Bhubaneswar, Aug 25 (PTI): A tribal man, along with his 12-year-old daughter, walked around 10 km carrying his wife's body on his shoulder as he failed to get a vehicle to transport it from a government hospital in the backward district of Kalahandi where she died.
The incident took place on Wedneday morning when the locals found Dana Majhi carrying his wife Amang Dei's body. The 42-year-old woman died of tuberculosis the previous night at the district headquarters hospital at Bhawanipatna.
For those in such a situation, the Naveen Patnaik government launched the 'Mahaparayana' scheme in February, offering free transportation of bodies from government hospitals to the residences of the deceased.
Majhi, however, said despite his all-out efforts, he could not get any help from the hospital authorities.
Thus, he wrapped his wife's body in cloth and started walking to his village Melghara in Rampur block which is about 60 km from Bhawanipatna.
Majhi's daughter accompanied him till some local reporters spotted the duo. They called up the District Collector and arranged for an ambulance for the remaining 50 km of the journey.
"I told the hospital authorities that I am a poor man and cannot afford a vehicle. Despite repeated requests, they said they cannot offer any help," Majhi told a local television channel.
Kalahandi District Collector Brunda D said, "As we got to know of the incident, we spoke to the CDMO and arranged for an ambulance."
"I have issued instructions to the Tehsildar to provide assistance under the Harishchandra Yojana (Assistance to the poor and destitute to perform last rites). I have also asked the BDO to provide assistance from Red Cross and CMRF," he said.
As per the 'Mahaparayana' scheme, dead body carriers are supposed to be deployed at 37 government hospitals and a total of 40 vehicles were assigned for the job.
Comment on this article
Ashwin, Mangalore/Australia
Fri, Aug 26 2016I read this news in BBC last night (please read that in BBC site to get the idea of International shame to India, there are 2 more different pics as well). Tears rolled from my eyes and could not talk to my wife or daughters for a while and could not share this news with them. It's only after this one came in DW, I asked them to read this news. What is happening in India? Where is humanity? Recently in TN, a someone could not take their dear ones dead body without paying bribe and someone dead in another hospital because the ward boy could not get the case sheet and doctors refused to treat his son without them. What is humanity vanished to?? Are we getting so materialist that we cant even dig our pocket and help us someone who is really in trouble?? Cant we do our work honestly without demanding bribe? In DK, since few years there is no value for human life and killing became second nature to some people. The number of people who are preaching violence are steadily increasing since few years coupled with political and ideological background.
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Judith L, mumbai
Fri, Aug 26 2016The ground reality is wide disparity of income and resources. rich getting richer they are having all amenities dual country resident ship and becos of their affinity to politicians becoming richer and stacking money in swiss banks. India is still a sufficient ocuntry it is a tragedy people do not get even their basic needs like food clothing shelter primary education health facilities and burial needs satisfied the poor are getting poorer and middle class people have no time to even stop and think they are just running round the clock very soon many from middle class will come under bpl category if same governance continues. perhaps this is the reason poor become naxalites since they do not even one meal so they think in any case we they dying and take up arms.
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Fri, Aug 26 2016This is the true ground reality of India despite achieving 9.00 & 7.3% GDP India has achieved. The picture in newspapers was heartbreaking. How insensitive and money minded have our people become? God have mercy on the poor.
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JL, mumbai
Fri, Aug 26 2016surprising no so called cultural gurus helped. If others help the adivasis they make a big hullah and they themselves not helping their own people.
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Ahmed K.C., Mangalore
Fri, Aug 26 2016Mera Bharath mahaan!
Magar achche din kahaan?
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Don, Mangalore
Fri, Aug 26 2016Very sad story.
This is true Love, not the BS we see in movies.
DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
Violet Samson, Mangalore/Bombay
Fri, Aug 26 2016Tears rolled down readying this sad story. What a nice dedicated husband he is !. A tiny poor family but there is so much love between them. There is lot to learn from this story. And how cruel the hospital authorities are who refused help !.. All those good facilities are only for the rich ! If the infra structures are not helping our poor and needy people in their difficult situation then why do we have them..!! Just to serve the arrogant rich and the politicians..! I salute this man and his daughter for staying strong. May his wife's soul RIP.
DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse
JK, Udupi
Fri, Aug 26 2016I saw the video in face book, this is so heart melting incident. Sad part is, all the spectators are just watching without offering any help. Very very tragic incident.
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Krishna Dasa, Udupi
Fri, Aug 26 2016Immediately the Government should terminate the job of Hospital Head.
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gs, mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Ache din aayenge. Dontvworry
DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
Veerappa D N , Madikeri
Thu, Aug 25 2016I have seen in the villages outside Kanpur city in Uttar Pradesh, if the child below 12 years of age dies the poor people tie the dead body to their cycle carrier and take it to Ganga river and throw the body directly in the river without any cremation. As per the Hindu tradition in U.P if any children below 12 years die the body is not cremated or buried but it is thrown in Ganga river directly.
