West Bengal Assures Infosys of All Cooperation


Kolkata, Sep 12: The West Bengal government is in constant touch with Infosys Technologies on its proposed investment of Rs 500 crore after the IT major said it will review the plan following recent unrest in Singur.

"My department is in constant touch with Infosys," said Minister for Information Technology Debesh Das.

Infosys board member T V Mohandas Pai on Thursday said that the company may revisit its investment plans in West Bengal. "We will have to re-look and rethink because we are concerned about the safety of our employees," he said.

The software major has plans to invest Rs 500 crore at Kolkata campus that will create employment for 5,000 professionals. The company is yet to get possession of 90 acres of land assured by the state government.

Asked whether the state government is concerned about future plans of Wipro Technologies, Das said, "Azim Premji has already made a statement that the Singur issue has not impacted their plans."

West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on Thursday said that Infosys had shown apprehension about investing in the state following recent incidents in Singur where Trinamool Congress has been agitating against acquisition of farmland by the state government for Tata Motors' Nano car plant.

"I have asked IT Minister Debesh Das to speak to the Infosys management and assure them that the government would guarantee that no such problem would surface when Infosys starts work in Bengal," he said. 


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