Byndoor: Alleged Religious Conversion Sparks Clashes - Situation Under Control

Byndoor: Alleged Religious Conversion Sparks Clashes - Situation Under Control

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur (KD/NR)

Kundapur, Mar 3: Clashes erupted between Hindu activists, BJP leaders and the local police in Byndoor as a off-shoot of an alleged incident of religious conversion, here on Saturday March 1.

Members of  christian community,  in a prayer hall at Byndoor converted a Hindu girl to their religion, after which her  marriage was solemnized to a boy of that particular community, according to an Hindu activist's version. To oppose this move the Hindu activists gathered together near the prayer hall to show their protest. This information reached the police, who apprehending communal clashes immediately rushed  to the spot and tried to amicably settle the matter.

However, the protesters did not pay heed to any pacification from the police and without accepting a peaceful compromise on the matter, began to clash with the police. The matter took an ugly turn with the protesters turning violent and unruly. In order to control the situation police then were constrained to resort to lathi charge. In this lathi charge the BJP leader and former fisheries department president K Lashmi Narayana Sheregar was badly injured.

Moreover it is understood that due to the lathi charge nearly 25 people too have fallen victim to it and amongst those injured were seven woman who were badly injured. This action on part of the police evoked the ire of the BJP workers who protested stoutly against the police action due to which their leader was hurt. In retaliation they blocked the roads and shouted slogans against the police.

Trying to provide an explanation for the incident which took place, the Byndoor prayer hall in-charge Bobby George said "since past eleven years we have been running this Ashram and provided nearly 35 poor children with free education, food and accommodation. A worker of our Ashram named Vasu Reddy a resident of Haveery was engaged on the 10th February to a certain Thangamani's daughter Veena who is a resident of  Ganganadu. We had the wedding reception of the newly wedded couple in the Asharm. This was mistaken by the activists as being conversion rites." he tried to clarify.
Latest developments:
The unruly  situation consequent to the alleged religious conversion has now been fully brought under control. Case has been file against the BJP leader and twenty-five Hindu activists who were said to be involved in the clash with the police. 
Addressing media persons here BJP presdent Kota Shrinivas Poojary giving his side of the incident said that it was because of the sudden entry of the police, that the situation took a worst turn. Otherwise the matter could have been discussed  and settled. The matter was actually worsened by police entry into the scene.

Further he in anger said that police have filed cases against our main leaders, if that is the case then let them file case against all of us too, and if they cannot do so, then they must immediately withdraw all the complaints and cases and give the 'B' report.
On the occasion Udupi former MLA Ragupathi Bhat, BJP leaders Laxmi Narayan, Yuva Morcha secretary Sudhir K S, District  Secretary Suresh Nayar, Suprasad Shetty, Suresh Bijoor, Satish Nayka and Sumathi Mogaveera were also present.


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  • Joachim Fernandes, US

    Wed, Mar 05 2008

    Comparisons of events in the nineteenth century to today are beside the point. Democracy in India has turned every conversion into a political matter. Communities view the loss of a member as a loss of power.

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  • Marian D'Souza, Mangalore Falnir

    Wed, Mar 05 2008

    One fails to understand as to why leaders of a particular political party try to poke their ugly nose whenever some episode of the type reported here occurs. Conversion per se is a fundamental right guaranteed in the constitution "freedom to freely preach, propagate & practise ones religion".

    Only forcible conversion is illegal.Such being the law why is it that some anti social elements take the law into their own hands and pose as self appointed guardians of anti religious conversion.Why dont they allow the law keepers i.e. the police to maintain law and order.

    If they have some grievance or think that some unlawful act has been committed namely forcible conversion, who and what prevents them from filing a suitable complaint instead of spoiling the peace and harmony by they themselves resorting to unlawful acts.

    The police need to be complimented for acting swiftly and deftly in diffusing the situation. Unfortunately the so called leaders who know nothing of the law of the land unnecessarily interfere just to polarise the communities on religious lines by setting one against the other for narrow selfish electoral gains.

    Such parties should be derecognised by the Election Commission for promoting divisive agenda which is nothing but an act against the sacred tenets of our constitution and therefore can be rightly called anti national.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Wed, Mar 05 2008

    Professing any religion is a man's fundamental right.The people fish in troubled waters.Let them first remove caste discriminations in their own community.Those who fight in the name of religion are not the followers of any values but vandalism

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  • Ashraf Ali, Ujire/Jubail, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Mar 05 2008

    I doubt whether India is a secular country. Our constitution says, every citizen has his own choice regarding the religion and if anyone wants to changes his religion, he is free to do that. But some  fundamentalists are always looking for ugly reasons to start violation and this is an examples only. They have a track record of attacking minorities in India and this should be stongly condemned.