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Rita, Germany
Fri, Aug 26 2016@Veerappa Madikeri,here it is not the question of their Tradition but have no means to carry Body till river.If they can efford would take in ambulance or other means.Other side find it respectlos to carry the Body tied to bycycle.A Family memebr .I am very much touched by the tribal man carrying the wifes Body and Hospital had not shown reaction to his Appeal. Poor man and our great India .lot of promises from Ministers and worksout nothing when real life.May her Soul rest in peace.
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DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Mohan, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Incredible India.
DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
Charles Saldanha, Malad-Malwani
DisAgree Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse
Rakesh, Pune
Thu, Aug 25 2016Result of ruling 67 years by Corrupt Congi... and people still want to continue with this Corrupt Party..
DisAgree [46] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse
Rita, Germany
Fri, Aug 26 2016@Rakesh Pune,but now you have your BJP no ?why call for congress.cows are are happy but a poor man with his dead wife on shoulder and a crying Girl on the other side has to walkalong till his hut .
DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Rakesh, Pune
Fri, Aug 26 2016No roads, no water, no electricity not Food for Poor Why is this ? This is because 67 years ruling by Corrupt Congi... And you want BJP to remove this poverty in just 2 years ? People are running away and settling down in other countries doing petty jobs, washing washrooms, working as cooks and many more
DisAgree [4] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse
Lokesh, Mangalore
Fri, Aug 26 2016God , grant this man some wisdom. The question here is not about roads, electricity or water but about HUMANITY. Grow up Bhakth, please grow up for the sake of humanity at least if not for India.
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Heri Fernandes, Mangalore/UK
Thu, Aug 25 2016Gut wrenching feeling to see the little girl weeping(video on facebook) bitterly and not a single soul to console her!! All this trauma at this tender age? And not a single man to support that poor guy carrying the dead wife on his shoulders?? Wow India truly Shining and incredibly shining...Shame on you law should be utterly shameless and disgraced to allow this to happen under your rule..
DisAgree Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse
Amith, udupi
Thu, Aug 25 2016Mera desh badal raha hai ..only for cow .. we have ambulances now ..
DisAgree [5] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Nashville
Thu, Aug 25 2016First time in 70 years ...
DisAgree [6] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse
Praveen, Udupi
Thu, Aug 25 2016If a Cow was dead vehicle would have been arranged immediately. This is what Hindustan is.
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Rajesh, dubai
Thu, Aug 25 2016shame on Indian Politicians and Indian people who elect them to rule us.
DisAgree Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse
Acchu, Mlore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Heartless hospital staff.
They only arranged ambulance but no action against these staff
DisAgree Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse
Kusuma Kumari G , Kodydka
Thu, Aug 25 2016Horrible and terrible Feeling very sad and depressed .
DisAgree Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse
S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, Dubai
Thu, Aug 25 2016Very sad to say,
"Mera Desh Badal Raha hai..."
DisAgree Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse
Antonio DSilva, Kuwait
Thu, Aug 25 2016Mera Bharat Mahan hai!
Aur Hamara Government aur Mahan.
What else can I say about our sick government.. and us more sick Indians ....?
Imagine this man walked 10 Kms accompanied by his 12 year old daughter who must have been crying all along the way and nobody along the way cared.
DisAgree [1] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse
Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh
Thu, Aug 25 2016Brave man showing his honesty and the humanity to our corrupt society !!!
DisAgree Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse
RonRon, udupi
Thu, Aug 25 2016Welcome to rural India!!!!! where you wont find Mcdonalds, Pizzas.But you will see a lot like given in this article.
DisAgree Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Gfr, DXB
Thu, Aug 25 2016In India Cows have more dignity than humans.
Very shame & sad
DisAgree [3] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse
Clifford , Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Disgraceful story and shameful story of India. Did no one have a heart to help this poor man. Unless we leave our cow mentality and move forward, India will not improve.
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SK, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016RIP.....What a sad situation ....cruel hearts ....She is lucky to have a such devoted husband ...
DisAgree Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
PINTO, Qatar
Thu, Aug 25 2016Humanity has vanished from this world. All government schemes are a mere waste if they cannot reach the poor thanks to apathy of those who need to be bribed even to move a dead body. May God have mercy on those people
DisAgree Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Vinod, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Got tears reading this mail and I realized how much money I waste on travel and otherwise. Plight of the daughter.. Helpless father.. God...
What a sad state...
DisAgree Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse
John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt
Thu, Aug 25 2016The 'Mahaparayana' scheme is already on the papers for this specific purpose. Unfortunately it is not being implemented by the concerned merciless authorities.
