Media Release
Chicago, Jun 11: District 1A held their annual new governor and trustees’ installation and cabinet awards ceremony at Skylite Banquets in Berwyn recently.
New governor-elect Howard Swacker was installed by past council chair Steve Anton. Dr Austin Prabhu, district trustee-elect for Lions of Illinois Foundation was installed by past international director Dan O’Reilly. Dr Austin Prabhu was elected as the secretary of the Lions of Illinois Foundation by trustees from 10 districts unanimously. His term will start from July 2018 to June 2020.
Lions of Illinois Foundation is the biggest financially stable foundation in the United States with close to $12 million in Endowment Funds. They have several projects for the visual and hearing impaired. Also, they have touring buses for hearing and eyesight testing which visit communities in all over Illinois. They do recycle used eyeglasses, ink cartridges, pop tops, keys and used hearing aids. Every year they collect millions of used eyeglasses and provide them to lions when they go on medical mission in under developed countries.