New Delhi: Traffic Cop Rapes 12-yr-old in Moving Car, Arrested

Medha Chaturvedi/TNN

New Delhi, Apr 25: In an incident that brought back the horrid memories of the rape of a college-going girl by a drunken policeman on Mumbai's Marine Drive in 2005, a 12-year-old girl was raped inside a moving car allegedly by a Delhi police traffic constable and his friend on Thursday afternoon at Swaroop Nagar in the Outer district.

The cop, Sanjeev Kumar, 26, has been arrested; there is no trace of his friend or the car. While confirming rape, the medical report says the constable wasn't drunk at the time of the crime.

According to police sources, the girl was standing outside a temple at Nangli Poona in Swaroop Nagar, waiting for her family to join her after prayers. The accused constable came along with a friend in a Maruti 800 and pulled her inside.

The car's windows had dark films on them, sources said, adding that Sanjeev raped the girl while his friend kept driving around the area and then they swapped roles. The duo then dumped the girl outside the temple and fled.

Some passersby found her unconscious, took her to a nearby hospital and informed police. The Outer district police are tightlipped about the issue, but sources claim that the cop was posted with the Teen Murti traffic line and had been missing from duty for about 12 days without informing his superiors. The victim's family comes from a village in UP.

Police are choosing to keep mum about the incident. The officer in charge of Swaroop Nagar denied it completely and the DCP, Sagar Preet, was not available for comments. But sources confirmed that a case of rape had been registered against Sanjeev Kumar at Swaroop Nagar police station.


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    Sat, Apr 26 2008

    Here we go again, this is our Indian culture and this only happens in India. Guys wakeup this is to all the concern people get this cop and hang him or else let the people do the honor. One more thing to all the people who talk and complain about cheer leaders, just try to fix this small problem then go for the big problem like the cheerings.

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  • sana, dubai

    Sat, Apr 26 2008

    Put the cop and his friend to death and also punish those heartless cruel people who supported them by keeping mum. I ask those people, will u try to save them if they had raped your daughter, sister, wife or mother? "no" right? then why double standards, eliminate these filthy creatures from the surafce of the earth and let peace prevail.

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