mentality, and Finally not a good LEADER who support Christians...All reason for this

    DisAgree [18] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Navin Shetty, Manipal/ Bahrain

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Agree. Comparing to other minorities, Catholics have less opportunities and government schemes offered (read: Shadi Bhagya etc.).

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    which Bhagya, are you enjoying in Bahrain ???????

    DisAgree [10] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Navin Shetty, Manipal/ Bahrain

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    NRI Bhagya :)

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • Joseph, Doha, Qatar

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Vivek, Hirebyle/ Abu dhabi
    Dear Vivek, irrespective whether you are a Hindu or a Christian, God alone knows in what context you have put forth your opinion. You say Christians are not aware of any Government scheme is in ‘’bad taste’’. How can you say this? Prove it we are not aware of Governmental schemes? And if so, prove that you can allocate a miniscule %age of reservation for Christians to be employed. For your kind information, though we are from a minority community, we are sincere, hard-working and honest. Ours is the only community having extra-ordinary qualities. No wonder then that even though we have our own set of reservation rules for enrolment in our own educational institutions, several non-Christians take undue advantage of this and are the first to jump out of queue to enroll themselves and their families depriving our own brethren. Yet we remain silent to avoid being controversial. History shows that Christians were never destined to get a fair deal in any opportunities provided due to impartiality of the Constitution meted out on them. Governmental schemes are not applicable to our community since our ancestors never hailed from Indian background. I can vouch for it. Our religious roots are embedded in these traits which is extremely rare amongst others.
    Yes, we are unique with a relaxed set of mind. Boozed culture is not imperative and binding on us. Everybody drinks. You don’t have to name us. Don’t you drink? Where is it written that only Christians drink? Even if they do, it is from their own pockets and out of hard work and never been destined to go around with a begging bowl and seek alms for our sustenance. It is the mentality that needs a change for those who don’t like to see a prosperous community like ours flourishing and climbing the success ladders. We do have good LEADERs like John Lobo, Oscar Fernandes to name a few who render support for Christians and do their bit for the upkeep of the community. Slowly, but it will be sure.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    If Modi ji can deliver 15 lacs then lot can change :p

    DisAgree [23] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joe Britto, Nakre/Bangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    In the pre Independence Era the Britishers were naturally pro Christian and in fact encourage Anglo Indians who were also Christians. Jobs for Anglo Indian and some Christians were easy in Railways, Post & Telegraphs and several other Institutions. These Christians were all 100 % honest hard working and enterprising as well. The Institutions were also highly disciplined .
    But post 1947, most of the Anglo Indians migrated and even other Christians ventured towards foreign pastures . Now there is almost nil reservations for Christians and even the Dalit Christians are not sure of their rights.
    Most unfortunately NONE of our several Christian MLA's or MP's have truly fought for reservations or even minimum rights (Unlike other minorities who get much help).
    It's apt to mention here that MOST Popular educational Institutions like Colleges , Schools , Hospitals are run by Christians be it the Protestant, Missionaries or Roman Catholic Jesuits or others and these are highly popular and admissions are sought.

    The name Christian implies that the person is quite well off economically and a forward community. But in truth there are several under privileged and many Christians in dire poverty. Although the Church and Institutions do help in reality they do not do enough and much needs to be done especially for the Middle Class Christians who have no where to go. The Church is generally more bothered about their spiritual welfare and temporal needs are not usually the Church's concern as the Individual is considered capable of standing on His/Her own legs .Today unfortunately you can hardly see any capable leader in the Christian Community who can voice the true concerns of this small (Less than 2%) of the Indian Populace . It's really time for the Young Christians to also join Politics . But the old saying 'Politics is the last resort of a scoundrel' is still apt even today. Of course there are exceptions to this and there are a few great politicians too.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manju, Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Not only in India even in America
    Indian-Americans(Mostly Hindus) are the wealthiest ethnic group.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    @Manju, You know what Manju, please tell DW readers that Indians own all the companies in Silicon Valley, don't they? All scientists of NASA are Indians (you know when you say Indians you have to add mostly Hindus-don't you) you cant live without painting religious colour for anything, can you?/ Oh.. don't you remember that Chawla who wore American Colours,was on an American Mission and died for America but the NDA government worshiped her with naming after a satellite on her (oops , she was Hindu too) even-though we have something called ISRO and she DID NOT contribute anything to India but alas!! we named after a satellite on her.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    The days are very near and ripe to ask reservations with the government peacefully and not violently as the Patel's, Jat's are doing.



