Washington, Mar 13 (PTI): An Indian-American scientist-led team has developed contamination-free meat from animal cells in a laboratory that could be harvested in 9 to 21 days, a new technique that could help in stopping large scale slaughtering of animals globally.
Hoping to go in for large scale commercialisation by selling meat grown from animal cells in the next few years, Uma S Valeti said the popularity of such meats would help stop large scale killing of animals.
"It is sustainable as well as cruelty free," Valeti, a cardiologist and co-founder of Memphis Meats, told PTI.
The meat grown by his team in the laboratory does not carry the health side effects like bacterial contamination, or high saturated fat or the big environmental issues that come along with it, he said.
"We are growing meat which is safer, healthier, more sustainable," Valeti said.
For developing this unique variety of meat without killing an animal, the Andhra-origin doctor said they took identified cells from the targeted animal that are capable of renewing themselves.
These cells are then provided with oxygen and nutrients such as sugars and minerals, Valeti said.
The meat thus can be harvested between nine and 21 days, he said.
Valeti, who recently received venture capital, said that they are working on beef, pork and chicken as these are the three meats that have highest consumption and also have the highest environmental and health impact.
They already had test runs for beef meat.
"We are motivated by the thought that people can buy it off the shelf," he said, adding that Valeti said.
"Our goal is to be in restaurants in three years and retail in five years. In 2021, we want to be in retail or even earlier," he said.
While the first manufacturing base is to be set up in the US, Dr Valeti said. He is also exploring the possibility to establish a manufacturing foot print in India and China, as there are already some interest from there.
"The meat that we are growing is identical at the molecular and cellular level," he said, adding that his product detaches the concept of slaughter of an animal to eat a meat – be it beef, chicken or goat.
"Cultured meat will completely replace the status quo and make raising animals to eat them simply unthinkable," he said.
Valeti, a cardiologist who trained at the Mayo Clinic, is associate professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota and president of the Twin Cities American Heart Association.
He founded Memphis Meats with Nicholas Genovese, a stem cell biologist, and Will Clem, a biomedical engineer who owns a chain of barbeque restaurants in Memphis, Tennessee.
"I grew up in a meat eating family. From the very young age, I always thought, why do we eat the meat the way we do," he said referring to the slaughter of animals to eat meat.
Comment on this article
Vincent Rodrigues, Frazer Town,B'lore
Mon, Mar 14 2016Good news to meat eaters because they can think of having safe healthy meat in the days to come
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Antonio DSilva, Kuwait
Mon, Mar 14 2016The million dollar question is:
what will happen to the cows, buffaloes, pigs, goats that multiply so frequently?
will they be let loose on the streets?
Or will they be considered pests and culled?
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Nancy, USA
Mon, Mar 14 2016This is not new. Mark Post, a Scientist from Netherlands made a lab-grown hamburger from cow cells culture in 2012. It costs $330,000 to produce one pound of beef. Valeti harvested a meat ball in the lab and that costs $18,000. Scientists are able to harvest human organs using 3D printer. It is possible to harvest but not feasible for now.
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juliana, udupi
Mon, Mar 14 2016They should have invented a human to avoid killings in Iraq, Syria etc. This nonsense meat is good only for the vegetarians jealous of others eating meat which they can not afford.
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Rita, Germany
Mon, Mar 14 2016Good for People who wants to eat meat in big amount without thinking about side effects about such one.But be on safer side and dont it.instead if possible be a vegetarian.I am sure this meat will Change your whole or part of original genetic values.Now itself we hear in america lot of changed soya ,mais is in market.when animals consume this,people again in return,one can imagine why our Body gets sick or changes are taking place.Let america use it .but not for us.
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Mw, Dubai
Mon, Mar 14 2016Is that mutton or beef?
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Mon, Mar 14 2016It is "Button" !!!
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Cynthia, Moodbidri
Mon, Mar 14 2016The scientific name is porkbeefchiktton
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Evans Christopher Sumitra, UDUPI/NEW YORK,USA.
Sun, Mar 13 2016Congrats and good luck to the Indian-American scientist and his team.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sun, Mar 13 2016Now Empathy for the COW will also Disappear ...
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Peter, Bangalore
Sun, Mar 13 2016I like only meat with bone.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sun, Mar 13 2016Langool,
Your FAKE love for COW is now under serious THREAT ...
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Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.
Mon, Mar 14 2016Jossey,
My love for cow is genuine...if I had to choose between you and Cow...I will choose Cow hands down...
Don't feel bad...but this is a fact...
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Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.
Sun, Mar 13 2016Jossey,
You don't have to kill a cow ,eat it and risk going to prison for 7 years any more...this beef is safe Jossey...Enjoy...
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Cynthia, Moodbidri
Sun, Mar 13 2016That's for Americans. We still get real juicy beef in & around M'lore. Long live congress in our state.
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Alwyn, Canadian
Mon, Mar 14 2016I like to eat actual raised animals slathered.shame on this experiment
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