Lucknow, Dec 18 (DHNS): The Karni Sena, a Rajput outfit, on Sunday threatened to convert the release date of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's movie Padmavati into a black day and called for formation of a pre-Censor Board to prevent twisting historical facts in films.
Speaking to reporters in Meerut, Karni Sena founder Lokendra Singh Kalvi said the Rajput community would not allow the release of Padmavati under any circumstances.
"We have reports that the movie may be released in February. We will not allow its screening. Its release date will be converted into a black day," Kalvi threatened.
He said that he would seek a ban on the film throughout the country. "If need be we will take our agitation to Delhi," he added.
Kalvi said the producer and director of the film should throw its reels into fire. "It would be better if the reels of the movie were thrown into jawala of jauhar (a reference to suicide by Rani Padmini and other women by jumping into the pyres to avoid being captured by the Muslim invaders)," Kalvi said.