    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Christians , Muslims ,Sikhs ,Hindus and then amongst Hindus Dalits ,OBC ,Leave all .Only 2 classes 1 .Rich and 2. Poor .Give all facilities to the poor only and amongst that also Poorest of the Poor .This is what Great Balasaheb of Maharashtra told and even Present Chief Uddhavji says the same ,I salute him for this atleast .Proper survey needs to be done about employment opportunities for the poor given how much %age ?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prabhakar, Karkala

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    @ Dr.Kamath,
    I fully agree with you. Reservation should be purely on financial condition of a person rather that caste and religion. Richest dalit or minority politician does not deserve reservation and the poorest Brahmin need reservation. But this won't happen in india sue to vote bank politics.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Least Hindus are unemployed in India because BJP,VHP,RSS.ABVP is of the opinion that Hindustan is for Hindus.This agenda they have kept it on

    DisAgree [12] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    You bet ! When they are not employed, they occupy themselves in goondagardi ! As such, the needle of the survey will obviously point towards some other section as unemployed ??

    DisAgree [7] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prabhakar, Karkala

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Political parties are more interested in the majorities among the minorities due to vote bank. Christians should understand that when a political party talks about minorities they don't intend Christians. One such example is Tippu Jayanthi. Reservation hierarchy should have been from least population to most population. But no one cares for the least populated minorities like jains, buddhists, christians, sikhs, parsis etc. Irony but true.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    When the major portion of reservation is looted by Majority community of SC/ST, then how the minorities like jains, buddhists, christians, sikhs, parsis etc. will get their share..
    Reservation was meant for 10 years, BUT it is practiced even after 65 years.....any one to question ??????????????????????????????

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    'Reservation is meant for 10 years !" Exactly ! How come a father enjoys all perks/benefits entitled to him out reservation but fails to lift his son above that level and make him educated, capable of earning his bread based on his skill ?

    Shame.. Shame... We Indians want things coming to us out of reservation, not out of hard work. How long will it be before we come out of these brackets ?

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh,K, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Christians are exempted from reservations in government sectors.

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ads, Canadian

    Sun, Feb 21 2016


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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Two possible reasons. First- education level among Christians are high. Second - The people of north east many of whom are Christians, along with their brethren from other religions of north east are still not brought into main stream.
    Regarding reservations - do you know that there is a reservation in professional courses for Muslims (8%) and Christians (2%) in Kerala?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Can you high light, how Telangana chief Minister is accommodating the majority and minorities of his state in his development programmes.......Previous AP govt approved 4-5% reservation for Muslims, but that case is still rotting in SC, without any implementation....

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    I did not make a political comment about reservations in Kerala. I found the reservations when I applied for this year's entrance examinations for my daughter.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Does the survey anywhere mentions that Christians have least percentage of crime ? Thats true - because Christians are under the watchful eyes of very highly educated priestly order. They are always conscious of getting caught in smaller erring. This habit continues as they grow into adults moulding them into good citizens.

    True that Christians don't go begging for reservations (as jats, the recent example), they are a self reliant community. In rural areas they occupy in flower/vegetable or milk selling. They occupy in poultry/piggery farms besides being farmers and commercial crops growers.

    Well educated that they are, and abide by the law. Not to forget the very reputed educational institutions run by them. They being self employed, it does not show in regular employment records and this could be the reason for the results in this survey.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rn, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    yes Lydia Lobo even no survey mentioned Hindus are most tolerant people till now even without any watchfull eye!

    DisAgree [37] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Rn... I have no complains as long as Hindus as a whole community are considered but did you read the news posted here on DW on 18th Feb. about RSS recruiting ?

    With groups of that calibre and leaders of such aggression, no survey in required at all to give an idea about where a community under such guidance is heading !