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  • Dony Lobo, Milagres, Mangalooru,Doha, Qatar

    Tue, Mar 04 2008

    The Police have done their duty and Congratulations to them...and hope they set an example to Police all over the country in maintaining Law and order and descipline. However, “Religious Conversion” is a sensitive subject not just in India but in many countries of the world.

    In India it is a fodder for empty headed politicians to seek self-publicity, and history has proved that they are indeed successful by raking up this sensitive issue. In my opinion, in these days Christianity in many parts of India especially in our district of South Kanara has acquired an image as a rich religious group, commercialized with activities like building huge building complexes and halls and charging enormous capitation fees for admission to Christian Institutions including schools and colleges like Fr.Muller’s etc. Well they may have genuine reasons to justify their activities, but to the general public it is a provocative display of the wealth power which is being despised by others …… and opposing “conversion” becomes just a handy tool to vent such disgust.

    When genuine Missionaries landed in Mangalore in the 19th centuries, and started institutions like The St.Aloysius College, St.Agnes College or Fr.Muller’s Charitable institutions or missionaries like Fr.Koti worked among the poor in Naravi and converted thousands of people., no other community showed any resentment., but rather respected those involved in missionary activities.

    In Tamilnadu at St.Thome Cathedral and especially at Vailankany thousands of non-Christians visit and pray, but no non-Christians have ever objected, and you never hear of communal riots in Tamilnadu nor in Kerala (inspite of Pota attracting thousands of non-Christians.) If “Conversions” are used or treated as provocations, then it is better to stop it all together.

    In Islam, normally if someone converts into other religions it is never tolerated. Let’s be frank as to how much we as Christians may tolerate if a known Christian friend or family convert into a Hindu or Muslim…??? Likewise if a Hindu is converted into Christianity, it is but natural for the Hindus around the person to get agitated and show their resentment..

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  • Peter, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 04 2008

    Election is just few months away, so political leaders are finding the way to come on limelight -  that's all

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  • Muhammad Afaque, Dubai

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    I congratulate the police department, they always want to create problem against minority.

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  • steevan prakash, siddakatte/qatar

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    Every indian citizen have a right to follow any religion. why those narrow minded people think that why they follow other religions? First they have to find the reason. Politicians give support to such kind of clashes to get votes. They missguide the public

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    Hats off to police personnel and their bold decision. They might have definitely decided enough is enough. It is the true fact that a Hindu will understand the Hindu better than other religion faith why these so called protests happening and what is the motto behind it.

    So also the Muslim to Muslim and Christian to Christian. One shouldnot forget majority of the police personnel are Hindus by themselves. Strong action to the protesters reaction by the lawmakers will minimise these type of scenes in the future.

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  • Fazil, Permude/Dubai

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    Its Unfortunate our political system allow such organizations to florish for vote bank. Must have law to avoid such protests to take place away from (atleast 500meter )from any Religious praying place.. anybody listening ?!

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  • Ronnie, Loretto

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    We say that we are independent and any major person has the right right to follow any religion. It is individuals right to follow today Islam, tomorrow Hindu and day after tomorrow Chritianty or any other religion Where do we have independence? At political levels? People should have independece to what they want and no one should interfere as long as the person is adult as defined

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    Where our individual reights have gone from a democratic country, which our politicians boast whenever they go abroad on a tour. When in a country individual rights are denied such country can not be called a democratic country. Only voting is not the principle of democracy. Democracy means, one should have the right to chose whatever he wants as long as it doesn't harm others. I am not talking about others sentiments here.

    Therefore, If anyone wants to marry anyone it is their individual right. Only one thing is, they should change their faith into one be it any so the children will not have to face the un-certianty one day. If ours is a democratic country then why these fanatics are still existing.

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  • Albert, mangalore

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    it is very unfortunate that our political leades behaviour is so uncivilised that they cannot listen to reason or do not investigate the incident properly and jump to conclution to suite their aim of creating trouble and hooliganism.

    They blame the christians converting hindus .but they could not prove a single case in a court of law and sill continue shout against conversion and hurt innocent public.

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  • Amit, Udupi

    Mon, Mar 03 2008

    This is not the reason for the clashes some political figures dont want any peace.  They want to be in news always and  need some reason to protest and fight with others. This is not the first time this is happening.  I think police did right thing.

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