Mumbai, Jul 16 (DHNS): Proclaiming to be a “messenger of peace”, controversial Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik on Friday vehemently denied that his speeches and discourses promote terrorism.
But Naik, the 50-year-old founder of the Islamic Research Foundation and Peace TV, had a strange argument on suicide bombing. “Suicide bombing where innocents are killed is ‘haraam’. But as a tactic of war, it is permitted, say many scholars,” Naik said in a press conference via Skype from Mecca-Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Naik, who enjoys NRI status, also targeted the media. “The media with an ulterior motive changes the meaning. My answers are altered and this misguides people. Those who do that should be held responsible,” he said, adding that his statements have been “doctored” and taken “out of context”.
“I have been preaching for 25 years and I have always condemned terror attacks and suicide bombings since innocent people are killed and it is anti-Islam,” he said, condemning the terror attack in Nice.
On the accusations of inspiring one of the Dhaka attackers, Naik said: “I have many fans in that country...Even he (Dhaka attacker) could be my fan. I challenge the media to show me an official source in Bangladesh who said I have inspired him… The media has picked it up without confirmation.”
“I am a messenger of peace. I do not criticise any sect of Islam, I may disagree on interpretations. Chapter 5, Verse 32 of the Quran says killing innocents is a crime....Quran says one innocent killed is killing humanity,” he added.