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Mrs Lydia, Christians comparatively has less crime in society agreed. similarly Jains, parsees, buddists too have very less crime.which community has the highest rate of crime going by the population ratio. i am sure you know that answer too. there is no need for census on that people already know that. can you please analyze why some community has highest crime rate and yet claim for the most peaceful Community award for themselves.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016


    Jains and Buddhists are renouncers. Worshipers of peace. Where is space there in them for crime and violence ? Thoba.. Thoba.. And... Parsees ? They have not yet come out of their gratitude of allowing them to be assimilated into Indians, leave alone growing above that to indulge in crime ?? Doves are at par with Parsees - no doubt..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [29] Report Abuse


    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Dear Lydia,
    Low crime rate is true due to the low population whereas Muslims with a higher population stand on a different level.But Christians are the most progressive community in India & their contribution to India is immense minus the Gandhi family!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016


    Foremost, Gandhis are not Christians. Secondly, Gandhis can live for next 100 years without even lifting a finger because their ancestors have been so wealthy. Two PMs in their family died while on service which itself entitles their kin to be looked after by government perks till life. Besides, two of them are MPs which again earns them a salary.

    Rather, lets talk of those who are unfortunate, those who are hit by the social evil of unaccountability or those whose daughters cannot be wedded off due to curse like dowry demand. Or those child brides sent to their in-laws house upon puberty, bear children before 18 and suffer by anemia and their children prone to infant mortality. Or those who cannot discuss contraception but must succumb to pregnancies beyond a dozen ! And in the process deliver handicap off-springs.. Leave alone inability to provide even one full meal a day..

    Do we have less problems ?? Ughff !!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    I can feel your pain when I talk of Gandhis.But unfortunately Gandhis have taken ur votes & done nothing according to the statistics.Many looters of this country are also as fortunate as are Gandhis who have followed suit.They were killed because of what they did to a particular community.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016


    May parents, me nor my next generation does not wait for the government to hold our hands and lead us to prosperity but we acknowledge the facilities available and make best use of them. Those who blame the government for each and everything, must peep inside Pakistan and observe what kind of a life people are living there. Both nations formed from rags, at the same time. If you are still not satisfied and think that non-Congress government could have done better, you still have an example in the present government. Just compare what Rs. 100 could fetch in Congress rule and what it can today. In the long run, that is how it will result, don't think you will prosper to stinkingly rich just because Gandhis are not at the helm.

    As for political party heads, from top to bottom, no person engaged in political activities ends up starving. Why single out Gandhi family ?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • Olivier D'Souza, Managlaore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    We are not sure how authentic this survey is. I am very confident to say that majority of Christians are hard workers. That is why Christians are surviving even though deprived of any kind of job reservations.
    However, any survey may not be 100% false. As Christians we have to think seriously on this issue and implement changes or safe guard our community from unemployment.
    First of all instead of mushrooming English medium school in every parish, let us have job skill developing institutions. A carpenter or mason can earn Rs.1000 per day at Mangalore.

    We can train in hundreds of trades like auto mechanic, computer hardware, networking, tool and die making, injection moulding, printing,photoshop, sound recording, medical instrumentation, industrial instrumentation, mechanical piping, NDT technician, Wood cravings, motor windings, industrial safety, CAD draftman, plumbing, machinist etc. These are all short term courses with duration of 1-2 years. All these courses can be provided at affordable fees to low income group.

    We have to stop lavish spending on marriages.Instead let us unite, share and lift up our own community. We have to learn lessons from Parsees. They are minorities still they are united and wealthy community because of unity.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Totally agree with you at that. We are so concentrated on white collar jobs, that we are by default pushing our children into Engineering/medical institutions. We forget that we need to build a house that requires more than design and structure, we forget that our facilities can break down for which we require lower grade technicians.

    Marriage spending has become a race. One wants to do better than other other ! We totally forgot our Roce in our courtyard or taking sado/vojen in procession to greet the bride/groom returning from nuptials. You are so very right - we got to cut down unnecessary wedding spendings !

    DisAgree [3] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suman, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Most of the Christians youths wants to work in abroad..later end up unemployed

    DisAgree [7] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Maurice, Toronto

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    TNN(Times of India News Network) report of this subject says:
    "Many view the high unemployment rate among Christians as also a reflection of the higher education levels of community members who are in the job market. Christians have the highest percentage of graduates."