DisAgree Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Roshan mangloori, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016No scarcity of people to carry alive politician like Shivraj Singh Chouhan .Only dead bodies of poor have no people to carry.Mera Bharth Mahaan.
DisAgree [2] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse
Ahmed K. C., Mangaluru
Thu, Aug 25 2016looking at the apathy of our own people tears rolling out of my eyes while writing this.
First of all, Authorities are no in reach of poor. If you get in touch with them, they will start searching for Schemes, Yojanas, Kanoons etc.,
Humanity is far far away from our great Land.
For vote sake, some say that they will allot upto 10 lakhs of rupees for poor patient's treatment.
But, all are JUMLAS.
DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse
jones, manipal
Thu, Aug 25 2016Very sad. I wrote thus in tears. We're is India heading to.
DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
sri, Karkala
Thu, Aug 25 2016Here hospital staff should be sent home. Please no mercy on them.
While discharging from hospital they were all there isn't it? Nobody stopped him from carrying so?
DisAgree Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse
John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt
Thu, Aug 25 2016Plus a day's salary of all hospital staff must be deducted and donated to Dana Majhi as compensation for negligence of their duties.
DisAgree Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Aug 25 2016This is such sad thing..there was no one in the hospital to spend few hundred rupees for this poor family in the distress and hour of grief ...the world is so cruel... no value for humanity..only money talks....
DisAgree Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse
mohan, mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016By this clearly one can understand if any poor man or dalit or low cast patient admitted to hospitals how they will be treated.
If they went to hospitals for any small problems instead of cure they will be brought back as dead .
DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
monu, perla
Thu, Aug 25 2016hope Modi will include this issue in MAN KI BATH... feel so saad..
DisAgree [1] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse
Shankar, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016You feel sad??
It seems you are more that happy for getting an opportunity to pull in Modi!!
DisAgree [42] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
Chris, Tel Aviv
Thu, Aug 25 2016this picture can melt even the heart of a beast ....very sad ....
DisAgree Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Aug 25 2016It really demonstrates Dana Majhi’s true love and dedication towards his life-partner, Amang Dei's, even after her death. It presents a good and an exemplary lesson for all of us as to how to love and treat our life partner till death.
Hope and pray that this pathetic picture of husband, who is carrying his wife’s dead body along with his daughter and plight throughout the journey, will entice the appropriate authorities in order to implement the help and assistance for the needy.
DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Aug 25 2016Our concerned authorities and politicians are busy to protect cows.
DisAgree [1] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
gm, mlur
Thu, Aug 25 2016Just imagine what kind of treatment the hospital will give to the patients.
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Christine, Mangalore /Kuwait
Thu, Aug 25 2016Dear Majhi, Now BJP is ruling very shortly Äcche Din Ayenge"wait and watch.
Very Sad aren't they also Humans forget about poor.
DisAgree [4] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse
mohan, mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016we have many Yojana's But only for Officers to make money. and poor people only to sign the papers without getting any help.
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Dr. Ben Rebello, Sunkasale
Thu, Aug 25 2016INDIA IS SHINING !!!
This picture should get the most Pathetic photo award.
If not Ambulance they could have arranged for a Bullock cart at least.
The poor man and her child,
If she died of T.B. the risk of infection to them.
I really appreciate the mans love and dedication to his wife even after her death.
If I was the district collector after learning about the incidence I would have offered my Official car with flashing light for the transport of the dead body.
DisAgree Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse
Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016'Mahaparayana' scheme is there for transporting dead bodies and the people deny transportation.
DisAgree Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse
Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India
Thu, Aug 25 2016People are watching in groups, at the road side when this poor, tribal is carrying the dead body on his shoulder. Nobody came forward to help this man and his daughter was sobbing while this man carrying his wife body for 12 kms.
Shame on onlookers, who refuse to help this man.
This is the real face of so called, Indian nationalists.
DisAgree Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Thu, Aug 25 2016Warn the concerned authorities and responsible people. He is a poor man and could afford demanded money. What a cruel people ?
This man in his act has shown all the love & respect towards his dead wife. Needs determination, humanity and will power to do so.
People are ready to take care of a Cow and when a genuine reason crops up they neglect humans and humanity. Kaisa insaaf hai?
DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse
Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Thu, Aug 25 2016We do have several schemes but they are all for namesake. No official helps the illiterate to utilize them. All are lazy, want least work but full pay !
Imagine the state of that daughter following her father carrying her dead mother ! A shrill went down my spine reading the news.
RIP Amang Dei.
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Shankar, Mangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Dana Majhi,
I salute you for believing on yourself when you couldn't find any help. Moreover, it shows your respect towards your wife. Her soul will be happy to have a husband like you.
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Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore
Thu, Aug 25 2016Really unfortunate incident indeed.Why can't our PM bring some good scheme to these places to connect well by adopting good transport system
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