    If this is true, qualified Christians do not always get desired placements and perhaps is the reason for 'unemployment'.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Benedict, Mlore/Bombay/Dxb/Toronto

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    I finished graduation in SAC and headed to Bombay for job. Took 5 months to get into one but climbed steadily & quickly leaving many of my non Christian friends behind. However, I was revolted at the corruption level at every step touching our normal lives. My Punjabi Boss promised to give me heaven on earth as I was one of his strongest and ethical straightforward employee but I had to decide on holding on to my ethics or throw the ethics to the gutter and make money or get out of the situation. Yes, I headed to Gulf country and for the first time, started working ethically with no worries of cheating or corruption. Due to uncertainties, I decided to migrate to Canada and today, well settled financially. What I learnt throughout these work life is, there is 100% bias in India during ion process. However, there are few companies which work on western standards and entire process of ion is purely on merit. I am not surprised at the survey results but on the other hand, I have difficulties in believing the accuracy of such reports.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, Kulshekar

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    As we Christians do not believe in protests peaceful or the other for reservation we are bound to be discriminated for jobs or employment specially in government sector.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    1. Reservations have hit our
    community very hard.
    2. There should be reservation
    based on economic criteria
    or no reservations at all.

    3. Present reservation system is
    biased way of employment.
    4. Low entrepreneurship in our
    community is another reason.
    5. Skilled Self employment like
    carpenters, black smiths,
    Tailors, Motor mechanics,
    electricians, barbers etc. is
    lacking or reduced in our
    6. Community need to develop self
    employment skills.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • VM, Moodbidri

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Point wise replies:
    1. You cannot say that, Govt. has created lot of opportunities for Minorities like it has Minority Institutions, Provided Scholarship for Students right from School Level to Post-Graduate Level. It's up individuals to use positively those benefits. What more can you expect.
    2.It's a longstanding demand. But unless Vote-bank politics stops. It's very hard to implement to any govt.
    3. Reservation has provided opportunity to people from different religion,caste, race, creed, etc. Cannot say it is biased.
    4. Everyone cannot be a Entrepreneur. There must be balance between Employer & Employees. It requires certain skill sets. And also sacrifices, ambition, particular goal in life.
    5. That's problem of particular community. Everyone sets standards for their living. Unless you sacrifice to gain something, you cannot blame anyone for that.
    6. Exactly, that's onus lies on the people of Community & and Support from the Government.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Dear VM,
    Except for Govt reservation system which deprives, I am not blaming anyone for our low unemployment ratio.
    It's for us to uplift ourselves.
    See Japan and Europe, even after major wars and natural calamities, they climbed the ladder of success in all spears of life.
    If we are unemployed, inspite of our education, moral values and language skills, we should attribute primarily ourselves responsible for that, I admit.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Religion plays a very significant part while selecting people for jobs in India. First, 50% of jobs in Govt are reserved. In Tata, Godrej and some foreign companies, they just see the merit, but, other Indian companies, other things being equal, they try to keep their own people, be it Hindus, Christians or Muslims. Since majority of companies are owned by Hindus, they are at advantage. Only in film industry, they do not go by religion, it is said.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    We need to go into details.Why is this happening? I met a poor christian family form chikmangalore district.They were like before converting they will give plenty of promises and forget them after few years.He was like they will help only non chistians give them job,medical aid in hope of converting them and neglect the real followers

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ads, Canadian

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    I did met a converted from Christians to hindu family through one of the international hindu Org.Beleive they converted them with a promise of so much and after conversation this Org took everything what they had and ask them to go for sanyasa. This couple are in tears and confused of thier conversion. Today the famity reverted back to thier original faith and little they have happy. They are Christians and live the way bible teaches them. Charity share . People can't support beginning to end of person life Evan parents can't do it. So what is your point here. Clarify

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • mann, bengaluru

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Vinayak Prabhu, Mangaluru

    How well you wrote and so enlightening...

    What was that you wrote anyway...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    I used to complain that I had no shoes
    Until I met a man that had no feet ...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Canada

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Christians are very hard working people and if they have little money and if they see a poor person from that little they have will share. It is very sad. Hindus and Sikhs use influence from govt jobs to private sector to get in because senior management level some of the relationship or buddies working there from military to banks to any sector but when for Christians no god father's are sitting at the top. They have to literally claim up with their hard work and education. We are lucky enough to middle east is open for us for jobs and we proved our best skills to arabs who employed us from many century. It is very sad that Indian govt openly discriminated Christians in india big time. As a result many of us left india to look for better opportunities elsewhere. Today we are very successful other part.of the world using our God given gift and catholic school education from India made us prosper. God bless
    CATHOLIC schools in India of their best services. Indian govt has done nothing for Christians but Christian people offered best service to the govt. Wake up Indian govt and offer your help to Christian community where you will benefit lime winning a lottery. Believe me try it and see the transparent and best results where you won't be getting from any of other people. Try it

    DisAgree [8] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mangalurian, Mangaluru

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    It is a 430 page report to be found at: http://mospi.nic.in/Mospi_New/site/home.aspx

    In today's day and age, with all the available digital information, as well Government's own Employment Exchanges, I fail to understand why "survey"s are still employed for such critical information.

    The report says further:

    "The all India Employment and Unemployment Surveys conducted by National Sample Survey
    Office (NSSO) are the primary source of labour market data at the National and State level. The labour
    force indicators at National and State/UT level, generated from these surveys, provide critical inputs
    required for planning and policy formulation and also used extensively by other users/researchers. NSS
    surveys on Employment and Unemployment, with large sample of households, are conducted quinquennially ..."

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • DON, Udupi

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    THIS IS THE REASON WHY CHRISTIANS NEED RESERVATION. who are neglected and discriminated throughout history.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, UDUPI/NEW YORK,USA.

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    The population of Christians is low when compared to Hindus. Moreover, most of the Christians are well settled abroad in different countries. The unemployed Christians are taken care by the Christians working abroad whether they are old or young.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Your point is worth noting...,

    The above statistical conclusion based on sample not necessarily reflect the christian community's real well being.

    If one analyse underlying assumptions & quality of sample, then there may be a second best conclusion may emerge.

    Having said that in my opinion generally the peace loving christian community live in harmony & happiness in any adverse conditions.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Evans, how many families do you support back in India. BE HONEST ...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Salvador Pereira , Udupi/Dubai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Can Some one survey and announce on Catholic unemployment in India?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Feb 20 2016


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  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Very sad Christians makes up less than 2% of the population and yet unemployed in-spite of having so many Christians educational institutions, hospitals & charity organizations.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raman,

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Another way of dividing the society to create room for trouble !!!

    DisAgree [40] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Census finding is fact reporting my dear, not intended to divide the society.
    It's for us to introspect the reasons for it and take remedial action.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • bhuvan, kavoor

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    when there is a opening does anybody mention about religion??

    DisAgree [53] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    My class mate from school days to college days, being a Christian whose family was converted from the Dalit sector, he had to change the name to get a job as a Sub Inspector post in Kerala.

    It is not only an hidden truth but an open truth that the Christians are discriminated and marginalized.
    Even the former Congress Government didn't take a firm stand to stop this totally unethical discrimination based on religion. How a Dalit when converted to the Christian faith can be financially well off through changing his or her religious conviction?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • bhuvan, kavoor

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    mathew, i got your point. but that issue is there for a hindu also who doesnt belong to SC,ST,OBC category.dont you think correct statement should be 'highest unemployment in christians least in SC,ST,OBC. ????

    DisAgree [10] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    No, they don't mention about the religion when there is an opening for the job, but what is the purpose of asking one's religion in the job application?

    Most of the time, it is who you know and not what you know when filling the vacancies. Christians normally do not grease the palms to get positions.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford Fernandes, Toronto

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Yes indeed. 50% of Govt jobs are reserved for SC, ST and OBC. Even, in private company jobs, they do not mention religion, but while selecting persons, they look into religion. Specially, look into Birla and some other major Hindu companies in Mumbai and other cities.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • bhuvan, kavoor

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    clifford, SC,ST,OBC is not a religion. that issue is there for a hindu who doesnt belong to any catergory. it will be wrong to take a whole hindu name for that..in other words, you can see many brahmins in good positions of many firms..do you think because of reservations they got job???

    DisAgree [11] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

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